Super Turbo wasn’t out in 1993. Stop.
Reasons why Jamerio is an idiot:
He fails to back up his stance (don’t be “cheap”) with anything even remotely resembling credible evidence or reason (see also: Merkicus, Evo, orochizoolander, countless others).
He is attempting to attach a rigid definition to “honor” as it applies to competitive games, even though the very concept of honor is, itself, subjective. Not that I like to tout subjectivity on the internet too much, as there are quite a few people who use the word “opinion” as a shield against scrutiny, but in this case it’s quite valid.
He fails to understand that if a player is not using everything at his disposal to win within the rules of the game (and any additional rules used by tourneys, where applicable), that’s perfectly fine, BUT that player has no argument against a player that DOES use everything at his disposal to win within the rules of the game.
If this was GameFAQs, Jamerio might well be an internet hero, on account that GameFAQs forum posters are mostly imbeciles. Unfortunately for him, SRK is not nearly so stupid.
In closing, if Dr. B were here, and not busy preparing his awesome websites to singlehandedly repel the oncoming Sylon invasion through raw HTML awesomeness alone, he’d agree that 10 Jamerios out of 10 are douches with no clue what they’re talking about and no cognitive reasoning to recognize that they’re losing an argument. Dr. B would use the following statement, and be correct:
XP era viruses : Windows 98 :: Reason : Jamerio
In WW, CE and HF, his wall dive would only know down as a throw. It was in Super that they drastically changed the move’s properties. Anyway, if it really was X Mania, then it was one of those unfortunate events when they used HSF2 instead of good old Japanese ST, or, at least, HSF2 with any character that’s not Super or ST banned.
Oh, yes it means.
The beta was.
Danm, Jamerio.
What did u do…?
let’s talk about honour in ST:
agreeing to a money match and then not paying it = dishonorable
making excuses having lost = dishonorable
physical violence over a game = dishonorable
emotional violence over a game = dishonorable
I think Jamerio realizes the can of worms he opened, since he’s stopped posting in this thread altogether. Might as well let it die, there’s no more argument to be made, really.
yeah, but he’s going on about it on ggpo as we speak
well considering he just played his “2 hour claw” against ganelon’s Dj (whom he doesn’t play) and ganelon absolutely crushed wall dive attempts, i’d say the arguement is nice and done, jammy has made a full circle fool of himself.
Simply put guys, claw may be one of the easier characters to play, but it’s still ST, and nothing in this game is free.
Aww man, I missed it. I would have loved to see that.
I don’t care about being better than you. I care about the gold stars in the red boxes by my life bar - and denying you those same stars.
Jamerio, quit your whining.
What makes SSF2T such a great game is there is no built in advantages and top tier doesn’t mean anything because…
Its about you.
Its about your skills and the skill to take advantages of the properties of that character.
Is Sagat strong? Yes…but he is not unbeatable. Kuni’s Zangief proved that in 04 against Valle’s O.Sagat.
The point is its very easy to scream and bitch and moan broken these days. I’ll admit some games are (cough MVC2 cough) a little unbalanced but what has kept Super Turbo around so long and what makes guys like Choi, Valle, Daigo, the Wolfes among others so good is pure reaction and finding ways to adapt to what seems like a bad matchup.
You must not be that great of a player to whine about broken tactics in this game. Most good players or even newer ones find ways to learn and adapt. Your bullshit doesn’t apply son.
Most of the advantageous properties of the characters in ST require little effort to be put into practice, but a LOT of effort to counter properly. So I’d consider the above two claims you made a contradiction.
I love watching high level ST play but in the end, the game has serious faults when it comes to “cheap” tactics.
Easy to use and hard to counter don’t necessarily lead to problems. That makes it a game that favors the offense; it becomes a game of momentum and setup. Every character has an optimal position in each of his or her matchups, and being in that position makes it comparatively easy to control the fight and win. Of course, your opponent is also aiming for that same advantage, and that’s where the fight is.
Now that’s not to say that ST is perfect, but saying that there is a problem simply because dominating tactics require little effort to use and more to counter is problematic logic.
This whole argument kinda reminds me of the movie commando.
Remember when Arnold only had a knife, and the dude had a gun to his face. Then arnold convinced him to fight him using only a knife and arnold fucked him up?
Anyway, this whole argument is stupid.
I play a lot of HDR, and I used to play GGPO ST exclusively. I’m a sim user.
When I play HDR, everybody knows I stick to sim almost exclusively. Occasionally I’ll play Ryu, but that’s only when my boys are in the room.
But since everybody knows I play Sim, I ALWAYS get counter character’d. Chun, Vega (although I think he’s not that bad) and ESPECIALLY honda.
But it wasn’t my place to complain, because the fact of the matter was, I had to learn how to deal with those match-ups. I’m still not that great at dealing with a good Chun li, but I’m getting better at dealing with the others.
Good ST players know how to use their characters. Great ST players know how to counter shit and know match-ups. You just dunno the match-ups. Therefore you’re not a great player. And after getting raped by Ghaleon, you’re not a good player either, no disrespect.
In before lock
As a bait thread, I’d give it 4/10…
Reminds me of a local arcade i used to call my second home,they banned tap throw/tick throws ,as it was "teh cheating tactic "and they also used to have a “whoever wins the first round ,has to let the other player have the second round” inplace.
Great place and some good lads,but they never won any comps against the visiting teams,ever!
He should play HD Remix then where Claw doesnt knock you down on wall dives if it bothers him that much…
The op seems like this guy i was playing on xbl “XxxramboxxX” or something like that. Anyways I was boxer and he was dictator and I was doing a meaty TAP into throw and he quit early and sent me a message saying almost the same exact thing (you can only win using exploits, I been playing since it came out in arcades, blah blah blah). I do admit that some stuff gets annoying, but I never let it get to me, I just learn how to counter it and move on. This guy needs to stop whining and learn how to play.
This thread is hilarious.