Today I would like to talk about honour in fighting games.
I dont really want to cause an argument over this, but Im quite tired of seeing people thinking they are good for exploiting holes in a 15 year old game and somehow palming them off like its some deep seated transferable, testament of skill that actually goes beyond the version of the game the hack works on or the matchup it favours.
Recently I came back to super turbo because I discovered GGPO and could relive the 90s arcade moments I enjoyed before a real life and job.
I can only really play DJ because I am confined to pad (Because of noise when i play at night) and dont want to get into the game in a big way as it was like crack to me before, but as someone who was doing Guiles Standing Fierce Punch into flash kick in 92 and played serious street fighter up to alpha 2 and played mortal kombat, killer instictcs at a high level, its safe to say I can actually play most characters and have an expert understanding.
Sadly there seem to be a few scrubs on GGPO who do not seem to understand the difference between winning honourably and just playing to be Skank.
I would therefore like to state that if you are one of those people who use characters like Vega/Claw, and rely on his cross up Iznua drop win, I dont care if I lose, neither do I believe I got beat.
If you can win honourably then good for you, but winning games does not always mean youre better. If Capcom had known half the hacks that determine the outcomes in modern high end super turbo play its safe to say they would adjusted the game for that.
As it stands you have a game which is still IMO the best fighter ever made, but does have serious holes in it. For examples, Vega cross up, if its so easy to escape then why was Justin Wong raped by it in 2008? [media=youtube]P-PmNGOjGTw&feature=related[/media].
I cant tell you how many scrubs have lectured me on GGPO about never improving and their only basis for this was them beating my DJ and only then using a single move.
Surprisingly these same players get beat very badly the second they do not use such an exploit.
Its the same with Thawk, hes regarded as a crap player, but we all know that jumping punch into Spinning Pile Driver can be almost inescapable at certain times against certain opponents (yes I have seen pro’s perfected), so for any new school players who do not understand the true ethics of what it means to be good at a game, I hope my points have gone some way into making you understand that just because you can win a match that favours you purely based around a single move or a certain matchup it does not make you a good player any more than it makes you tough guy for beating up old women.
Sometimes you can win a game and still be the loser and sometimes you can lose and game and still be a winner.
Dont be a Skank because youll never prosper relying on such one dimensional tactics.