Fantastic idea for the honda thread, well done. I’m glad it’s happened here, i tried suggesting it in the Dictator thread a while back after it came up here, but it didn’t fly.
It should be the way to go in future for character specific threads. If there’s enough people willing to contribute writeups and info, and time to put it all together, then close the old thread down and link to it in post#1 of the new one.
One suggestion, i’m not sure if it’s practical or not, as it may be too late, but it would be great to title each of the first few posts, and keep them specific to certain subjects for the character. For example Post #1 could be general info, matchup ratings, etc, #2 could be matchup strategies, #3 videos, #4spoilers, #5 all his combos, etc, etc. It’s already great that the threads are more organised like you’ve done here, but as they grow inevitably bigger it would be excellent to be able to jump to the specific post dealing with “combos” or “what’s the best way to deal with guile” or whatever and find the basic info needed quickly, especially for less experienced players.
You’ve turned the honda thread into a much more useable resource. Really, Really Well Done :tup:
Thelo - I’m pretty sure that the combo would be something like: Cross-up short, crouch strong, crouch forward XX Roundhouse Cannon Drill (from FreshOJ’s FAQ).
Thanks very much for the kind words, everyone! I edited in Megaman and Thelo’s posts, if anyone else wants to contribute let me know!
Also, first post now contains Honda’s combos (from FreshOJ’s FAQ) and crossups, let me know if I’m missing any!
I’ve never crossed up with j. short, time to practice that. I could see it dizzying much faster. Any idea on who he is? Does he have a gamertag? What was your final record against him?
He’s ManaBoy, no idea if he plays online though. Also plays Cammy in SF4. Final record looked something like 50-15, but there was a lot of 2-1 games - I did better as the evening went on and I learned his style.
Wait, j. short is what I call “light kick,” right? The ‘A’ button 360? If yes, I use it all the time (my bad). Thelo - you won 50/65 games against him? Damn, Honda still rapes Cammy but that’s pretty good regardless!
LOL, I thought that too! Although, I find myself having to keep an EA Megaman table close by for easy referencing.
BTW, Thor good thread! Hopefully players that main other characters will follow suit. Like someone said, all they need to do is find someone who’s willing to start the new thread and will take ownership of continuing to modify the first few posts of all the compiled strategies.
That would be CORRECT! That’s her most powerful and consistent ToD combo. I dare somebody to get good with crossing up Honda with j.:hp:, though. If you can get it to work well on anybody, it’d be on Honda.
Oh…sorry Honda players. Y’all still have that 100% combo with the Ochio Throw anyway.
First post updated with the first of Honda’s Dirty Tricks, as well as a Honda Thread Wishlist. If anyone wishes to contribute to this thread, the Honda wishlist is the first place to look! Also, if you have any suggestions, feel free to post them.
I would mix up all your ticks - depending on scenario and opponent.
cr.LK -> Ochio – good off jump in or cross up
st.LK -> Ochio – good off cross up, but you cant chain it
cl.LP -> Ochio – good off cross up, or close meaty (like after a hug cross under)
cl.LP, cl.LP -> Ochio – great for crossing up - especially against anyone with a good command reversal
cl.MP -> Ochio – great to throw off the op’s timings after you’ve done the others.
Personally I’d stay away from cr.LP, lots of people use that one, and you cant chain it. So if you do that your committed to throw or baiting a reversal. It leaves the opponent with a good option when they see it – counter throw. The other options keep them guessing.
Thanks EA but how about in a meaty situation. Let’s say your opponent doesn’t attempt reversal and you simply walk up. I had this done to me recently, standing lk to ochio… I was like wtf lol never seen that before. I’m guess I’m asking which is safer, st. lp or st. lk to ochio.
They are both just as punishable. The cl.LK was probably done for the same reason you just mentioned in your reply. To surprise you. That’s precisely why I suggested you stay away from cr.LP.
Vestax, Los was commenting on how good your Honda looks. Be proud.
Honda players, what are the properties on the “storableness” of ochio. Like, what negates a stored ochio? I swear I’ve gotten stored ochios to come out even after switching to a different character.
LOL… Los’s Ken gave me a fucking hard time no doubt.
For your Honda question, I have no idea but I’ve gotten so used to not downback charge, I always finding myself to automatically do half circle back charge… even with non-honda characters. All my stored ochios are always intended, so I rarely get an accidental one.