What’s the max # of reps possible on midscreen FoF-Loops? Optimal set-up?
Thanks in advanced.
What’s the max # of reps possible on midscreen FoF-Loops? Optimal set-up?
Thanks in advanced.
I am attempting to main Strange along FB, and I have to say that I am having a hard time adjusting to the teleports from Strange more than FB’s insane mobility options. Any tips on how I can apply his teleports, since they seem to put me into a position where I get picked up every time.
Not sure of the exact number of reps but they are more or less the same as the corner version if done separately (by that, I mean one SJ Palm xx Flame, Palm per launcher). Best way is through the Alzarath starter if you’re grounded, otherwise j.M air-to-air conversions into one rep of the Palm loop will work quite nicely. I use …j.M, j.M, j.H ~ Impact Palm, land, st.H ~ Palm xx Flame, dash forward Palm, launcher into midscreen FoF loop.
Don’t teleport unless you have an assist or projectile on screen that will prevent your opponent from going straight for Strange post-'port. His teleports put him dangerously close to the opponent so unless you have a reason like going for a mixup or running away, best bet is to just not raw tele as much. It’s a hard lesson to learn when you first play Dr. Unsafe
I have posted this on the general Strange thread but had to look for some more elaborate tips. I hope someone could help me here, especially on the second part where I need info on starting zoning pressure and getting opponents mentioned off.
Okay, I used eoa and bolts assists for a while; now I’ve decided to switch to daggers assist. It’s kind of annoying how slow the startup is, but it helps morrigan a lot. It’s almost like an extremely nerfed hidden missiles. I just can’t find any use for it with Dante.
does anyone here run dante and/or morrigan with dr. strange?
gimlet, xf, gimlet, sov = 1,000,000+
also l.mystic sword spam keeps people off you and is a safe way to end block strings. just be liberal with his meter too, make them afraid to press buttons
why not use Morrigan (DH), Dante (JS), Strange (EoA)? Jam session can cover the sky if you want to astral vision spam. EoA allows you to use qcf+s **at least **3 times in one combo (as seen in youtube.com/watch?v=JNN1aCcQ4WY ). This enables you to gain/steal 1 meter+ everytime you touch them. That combo is not so hard either, I got it down in a matter of hours.
as for dante & strange, i don’t think it’s a strong pairing, but I like strange/dante better than dante/strange. Jam session can be used with teleports and a hit = palm loops, but strange into dante DHC is pretty bad. as for dante with strange, i’m sure you can do blockstring into teleport + strange assist. the thing is, strange’s assists aren’t too good for dante. Dante’s needs a beam that will hit standing & ducking. BoB doesn’t hit ducking and EoA/DoD are so slow for teleport mixups (they also lack consistency and range)
my first assist for strange was EoA. i would just randomly throw it out against characters who fly all over the screen, like spiderman, X23, etc.
it racks up HSD and damage scales really bad. also, jam session pretty much does the same thing, but covers super jump height as well.
i’ve seen that EoA meter theft combo; it scares me because i tried it when i first got this game and could not do it to save my life. i also don’t think it’s online friendly. maybe i’ll give it another try later, but i’m loving DoD assist so far!
the way i figure it is dante can put a beam assist to good use, but he doesn’t depend on them. i like calling morrigan’s meter assist whenever i can with dante and then save the DoD for morrigan. DoD also acts as one of those ‘fail safe’ things you were talking about earlier. all i know is DoD is awesome for morrigan astral spamming.
please share because i’ve found that bolts ruins the HSD for dante’s midscreen BnB, and people dodge/jump/crouch avoid it without even trying. bolts + devil trigger thunderbold is good, though.
Teleport + Bolts is gdlk.
Air dash + Bolts is gdlk.
Command grab + Bolts is gdlk.
Bolts is gdlk.
bolts + teleport is godlike, but the bolts ruin the HSD for dante’s midscreen BnB, they push the opponent away on block, so dante’s teleport won’t crossup, but that means he can start his combo with a low, and dante has no command grab.
morrigan has a command grab, but i was never able to get the opponent to block bolts in a way where i could just walk up to them and grab. she doesn’t get much off of her command grab, anyways.
What is this midscreen BnB to which you are referring to?
Give me the inputs, I’d like to test it out right now. Keep in mind that bolts only hit’s twice as well.
i was never able to do this combo after bolts hit.
bolts assist, teleport, air :h:, :l:, , :h:, stinger, bold cancel, volcano, forward jump, air
, air :h:, killer bee, :h:, :s:, :h: (gunshots), pop shredder. > they fall out right there. you can even omit the air :h: after the teleport, the st. :h: after killer bee, and the :l:
:h: in the beginning, it still doesn’t work.
EDIT: i saw someone go for an air grab after the pop shredder, but people mash for some reason.
It’s working perfectly fine for me.
Remove the st.H after the killer bee for easier timing as well.
If you want me to take a video, I may be able to do so.
yeah, if it’s no trouble, i’d like to see how it’s working for you. even still, i feel like my whole team moved up a tier because of DoD assist lol
Alright, I took the video, made a new youtube channel, rendered, etc. Sorry for the shitty quality and the shaky camera, recording vita footage is extremely hard and I only had 10 seconds.
After the S into prop shredder you can do a prop shredder teleport cancel to make things a tad easier timing wise, I sadly didn’t have enough time to do one or I would have.
Also, removing the st.H before the S can make things a tad easier timing wise.
Enjoy, and if you need anything else recorded feel free to ask:
aw i didn’t know you had no youtube channel. you didn’t have to do all that.
ohh you did it on the vita? maybe it’s different on the console version.
Eh, no worries. I’m pretty sure it’s the same on both, if anything the Vita would be worse since some characters seem to have added HSD on certain moves (Strange included :()
just for giggles, i’ll record myself doing the combo later and post it here.