Does Phoenix "break" game play?

Untill things like

Happen. When things like this are found any body who wants to choose anything other then this is going to be at a sever disadvantage.
I never mentioned anything about fun in my previous post because fun is extremely subjective, so saying my assumption on fun is incorrect is…well wrong. but this thread isn’t about how fun this game is, its about the discussion of Phoenix and game play and if people thinks its broken or not and why or why not.

People always assume shit is broken in the early running of a game. I, personally, find it interesting to see how/if a metagame will develop around Wolverine/Phoenix. That doesn’t mean that team is broken. It just means that now the real work begins.

I said all of this about 2 months ago.

But honestly. I’m done with this thread. Your need to cry about a character that is only broken with 5 meters and X-Factor Level 3 is hilarious. ESPECIALLY when there are a NUMBER of characters who are OP with X-factor level 3. Stay free, dude. The rest of us out there prefer to actually play and try shit out.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

On the day Phoenix was revealed

  • “LOL! What a joke character!”
  • “Look at her health!!”
  • “She has to get to level 5? I’d rather use that spot for somebody else.”
  • “No way she’s tournament viable.”
  • “Mid tier at best. Too risky”
  • “Maybe if you started off the match with 5 bars…”

And look where we are now. Oh how the sheep follow. :lol:

Wesker can teleport behind you while you’re in the corner, Phoenix can’t. If you think you can react to Wesker’s mixups in XFC3 somehow better than Phoenix than you’re just impossibly biased.

-Worst health is hardly an issue. Yes it is an (small) issue. But when many other characters die in 1 combo this hardly becomes that big of an issue. A few of the better characters in this game can die in 1 combo(Wolverine can, Zero can, ect.).
-She can take hits, and she has the tools to keep many characters out. You can get hit with homing fireballs or the traps in the middle of your combo.
-I don’t get what your trying to say about the “you have to nerf her until she has 5 meters”.
-You are not limited to only gaining 5 meter in this game. It doesn’t nerf your characters other than the fact your not going to be spending meter like an idiot whipping out random things. Like someone said earlier in the thread: the scary phoenix teams use meter. Also, it cripples your opponents team this way too. They need to use meter to snap in Phoenix.

Ok, be done with thread. You’ve done nothing but come in here with your “stop whining”, “stay free”, and your hip little “Invicible swordsman sayings”. I did not force you to come in here and post.

As for your part on when Phoenix was revealed, i don’t know how that helps you at all. People thought they knew what they were talking about before they even touched the game. Same thing happened with Dudley and SSF4. It was not me saying these things like this when Phoenix was revealed.

Also, you seem to have got in your head somewhere that I’m asking for a Phoenix ban and I’m not. In my view (so far…, no one seems to have changed my mind YET) she is broken and I’m asking if people have the same or different view and why.

IMO Dark Phoenix should be something you have to activate yourself. We have enough stuff that rewards the losing player already. Everything else would be fine if that were the case.

IMO she’s fair unless you pair her up with something else that’s retarded and can viably kill off most of your team very quickly to the point where giving up your XF at the front makes it worth it. Like Wolverine. Character that can easy mode kill 2 people off plus Phoenix is just impossible odds unless you create those same odds for yourself.

Break gameplay? Yea, not in the sense that she is the only character that you should play if you even want to win, but in the sense that all previously held notions about fighting in MVC3 are thrown out the window, and a whole different mindset and playstyle has to be applied to a Phoenix.

She breaks the 1 cardinal rule of fighting games, which is: Kill thy opponent for the win. Not only do you NOT, you in fact get combo broken and get to fight the most powerful character in the game. Like fighting a nasty boss in arcade mode, just that said boss is controlled by a real human, not a brain dead CPU.

90% of the people posting in this subforum joined after mvc3 was released

Name 1 person in this sub forum who said any of this?
Contribute or don’t post please.

thats a contribution…
means you shouldnt expect the vast majority of the people in the subforums to be willing to make an effort and learn how to beat a character

What does the date someone signed up for this website have to do with anything?

if you would have been in these forums prior to 2009 you would agree with me that there’s a big difference between posters pre-sf4, and posters post-sf4 (now post mvc3 as well)

So? People with dates after 09 have contributed to this thread more then you have. Either talk about the topic or leave. It’s that simple. If you don’t like a topic ignore it or report it, but to come in here and bash people because the date on their SRK profile is signed up after 09 is not needed and doesn’t contribute to the topic. Also, how do you know I wasn’t on these forums since before 09? I could have made a new name or lurked. How do you know multiple people didn’t do that?

So either discuss the topic or leave. If you don’t have anything about the topic of Phoenix and gameplay it doesn’t have to be said.

Does this topic go anywhere? If you aren’t presenting anything then you are just wasting time and looking for validation for your opinion. That is a waste.

Nobody here is saying she isn’t good. Most of the people would agree that she is god tier, but they don’t think she is broken (which normally means ban worthy). If you think she is broken but not ban worthy, cool. Good for you. Go to facebook with that shit. The important difference is that when people think something is broken they might give up, which is what you are doing, as opposed to what the real players are advocating, which is to level up and figure out stuff to beat that.

400k is terrible health and there are probably many chip setups that will kill her before she can land and xfactor. I think someone mentioned something with zero doing pillar super xfactor team super with a pillar and something else good like hail. That might kill her just on chip. So you manage your meter to make sure you have 3-4 ready to go. Marn’s magneto picked her out of the sky with gravity squeeze. I think there was an entire vid of things you can do to react to her transformation. X23’s lvl 3 is the only thing i can remember, but that is another way around it. All this time spent whining could be spent learning, or at least actually PLAYING. If you spend more time bitching about a game than actually playing it, something is wrong.

my point is that none of yall niggas even remember the quotes he was referring to

on topic: of course phoenix breaks the game. shes this games xvsf storm. thats good for phoenix players, bad for people like me who dont care for her playstyle

It goes somewhere when people contribute. When people come in with their “l2p”, or “your a 2010 member lol” it doesn’t go anywhere. When did I say I gave up? And so every time I have an opinion or want to start a discussion I have to go to facebook? Why does this site exist then and why aren’t you on facebook instead of here? This thread has had some decent discussion and there is nothing wrong with it.

I thank you for actually coming in here and at least discussing the topic somewhat. That does sound like somewhat of a decent chip idea, but it seems pretty situational. You have to spend at least 1 meter snapping Phoenix in unless you think you can kill off the first 2 without building 5 meters. I would like to see if this could become a legit strategy that is reliable, and not some once in blue moon “i got lucky and happened to get this perfect situation”.’

The rest of your post doesn’t really concern this thread (Phoenix player not being aware of level 3 and shooting a fireball is players fault though magnetos lvl3 does have a “lock down” property to Phoenix.) so I won’t really address that.

I remember them. They don’t hold any relevance to this thread. They were opinions based on a game that wasn’t out yet or played.

lol ok

You yourself aren’t actually discussing anything. You’re simply shouting your opinion as loudly and as often as possible until people give in out of sheer frustration. This thread is done, it’s not going anywhere, and it apparently never was. You respond to every weakness or counter strategy with “lol if Phoenix gets hit with that it’s her fault”. You want something that actually makes Phoenix dangerous to use? Team hypers. They auto correct, and there’s enough of them like Hail Storm and Hyper Charging Star that you can use them to not only punish a teleport, but an x-factor activation. With that, I’m done here because it’s obvious you aren’t looking for discussion, just people to agree with you.