Shoryu supers are gay as fuck
Yeah, but Shoryu Cannon lets me mash, and mashing makes me feel like a big man. It’s like MvC2 all over again if I was ever good at Marvel. 8)
shin sho is the shit
coolest looking move in the game
Lol ESN comes in and thats that.
It was like the scent of blood.
For ShinSho.
but you will never take
my freedom!
Saw a new member register. I think its that young man Vinny Ken now playing Ryu.
-1 Ken army
Am I like luck? +1 to all stats?
Nobody would pick Frogman. They’ll pick Elf before Frogman. So expect your stats to not be so hot. why are you trying to be a weak accessory? Those go like +1 to 5 different stats, max. When a good accesory would be at least +5 in one area to make a difference.
Well, completely off from what I was getting at -1 player of Kens, +1 to Ryu, engaging that nerddom is better than another plan here might’ve said of save your ire for perhaps the topic from a new crowd in crazier than “Daigo vs Frankie, who wouldn’t win?!” but truly the debate of outsiders:
“Does 3s really = Chun Yun Ken?” – don’t answer that, right now here in the topic. No.
This topic points out that Ken is the one that can compete on their level due to a player’s skills, tiers be damned. The Next level down being debated won’t be standard to point to since its not repeated a lot for people to copy without thinking it over themselves. “What’s the point of this, Renic?! Just some music and MUGEN sprite rips?!” - comment madness on his Tier List recent video.
Any character with a legitimate shoryuken won’t really “help you learn the game” or whatever. Just cuz there are so many places where the answer: Shoryu!!! is a good answer. Granted sometimes it is the best or ~only answer. The player might not explore other answers/options/punishments when they can rely on shoryu for so many situations. Same thing could be applied to Chun’s kara throw. Maybe. I don’t actually know what I’m talking about. I don’t think there is any one character that will teach a player the ins and outs of 3S. Playing with more than one character-exploring the game-will help teach a player the ins and outs of 3S or any game for that matter.
30 stats
Luck = +1 to all stats
Good accessory = +5 to one stat
If I later decide to make myself a good accessory I could choose to squeeze the 30 in to 1. But only after I’ve learned how to. Which would create profitable results I do believe. Also, goddaeeemneemnemnemnemenmene persona looking like lots of a funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Persona has like 30 controls. I will dig up that image for you on “(ArcSys knows 1 thing) complicated ass Japan fightins,” but not fun like 3s. Or the RPG is for Japanese 12 year old accountants in training to mix match pokeymondemons.
[’]SRK Lounge So What ever happened to Calzones?]('SRK Lounge So What ever happened to Calzones?[/spoiler)
30 stats? Frogman Fallout, Game of the Danderedition.
Let’s talk videogames one day, my good man.
You people are all dancing around the answer, probably because you just don’t want to admit the truth. I’ve seen lots of people in denial. You’re depressed that you picked the wrong character to learn 3S and regret the past! Everyone knows this game is best summarized by Ibuki. She’s small, japanese, can fly, has a pet tanuki, can target combo, parry high AND low, and the first letter of her name is the first letter of the game.
Did I mention she’s a NINJA?
EDIT: I’ve finally got GGPO working for this game and the other SF games again, so if anyone wants to hit me up there send me a PM.
Can Fly
Has a Pet Turtle that when he looks at, his eyes shine at least 4 colors
Breaksdown a guess parry High Low guy
And his name is a loop ORORORORORORORO
ird strike?
ieet Fighter 3?
“Ken is like the daddy of Third Strike. He has a punishment for everything.”
-haunts, 2008
“lets get rowdy”
-haunts 2009
Q is only one letter, Niji.
She doesn’t even bother trying to know what the context of the question was and instead pushes her bias in a reckless and dumb fashion to the point where she doesn’t even know how to spell Street Fighter III 3rd Strike.
It’s admirable, but I’ll admit it’s something I can’t support in the long run.