Dragon Ball FighterZ: Legendary Saiyans Edition

Fuck Hit.

Especially since everyone in Norway plays him. I’m gonna face like five Hit players next tournament.

So when hit does qcf+s he dashes to the other side of the screen and he is completely projectile invincible. He isnt phyisical invincible because ive been hit out of it several times. If you press m while he is dashing he goes into his qcf+m stance and while he has the aura around him he is physical and projectile invincible. The moment he presses l or m he loses atleast the physical invincibility (far as I know aura stance m is still projectile invincible). If Hit chooses though he can burn a bar with h and retain both physical and projectile invincibility while hes moving for the attack. That shit up up above is crazy essentially because Hit crosses up 3 times in that, once with the command dash, the other when the assist beam pushes him to the other side of the now physical and projectile invincible hit, and then again when sonic fox uses the m attack out of the aura stance to cross up.

And if you were to ever guess the triple crossup he can just do the assassin beams instead and start it with the overhead.

i wear a trench coat irl, no luck yet

don’t really need synergy, just make sure your 3rd has something they both can use

So a buddy of mine brought to my attention something that Sonic Fox said about this game in it’s current state. I’m paraphrasing of course, but essentially he mentioned that he’s been putting together and playing his team as point/point/point rather than point/mid/anchor on account of how much cool down time there is between assists.

I was wondering what any of the many senpais in this thread had to say about this school of thought? Does that seem like a sound theory?

Three points where at least two of them are good assists as well? Sounds about right.

If you have the option of playing a character that’s both good alone and with assists, why wouldn’t you? It’s not like having huge meter-burning anchor potential is a huge deal in this game.

Honestly I’m surprised it’s not anchor/anchor/anchor since a lot of the anchor characters seem to have the best everything all around.

Might be wrong in this way of thinking, but when you are making a team, you pretty much go through a list of strength & weakness for each character deciding on who fits Point, Mid, & finally Anchor.

From looking at my own team & some characters I play against or watch videos of I would say it was Arcsys goal to make sure most characters could compete on there own without relying too much on assist or other factors…

It’s a nice theory, but in practice it doesn’t really differentiate that much from the standard team composition.

Like a “real” point point point… is traditionally going to be 3 characters with terrible assists… the terrible assists generally makes them point.

The way it tends to go for other games:


Doesn’t have the greatest ways to spend meter.
Can use assists well or needs assists.
Can build meter well.
Doesn’t have a great assist.


Has an assist the point can use, but not necessarily the strongest assist on the team. These are assists like over heads or lows or some other utility assist that is specialized.
Can use meter well or needs meter.
Can use anchor characters assist well.


Best assist or most all around assist on the team in general.
Good mixup and neutral potential on its own without assists.
Good ways to dump meter for huge damage.

Now, dbfz is a different game so some of that won’t apply to it. Assists aren’t QUITE as important because their cooldown is big.
Every character has decent uses for meter, though I think in this case the real difference is whether or not a character can spend meter in the air or not, plus have a level 3 in the air and also whether they have really good uses for ex moves.
Meter builds very quickly so it’s less important to have a “battery” character build meter for you at this time… but the meta is still early. People don’t yet know what to spend meter on optimally outside the obvious meter dump to kill a character. It may come about that “batteries” are still needed because they need to spend their own meter AS WELL AS build meter for the next character. Probably the quintessential mid character strategy I’ve seen for now is 2 fold:

Aliounes Majin Buu uses 2 meters to ex move into vanish, into an assist call into donut, then runs a reset off the donut. Majin Buu is much stronger in that position because he is more likely to have the meter to use this strategy multiple times. He also doesn’t have the worlds greatest assist which makes him more of a point or second character.

The other mid strategy I’ve seen is ginyu second. Ginyu is a character that at this point in time, needs to setup his offense and oki, but is decently strong once he does. So putting him second and then combining into him into a knockdown allows him to setup an offense on oki without having to go through his weaker (at this time) neutral. Not only that but he also has various setplays here since he will always be calling guldo and recoome on his first two helper calls. Think of doctor strange on umvc3 where he was mostly used for the assist, the big combo, and the setup off the otg.

Point point point tends to stronger in earlier games before teams are fleshed out. This game is very homogenous in many ways but in many ways it isn’t. This makes it hard to put together GREAT teams especially when you are mostly looking at things that other characters have so most teams look good. As the meta shifts and better and better teams are built, we will probably start to see where actual team strategies start to become more and more important to success.

Point/point/point is only good if those points have good assists. Black/Vegeta/Kid Buu top tier team.

Okay, I finally found out the reason why I had so many issues playing against people in this game.
To put it simply, on Steam at least the entire online play is region locked.
This means that if you’re not in the same download region as the other people you won’t be able to 1. play ring matches against them 2. play or observe arena matches with them 3. find matches in casual or ranked against them.
I don’t even know where to start to tell how fucking dumb this is. First of all, anyone can join any lobby and there’s no flag telling where they’re from, so you will never be able to tell if you can play against the people that are with you. Second, there are people like me who use download servers from other regions because they’re way faster than the ones in my region. Now I’m forced to switch back to the local download servers every time I want to find any match. When I do, suddenly match requests start to rain.

I can’t believe how poorly designed is everything that isn’t pure gameplay in this game.

Yeah that’s dumb. I hate the lobby menu I’d prefer a proper menu but it appeals to casuals I guess.

I’m glad people are realizing it’s not point assist anchor with this game. With long assist cooldowns, a reset match on character death, 5k average combos, no burst, j2H -> switch in tech for oki chrs that have worse neutral, it’s mostly about point v point play.

On that note, I made this yesterday, the only tier list that will also give you a seizure:



I’m new to team based fighters and don’t want to waste my time on a team with trash composition but I have no idea who works together well or not. Do Cell and Trunks have any compatibility? They’re the two characters I’ve taken to the easiest so far, but I mostly still play like my characters are in a vacuum and don’t utilize assists well so it’s hard for me to judge.

Teleports behind you.
Nothing personell kid.”

Fair character.

Fucc android 21, she deserves to get rekt. Lmao at cell frowning at her during his intro.

Oh yeah this games fun. Higher Yamcha Crew Reprazent

Yeah, Nick Cocks, I bet you play real fair characters like Roga fufuken, Hit with the stance, and Lel the perfect android.

I will beat you up.

21 players thinking. That’s a funny one.