Does anyone consider Rugal cheap?

We all have opinions on the subject. I’m just telling you mine. If you have an opinion on the subject, let’s hear yours.

I was just asking. You had a very authoritative tone, as if it was not opinion, which is why I asked.

My opinion is in here. It should be pretty evident in the last post I had when I put emphasis on “myth.”

There is some reason to why I put such an authoritarian tone to the post. You see, I used to play alot, I studied alot of other stuff, and there are alot of players I idolize like Dave Sirlin for SF, Seth Killian, and Viscant just naming a few. My reasoning is from personal experience combined with the fact that their reasonings are very similar to mine.

This post shows just how narrow minded and dillusional you are. The fact Mummy-b responded asking about it disproves this. Anyways, I just finished dissing you hard on another thread for being stupid and impolite like you are now.

That’s not a very good string of reasons to be very authoritative with an opinion, but whatever floats your boat.

As for Seth Killian, if you go to Domination 101, he has an article on “cheapness.” It runs quite contrary to yours, because a general summary of that post is basically this: Scrubs are the only people that think cheap exists.

There are two things, balance and unbalance. Gouki’s air fireball in ST is unbalanced because if you do it right, you can’t do shit about it. Sentinel is balanced, because you can pick Cable or just about anyone solid with a Cyclops AA and you can deal with him.

Is Gouki cheap because of air fireballs? No. Am I cheap for picking a Cyclops AA to kick your Sent’s ass, specifically? No.

Any level of cheap is scrubdom. Pure and simple. You can’t back up cheap. It’s like trying to tell me every African-American is actually African. You can come up with a million things that make it sound real close, but in the end, they’re not African. You can try to justify cheap forever, but its never going to make it exist outside of scrubworld.

yes…but a good sent is SOOO hard to beat, he is pushing the “balanced” boarderline…

Sirlin’s opinion of cheap is abusing glitches that cause the game to freeze up, permanently remove a character from the screen, etc is what I’m talking about when I say actual cheapness. 99% of the things that people complain about and call cheap don’t fall into this category. Both Sirlin and Seth are correct. They say basically the same thing.

It’s also important to note that it isn’t always a good idea to take the easy way out. Sometimes you’ll miss something that could prove useful if you restrict yourself soley to the best characters. Sometimes the weaker characters can teach you something that a stronger character can take advantage of that will go unnoticed otherwise that can prove useful. That is what I mean by cheaping yourself out. You may miss important match details by not knowing the match-ups properly.

There is a reason why you think this way. I believe it’s because I like to experiment and dabble alot. Alittle before I was moving away I had dumped alot of characters that I used to use so that I could learn new ones. I decided to completely start over. It is during this time I had a major slump. While I was learning the new stuff and developing new strategies, I asked people to test some things I was working on and also couldn’t resist trying to help others if I found something that I deemed useful. Thanks Bosco, I now know to keep my mouth shut even if it’ll help someone out.

You also act like I wouldn’t have improved any at all since moving out of the province. I have been gone since October first last year That’s almost a year. If you honestly think I wouldn’t have improved since then, you are the dumbest person on the forums.

That just prooves you haven’t played me. I simply try to avoid using it because you can’t always be guaranteed to have meter. I play like I don’t have it so that I can either encourage more stupidity on the part of my opponents, or know what to do when I don’t have meter. Looks like your arguement just went up in flames. There is a fine line between can’t and won’t. There isn’t a MvC2 player alive that can’t AHVB. Unless he isn’t using Cable at the time that is.

I also have moved out of province October first last year, so there’s no way that your statement even has a remote shread of accuracy. This just makes your statement even more laughable. You are probably the most dilusional person on the continent let alone on the forums.

Want more evidence? First look at what you just said about me. I can’t AHVB? What were you thinking :lol:? Even if it was true when I was in Calgary [which it wasn’t] I would obviously have corrected something like that in almost a year.

The second piece of evidence is discussing it in a thread that is supposed to be debating whether or not Rugal is cheap or not. Not only are you talking about MvC2 instead of CvS2, but you are also taking about outdated info you have on me and acting like it’s still fact. The past doesen’t equal the future.

All you’ve done so far is…
1]Make yourself look dumber and dumber
2]Provide me with entertainment by showing me your lack of intelligence and dillusional nature.

I actually find it fun explaining how brainless you are, and I HATE insulting people. We must do more of this sometime.

That is nice and all, but you need to forumate a way to back yourself up without depending largely on other people. As far as I am concerned, and I think many people will agree, abusing something like the Gambit glitch is not cheap, it’s unbalanced AND it’s stupid. Why? Because it freezes the game and you can’t play anymore until time runs out. The main part of that is “you can’t play anymore,” which is the sole reason why MvC2 is created - so you can play it. Someone yelling, “That’s so fucking cheap!” is still going to sound ridiculous compared to the guy yelling, “That’s so fucking stupid, now we can’t play for <insert time left in match>.” See, this is stupid, and not cheap, because not only does it irritate the opponent, but it irritates everyone in line waiting to play as well.

Something like Roll Canceling? That’s not cheap. It’s not unbalancing. It’s perfectly fine. It’s a glitch, but it’s perfectly fine. Why? You can throw it. You can block it. You can RC back at it. You can Parry it. You can JD it. You can hit someone in recovery. There’s a long list of shit you can do to it.

Just to let you know, the only team in MvC2 that I screw with (I don’t play the game) is Strider/Doom and I don’t even use Sentinel on it. On top of that, in the game that I DO play, I use A/C King, K Maki, and those two should be enough (among others). The only top tiers I ever use is A Sakura and <insert Groove> Cammy. If anyone knows about non-top tier characters and match ups, trust me I’m one of them. Shit, I even playe Art with A King it was sad but still fun…

I think it’s fucking weird that some people (Mummy-B) don’t think cheap exists. The only reason SOME retar…i mean people (pros of course :rolleyes: ) believe there is no such thing as cheap is because all their fellow player friends use the same cheap tactics.


Cheap in SF (and any other game for that matter) means finding success without working too hard.

Sagat’s c. fierce IS cheap because it’s a totally dominant move and it’s EASY to do.

Cable is CHEAP because to win, you just have to capitalize on ONE FUCKING MISTAKE.

On the other hand, Raiden is NOT cheap because he doesn’t have any dominant moves.


Now, do I cry CHEAP!!! No!!! Why??? Because I play with good people who use the same cheap tactics against me. This means we’re on a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD.

But does that mean cheap DOESN’T exist?


Sagat’s c.fp is not totally dominant. Not even AHVB x3 is totally dominant. They are fucked up, but not dominant.

anyway, think what you like. everyone has thier own opinion.

way to pick out phrases and use em to ur advantage. do u really think i meant totally dominant as in NO WAY OF STOPPING it. Of course not. I said there is such as thing as cheap…i never said FREE. Although if you wanna get picky, there are free matchups in some of the more broken games such as MVC2. Storm vs. Zangief anyone?

So your point is???

cheap or not, it’s in the game… DEAL WITH IT!!!


Rugal is’nt cheap with such move! And none in the game’s characters either is cheap… it’s the f*ckn playas who ARE cheap! The usuall victims of such cheap moves are Blanka and Sagat… man how cheap Sagat gets overpowering with just LP/LK! And to add to RC, its a game bug, not cheap but pretty neat! BTW, ryu cannot abuse the “shoryuken/haddoken” only tactic coz there’s a roll command in most grooves to escape em. Holler! =P

Man… AHVB is TOTALLY dominant. :slight_smile: I’m talking about how it’s a total easy-ass weapon that any player gets for picking Cable. It “dominates” his gameplan.

I’m talking about a different kind of dominant… just like you guys and talking about different meanings of “cheap”. Some people call good shit “cheap”, either way, we all know that the “cheap” shit is the stuff that works. :slight_smile:

The cheap motherfucker always has the edge!

all i have to say about this thread (well 2 things actually) is TO EACH THEIR FUCKIN OWN ! (and i agree with mummy-b for the most part)

c.lp, s.fp xx god press:cool: Great link, hard as fuck.