The overall level in dota 2 is definitely better than dota 1/lol/hon. Most players actually do their part, whether it’s carry or supporting by buying wards/courier. Having the recommended items is really helpful cause it probably convinces the supports to get the ward as part of their core build.
As for players being nicer… I don’t know about that. So many trolls up till the recent patch, probably stopped cause now the game reminds everyone to report players at the start of the game.
I think picking one hero and learning how to play the game while learning that hero is a good way to start DotA or MOBA style games. It’s probably best that you play a support hero first rather than a carry or an initiator/tank, as they are probably the easiest to get into and are the most forgiving to play since they are not item dependent. Just remember to branch out to play other heroes once you’re comfortable with one. Improving in DotA mostly comes from experience.
Also, if you’re going to play a carry, you need to know when to push with your team and when to farm. For example, if your team wins a big team fight (say four of you are alive with decent amounts of health and the opposing team only has two people left alive), it’s better to push than to go back into your lanes/jungle and farm. There are a lot of players that play carries that tend to go back to farm when pushing will benefit the team much more. Don’t be one of those guys.
Looking up general how-to-play guides and hero guides on will help you as well. Just make sure to read the high rated guides (7.00 or higher) and not the poorly written, low rated guides.
Piggybacked on a friends steam id to finally get a chance to experience it first hand and I like it a lot. My first game of this type was HoN so I am reading up on the dota heroes that I am not familiar with. Love the gameplay. No input delay as was rumored by hon fanboys. And the game speed is different from hon but I enjoy it all the same. Can’t wait til I finally get a key. Waiting is tough.
@mechzz they buy them or get them from nice people.
Carry is the least rewarding role to play, IMO. It’s just kind of boring that most of the game your job is to just farm farm farm and then come kill people in team fights. And then if you can’t push, you go back to farming.
Carries that can help gank are more fun to play as. Some examples would be Morphling, Naix (although all he has is a slow), and Viper. There are more, but those are some that just come off the top of my head. Morphling is really good at assisting ganks though due to Waveform doing a lot of damage, is a line AOE nuke, and has a relatively short cooldown.
Anybody care to share their thoughts on LoL? DoTA was one of my favorite games ever, specifically because it was free and team based and it has been years since I have played it so I am really looking forward to dota 2.
I feel that I never gave LoL a chance though. I played it a couple times, and it just looked and felt wrong and frankly the animation is unimpressive to me. It is a huge sensation though, so, is it better than dota 2, or should I wait for dota 2. I dont know.
-For one, every player gets two summoner spells they can choose from, independent of their hero, one that’s a blink, one that hastes, one that breaks certain CC, one that does damage, etc., so sometimes in LoL you just gank to burn someone’s summoner spell, which are on a ~3-8min cooldown depending on the spell.
-CSing is ALOT easier in LoL i feel, and there is no straight up denying. you can poke to punish CS, but you can’t attack your own creeps, nor can you deny towers.
-the item choices are pretty similar to Dota, but kinda dumbed down. no blink dagger, no eul’s or anything else that provides extra CC (except a slow on attack item and a slow on spell damage item). no smoke of deceit, no TPs (because there’s a button that allows you to go back to town after 8 secs if you take no damage during the cast) and no courier (same reason as TPs) there’s an item like Linken that absorbs one spell every 40 sec or so as well.
-map in Dota 2 = twice the size as the most popular map in LoL, but the same general layout
about to fall the fk asleep so that’s gonna just about wrap it up, feel free to check the LoL thread out…but basically it’s Dota-LITE. Ganks are a bit harder and a bit less impactful, and the game feels baby mode in comparison, but I still play it…because I don’t know no better. also, free shit is cool by me.
LoL has a large emphasis on being “fun”. That’s the only thing it has going for it. If you want to fuck around on what has about as much depth as a Facebook game, League is the game for you.
However, the balance is poor, the rebalance decisions are awful, the progress on any sort of basic features is nonexistent (spectator mode is only in “beta” and replays have not been seen at all in the 2-3 years this game has been around), any work on anything besides pumping out a 10$ champion every 2 weeks is a snail’s pace, most of them being very bland, underwhelming and stale.
I’ve wasted a lot of time on their game, and I don’t think it’s worth playing except to fuck around with friends.
QFT. there are 10 year+ old RTS games that are more fun than the current state of league. It has 0 depth as a game because a single “meta” has taken it over. Like ive said from day1 playing that game, bushes are the biggest flaw in that game.
Dota has years of tuning… its not a perfect game but its a case of having so much overpowered shit that it just works. Its a game where even at top tier play you see different styles and strats, there isnt one specific way that dominates the game. Thats why I like it, you dont see the same shit everygame.
They are both different and they both do things really well. People saying its not competitive is just bull shit and salt. It does have some glaring balance problems here and there however. It limits the randomness that dota has which is great and the games are in general a lot quicker then dota. You have to try it out for yourself however since both games do a lot of great things. Dota has amazing character depth and different items paths you can take. Dota’s meta has been stale more then once though either slogan and hawk just don’t know or chose not to say that is why they had to introduce Smoke of deceit because the meta was so stale with SF ect.
I personally prefer how tight and responsive league feels compared to dota. If you could take the League controls with dota gameplay/mechanics, I would be in love.