DotA 2

So the tower attacks the closest enemy, or the closest enemy that is attacking the tower?

It attacks the closest target first then prioritizes the closest target attacking the tower or attacking a hero.


Anyone know any little tricks to getting your survey answers more attention from beta key…givers? I’ve had my hat in the ring since you could sign up for the beta but no dice.

Ursa is a such a shitty hero if you do blink -> bkb because he is a decent hero when bkb is up to 10/9/8 seconds and becomes shit tier again when he reaches 5 seconds.

I’ve started doing phase / vit booster / bfury -> every item in the game. Bfury + overpower makes you a quick farmer. You can play like chinese dusa (they save up for multiple rapiers before the final push of the game) where you farm up huge then buy bkb at like min 45. My friend did this and stomped that tryhard bitch Sayuri and we just kept pausing on her and asking “you ok?”

Ursa has ridicukrunkulous damage output but no way to get it. He’s pretty much only good for early Roshans

You are a MASSIVE faggot for doing this. I hope you get a suspension from the beta.

I don’t like Ursa at all, really. Unless you do really well with him early on, he is relatively worthless. Once his attack speed buff falls off, he is pretty harmless and does awful DPS.

Why play Ursa when you could just play a better carry like AM? lol.

I still call it this as well. “Shadow Blade”. pfft

I need to play more AR or SD. Getting tired of people picking the same stupid heroes in AP that are just right click heroes, namely Sniper.

Pause spam is the only thing that truly annoys me about this game. Especially when people pause with no explanation.

Anyone got any starter tips for this game? I got in the beta back in Febuary but never actually played it lol. Now that I’m bored enough I want to jump in. Kinda confused about the various aspects of the game (but not the overall objective obviously)

Brewmaster is up on Test Server!

I’m puzzled by the fact that Valve used the word “Pandaren” in his ult description.

How can they do that without getting their assholes torn out by Blizzard’s lawyers?

Because AM has to lane which is a) dangerous and b) difficult, while Ursa can be played by a Bot, just A-clicking from camp to camp and nobody ever harasses, let alone ganks him in the woods in standard pubs.

You’ve obviously never played with Sayuri.
And, get a sense of humor, kid.

It’s not … really … funny to keep pausing and flaming. Like, … … … not really.

No there is no reason to play Ursa ever if you’re gonna talk about strengths and weaknesses. If you want to play Dota that way then every game you will have tryhard teams from the following hero pool:

AM / Lycan / Sylla / SD/ Invoker / TS / Veno / ES / Brood / WR / DS / Tide / Furion / Chen / Rhasta with the occasional
Enchantress / VS / Sand King

If I had to play against the same heroes every game, I would quit. That’s more of a chore than a hobby.

Get a sense of decency. I don’t care how annoying, stuck up, obnoxious, whatever this Sayuri person is.

Pausing to insult somebody is extremely immature and really infuriating for everybody in the game, and a giant selfish waste of time, “kid”. Grow the fuck up. People like you ruin games.

On topic, I wish I had good enough micro to play Brewmaster. The extent of my skill with him was to use his ult and send one of them running back to base so I’d never die, and then fight normally with the other two. It wasn’t very effective.

Lol what the fuck you’re soft as table butter. Despite what the Dota 2 reddit movement would have people believe (by the way, reddit users are generally ragers / bad at the game), trolling makes boring skilless pub games actually interesting. If you didn’t know by now, Dota that isn’t 5v5 premade is for shits and giggles and not to actually take seriously. Scrims / clan wars show why the game is amazing. Public play? Shits n giggles. You can not convince someone who has played 5v5 comp dota to take a pub seriously.

And with panda you sic the fire panda on whoever use electric panda’s eul on a support and lock down a carry with earth panda. Hero is bound to 1, electric panda to 2, Earth to 3, fire to 4.
5 is for necro archer and you don’t need a 6 for the melee necro summon.

You can drop a lane ward behind a tier 1 tower and snipe couriers with fire panda easily at level 6. And after you kill their courier you pause and type “your courier ok bro?”

Trolls are all degenerates. Why would you go on a game and senselessly act like an ass?

Dota community… SIGH…

Every competitive gaming community over 50 people has its share of trolls. You just gotta roll with it.


I lol’d.

I troll when other people start raging for no reason… or if they are canadian.

Alright, the person who had claimed my second beta key decided to lose all interest in actually logging into Steam to take it, and I’ve revoked it.

So I’ve got an invite that’s free to a good home. If you like and play(ed) Dota and really want into the beta, PM me your steam ID. Nothing hurts me more than sending out a pass to somebody who never uses it.