DotA 2

sorry if i wasnt clear before but I was talking about the current state of the games. especially since really im just playing dota2.

League wasnt as bad before but the euros discovered this new meta and its been GG since then. Oh and god forbid the day Riot admit fault to anything or something is broken, it makes them look like dumbasses so they (Moronello) just says something is “anti-fun” and remove it. Its little shit they need to change too that takes them MONTHS. (ie., adding 2 bans which at this point they already need 2-4 more). Some of the shit they come up with boggles my mind too.

League is a fun game sure ill give it that. It has potential to be a great game IMO but the problem is they have investors to keep happy and a fuck ton of employees to pay for. Riot cant devote the employees needed to sit around for a month and redesign/balance champions and maps which is what they need to do because instead they have to pump out new content to keep the cash flow. I think eventually a good balance will be achieved though, just will take a while. At this rate of adding a new champ every two weeks, at what char count are they going to say “fuck we have 150+ champs and only 25 are viable, lets rebalance” a la the mvc2 effect. They almost cant right?

FYI, all of the above is talking about LoL as a game itself and not in comparison to any other game of its type.

Also like i said before, DotA isnt perfect either and its kind of like cheating that they basically get to redesign the whole game on a new platform so it better be flawless when it comes out. But lets be real here… DotA Beta servers are as stable as, if not more than, Riot servers (granted they are Valve technically) and DotA even has 2 public realms already, a test and beta. Riot is also playing catchup to a Beta that has spectating and replays already!

gaming is a matter of what you prefer in a game.

anyone know when they plan on running the beta for mac?

I signed up for the beta forever ago and still havent gotten an invite and its pissing me off.

What Euro LoL meta are you talking about? I don’t play LoL, but I’m interested what you mean by “it’s been GG since”.

range ad + 0 cs support… and no matter how much theyve nerfed AD and support it is still the best thing out… until they bring back stealth i dont see it changing.

I believe euro’s were the first to do the ‘bruiser top, AP mid and support/ad bot with jungler’ and that’s been the only viable meta in the game since then really.

+1. The slight delay in Dota combined with the old WC3 setup style really irks me while playing.

League has definitely improved on things in terms of MOBA games (at least in my opinion, and I don’t mean that in terms of things like removing denying), but like Hawk said, their mentality feels more focused on pumping out a hero to make cash than improving the game or balancing it at this point. Making money is fine, but it shouldn’t feel like it takes priority. Take care of the game and the players will take care of you. They’ve also made a lot of promises over the years that they never kept.

rofl thats very true, fucking euros… other stuff works but its only really in pubs, and good luck playing a pub without that setup because everyone will just rage.

as far as delay, are you guys talking about the attack speed or just like overall movement? the only time i checked ping i had 100ms which isnt too bad.

Euros also are the ones that just wrecked that recent tourney I think it was Moscow 5 with leona/j4 bot with ap top and ad carry mid so its starting to change it takes a while with almost every game.

Moreso talking about responsiveness, one thing league took out was the turning animation that heroes have in dota, so when you click to go in the opposite direction the hero just skips that that frame and faces that direction instead of the hero actually turning to move. Not really ping but just how responsive and tight controls feel with league rather than dota, if your still not sure what I’m talking about, play a game of dota and then a game of league and you should be able to understand what I mean.

Dota 2 stuck with the exact “feel” from WC3, which I think was a mistake. It just feels sluggish.

League does suck in the way that they have no replays and spectator mode took forever to get into place, and it’s only 2 people still? Dota 2 lets a ton of people spectate games (up to 64 I think?) and they can join to spectate at any time.

Finally started playing, went 14-1 with Huskar on my first game lol…
This game feels right at home, just gotta get used to hotkeys and how to use the shop panels etc etc.

AH! I got into the beta! and now I can’t sign into steam…? =[

yeah shop gets easier as you play more. and i changed my hotkeys to match that of LoL. 1,2,3 ect. for items, p to open shop, space bar for char. and other shit.

had a 12-1 game as riki earlier also. first game i actually carried. been wanting to try out huskar. he seems pretty nice. in lol terms he looks like a ranged tanky dps char that fucks everybody up once he gets going. which is pretty gdlk.

ninja edit: as far as the whole take forever to turnaround shit, yeah i do like lol in that aspect. feels a lot more smooth.

I didn’t even take mid


Finally un-rusty enough to carry again. Feels great.

I’m 8-2 with my games as jugg so far. So fun and just overall my favorite champ.

Someone tried to tell me scepter wasn’t good but I highly beg to differ, lower cd on ult, more jumps, more damage for cutting and more hp for survivability? Way too good if you ask me. His ult is like 12 jumps or so with scepter, I can get battlefury after for even more damage.

And I’m pretty much invincible when jumping so that’s even more survivability.

I dunno man, scepter not good? My scores would beg to differ.


And jugg saying ‘fancy meeting you here’ as I ult’d AA in the jungle was icing on the cake.

derp… i had troubles seeing what items people had so i tried scrolling over them to see them…

i do that when i watch youtube vids also. try to click on map to highlight there and i just get a pause. thats when you know you play too much.

No worries man, I’ll watch replays and try to move the camera by moving my mouse to the side of the screen lol.

Radiant team item choices… mind boggles me.

Yes it isn’t. Too much cost for too little use.

Anyone know how good the ban system is on here? Trolls are annoying, be great if you could report and action be taken immediately.