yo ice, can you sign up other people that might not be on srk?
also, you should make the days closer together. no use havin’
it spread across an entire month.
yo ice, can you sign up other people that might not be on srk?
also, you should make the days closer together. no use havin’
it spread across an entire month.
Name: Burning Fists
Kaillera: -= Burning Fists <-X-> =-
E-mail: Silent_Wolf@comcast.net
AIM: Silent Wolf X1
ahh, someone posted the kaillera one before I saw this one, btw that title sucks dick
I hate to say this but this tourny is gonna suck, seriously. From past experiences, only about 5 people are gonna show up for the tournament. And out of those 5 people, 1 person is gonna start whinning. Every tournament I have joined was either cancelled, coughqwazycough, or either only half the people would show up, coughhellsapcough. Good luck though :pleased: hehehe…
well, good thing you’re giving ic3 a lot of
support, kwaza. since you know so much about
tourneys that dont work out and why, you should
bust out a few tips for him and future tourney
dont knock it 'till you try it. if you’ve tried
it, gimme a list of top players that participated,
what game, etc.
optimism is a bitch, huh?
Im in
Screen Name: ChaosNightWolf
Kaillera Name: ChaosNightWolf
Mirc Name: ChaosWolf
AIM Screenname: ChaosNightWolf
HeHe I support Ice, dont worry, I plan on checking it out even though I wont officially sign up. Hey Ice, You want a tip, heres one, Dont Quit Like Qwazy Did Once, He made us wait 2 whole weeks for his tournament and he got good players as well but he quit just because he couldnt handle the people in the server. The last tournament I was in was the one of Kof98 and Kof2002 about a month ago, and only 20 out of about 46 people showed up. I also joined a SFA3 tournament about 6 months ago and again, the tournament was cancelled for no apparent reason. So what im saying is, This tournament may work and it may not, It all depends on who actually shows up and who doesnt whine for loosing like all MVC players do. At least the KOF players respect eachother for playing their matches, not like all the MVC whinners ive played over the years.
Just so u know, i did a SFA3 tournament last year and it worked out ok. I lost to Darknatas in the last round but it was fun. So yea, I know what its like to make a tourny.
why do you keep tryin’ put shit on me?
i’ve run successful tournaments in the
past, i run round robins all the time
and i’ll run successful tournaments in
the future.
it was just that one time where i couldnt
handle all the fuckfaces and things werent
workin’ out due to emulator malfunctions,
people not showing up, people not responding.
there’s a lot of things that come up that can
go wrong in a tournament.
you live and you learn. get off my back about it.
dont be sour 'cause you could never handle me in mvc
and i cancelled your chance to go 2 and out.
yo put me in
is this still going down today?
count me in!
-SCREEN NAME:xp50beats
-KAILLERA TAG:xp50beats
-AIM(MUST HAVE AIM):xp50beats
-MIRC CREEN NAME:xp50beats
You know, I don’t like you, if you’re the same show I fought before. Heres why. http://www.shoryuken.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1957152&postcount=42
thats cause kaillera is full of scrubs who only play mvc. and most mvc players are bitches. its a scrub game full of bs
join me up … 5:22 PM to KICK A$$ at 6pm
join me in
AIM = jerzeecityballer
MIRC = Cangri
join me up as Cangri for the tourney … thanks
Ok, I’m in as “Zensouken”, that’s my AIM and MIRC handles as well.
Strider Hiryu / Captain Commando / Lou
Brackets anyone? o.O
yea =\ im just waiting in that server
yeah, im waiting too…
tag- Spriggan X <-=k2o=->
aim omegasprigganx
yea i take it as this isnt going to go down