u should put what day of the week those fall on. also, how is the 2nd tourny on feb 11. and the 1st on feb 16?
lol, ths for registering but yea i meant for the 6th :tup: lol
I don’t play mvc nearly as much as I used to, but sign me up =]
By holding, L.Ctrl andL.Shift before you start loading the game.
I suggest you edit your post
u can count me in =]
aim name makaveil tha don
mirc name: loc or someoneudontknow
Sign me up im the Docter Docter Chaos that is.
chicken_power (to lazy to reg for fourm so im posting for him)
his aim name hunggartaichi
I dunno, I don’t really plat MvC anymore, but I’ll sign up.
Name: Riven
Tag: [| -Riven- |]
AIM: TrueIntroversion
mIRC: TheRiven
name: PsyKoTik
Tag: [| -Py]{Ti]{- |]
AIM: JuggaloK2112
Mirc: T.B.A.
if you NEED that additional 16th person(I doubt you will), throw me on… otherwise, I’ll continue learning these silly old games on my own
Name: Aljon
Kaillera Tag: Aljon
AIM: Aljon49
Good Luck To All!
Name: OriginaL_DA
Kaillera: [| -OriginaL- |]
AIM: Naw T B Boy
name qwazy
kaillera qwazy|06
aim qwazalicious
mirc qwazy_ or somethin’ like that
wow 10 people.
very nice for less than 24 hours… this tournament might go.
anyways, please remember guys that the deadline is February 6,2004 @ 4PM! EST!!!
um i realize that this is the day of the super bowl… so ima have to delay this tournament.
Name: T0ast0r
Kaillera Name: T0ast0r
SN: cnsprcy prss kit
im in
White Silver
aim whitesilver321
mirc WhiteSlvr
kaillera KeN (with dark addict tags)
LOL, I was gonna join but I dont have AIM so IM OUT. hehehe