Dragon Ball FighterZ: Legendary Saiyans Edition

You know what im talking about, the followup to the STRING, If the first attack whiffs the 2nd and 3rd normal of that string still comes out regardless.

It would be like mashing out a TC in SFV and all the followup attacks would come out even if the 1st attack whiffed.

It would be like…MK, Injustice and Tekken.

Krillin is definitely a point character. He can zone so well with the right assists behind him.

I don’t think Krillin’s assist is worth not putting him in point. It’s not oppressive everywhere on screen like Vegeta or do something as solid as Gohan’s for keeping people off.

I agree. There are certain points during sparking blast where if you combo into super it’s as if the combo is doing no damage. It makes it so even if you land something the opponent is nearly invincible to parts of your damage. It’s really funky seeing people unload whole combos on people and then the blue health is recovering faster than the combo is doing damage.

I always wonder why people spend meter on people that have sparking blast. Should be saving that meter til it’s gone or you can kill

Ginyu still being slept on. Fine with me! The less people know how dumb he can be with assists, the better.

Currently running a Ginyu/21/ssj vegeta team and it’s ok. Wish 21 had a better standing and jumping L.

Ginyu is loads of fun.

Body swap an enemy Vegeta, do qcf.S, call in vegeta assist to combo, jump up and combo with another air qcf.S.

Feels exhilarating

I’ll explain it once again: all 3 hits of the target combo are different normals with different properties. For instance, Yamcha’s 5LL counts as a medium (and I believe the same works for all characters), so if you start a combo with that button you will do significantly more damage than if you connected with 5L first. Goku’s 5LLL is an overhead, Beerus’s 5LLL crosses up, Trunks’s 5LLL makes you switch sides… all things that make those normals worth using even when the first two hits whiffed.
So there can be situations where you want the first hit(s) of the autocombo whiff so you can use the good properties of the following ones.

Playing this game with an arcade stick proved to be harder than anticipated. Even though I play KOF with a arcade stick since a very long time ago. With a 6 button sick, my layout is this


I tried to play with a MVC3 layout, but the position of the launcher disturbs me, so I went for a KOF style layout.

I think this game was designed with a regular controller in mind.

Has anyone seen SSG Goku’s command grab being useful at all? Any match footage, tech video or theorycraft is appreciated. That thing takes 10 seconds to come out, has shit range and doesn’t lead to much, not comparable to other command grabs at all.

Am I missing something about it’s properties? Because that move look cool as fuck. Both blue saiyans are cool as fuck, but not that great it seems.

Oh and his jS is bonkers. Best in the game.

Heya SRK, first time in a long time; posting from work and have a couple questions:

How does one reset the Max Combo Damage counter in Training Mode?

Does air.2H have the upperbody invincibility to beat Super Dash?

Air 2h does not straight up beat super dashes, but they tend to have a good hitbox/hurtboxes. They have slow start up though

expect of vegeta when i remember it correctly. dialup mentioned something about his one being “special”. :pensive:

I had some success with it last night. I only feel comfortable using it when I know the person isn’t going to be pressing anything, though, which is rare. Probably going to play around with it more.

another one for the scrub quote collection


It’s so confusing!

Actually a KoF layout is just as complicated, a traditional KoF layout has always been:


XII and XIII I imagine would have been different. The easiest layout is probably a GG layout:


It makes throw the same as SF and Super Dash is just H+S. But I find it weird having Ki Blast in the top corner, it feels more natural on X, so the layout I use is:


Sure Super Dash is a stretch but I’m just dealing with it. This game was clearly intended for pad, it’s an 8 button game, even the instructions label R1 and R2 as the primary buttons for certain functions. Weird.

Like for real though, what does it have over standard throw? It does less damage, needs meter to convert midscreen and is slower. Sure they can tech, but from my experience you only tech throws if you’re anticipating them which is the same as doing a neutral jump vs the command grab. You can’t tech out on reaction only when the green blob pops up;

I personally use a ghetto marvel 2 layout
Throwing is like SF, Super dash is like focus attack, vanish is really accessible

@flicky same Layout as you.I’ve tried different one and it is the most confortable to me. But some button combination feels weird. H+S is ok but when you have to push L+A1 or L+A2 cause this is the perfect timing to call your assist, it is a pain sometimes. Feels like doing chord on a piano lol.

Damn until today I had never experienced server issues. Now I get DC’d every 5 min.

Switched to this from Beta
