Does anyone consider Rugal cheap?

thanks for agreeing with me.

He didn’t agree with you, he said that you were stupid (but politely).

Unlike me, who is impolite. Sorry.

good point burghy, you got me there. Well played chum, well played.

I just want to clarify something here. The guy I was playing said that he’s the best in the country and even the world at CvS2. I told him that there were Japanese ppl I knew who would own him 4 fr33 and he vehementyly disagreed. I tried to explain what they’re capable of and he wasn’t hearing any of it.

He challenged me on ps2, I played him and I beat one of his best characters infront of his friends making him look stupid and very much like a weakling and he started to play with Zangief. Now he parades telling everyone that he went easy on me.

He was playing with Honda and I had already realized a consistency in his play style. He is a huge turtle. So I say to my self, throw out some Kaiser Waves and see how he responds. I did it and all he did was block. I didn’t keep doing it anyway, I closed in and used normals and specials and what not. Basically, when I was throwing out the waves, I was in a sense trying to tell him come and get me, I’m over here dammit!!! To this, he had no response thus calling it cheap.

Furthermore, he says rcing means nothing to him. If I had used that on him, there would only be perfects on my record. I don’t advocate to using rcing as it is taking advantage of a glitch that most ppl in my country don’t know about.

What I’m saying is, the guy now looks like a really narrowminded person to me saying that he’s the best and still calling things cheap. There are dozens of Groove specific evasive tactics/anti projectile sub systems to make yourself go crazy and he knew none. So, what I got for trying to educate the unwilling is being called cheap.

At least you beat the best CvS2 player in the world
You should be proud!


dragon_light: i don’t think u’re friend really cares that much if you prove him to not be the best in cvs2…hell…i could go to evolution2003 and run around screaming i’m the best at cvs2…and u’ll see people beat me first round and there might be a thread that goes “some guy at evo claimed to be the best , i beat him” oh big whoop dee doo…no one really cares about me still…

here’s something you can try…beat ur friend with his own team…and use his same strat but do it better than him and prove him wrong like that…if anything that’s “slightly” unfair like rugal’s kaiser wave…don’t use it…why dont’ use just use the reppuken that he has as the fireball?

mummy b: cheapness is described as something that’s cost less than it’s worth

let’s take the kaiser wave for example, it’s relatively easy to do and it shoots out a big fireball range
let’s look at chun li’s fireball, it’s about the same difficulty to do as the rugal fireball (minus the foward motion),

but it’s way more useless than rugal’s kaiser wave at far range

simply put, kaiser wave is cheaper to use than chun li’s fireball in that perspective…

of course i’m not taking in the account that chun li’s fireball can be used in combo’s, but cheapness still exist, IMO,

let’s go to ur akuma example, u said akuma is unbalanced ST, so using akuma was used, you get more power for the same price (price meaning just choosing characters)

okay, i’m starting to confuse myself with my own thoughts, i hope you see what i’m trying to say though

if not, oh well…people have their own views anyways

That’s a real stretch on definition.

I’m pretty sure Webster was putting it in context of face value, as opposed to physical exertion compared to level of utility in the result. That has less to do with face value, and more to do with “effort.”

I simply find it hard to play how he does. He turtles all day so if I play the way he does, matches would take days to end. Oh and for the record, he said he was the best in the world, all I wanted to do is prove him wrong about that which I did. I do not claim to be the best at anytime ever. Better maybe, but not the best. Besides, like I said before, I didn’t abuse the Kaiser Wave.

I doubt Webster have street fighter in mind when he started compiling definitions. Words are dynamic and arbitrary symbols, which means they can’t be wrong inherently but only used wrong. You’re arguing about definitions instead of looking at how the definitions are used.

i dunno about you guys, but english is one of my worst subjects, so i’m going to drop the topic of what’s cheap because i really can’t give any strong argument for my side about it’s usage

I responded in context of the post - what he gave me as a definition, followed by the example he provided after it.

Talking about something “costing” something while giving me an example that has nothing to do with “costing” anything, and having everything to do with value output per amount of effort involved strikes me as quite a valid way to throw “cheapness” out the door. If the example illustrates how it DOESN’T apply to the definition, it just further helps prove the point that cheapness doesn’t exist and is irrelevant in SF.

I know that you can be vague with vocabulary to twist it to match whatever you want. I’m an English major. I do it all the time. That’s not the point. Point is definition given did not match example and example did not justify use of definition; therefore, vocabularly term is inapplicable.

If you would like to try and bend the definition some and try to make it fit, you’re most welcome to try.

damn u’re an english major?
well that settles it, you win

I have an idea…how about you put your little controller down, and go out. Get some sun. It’s a video game. As nice as it is pulling off a beautiful Geese CC on a haughty K Sagat…a girlfriend is much better. Go get one. They’re nice. It’s just a freaking game. if you think he’s being cheap, bash a chair over his head IN REAL LIFE. That’ll teach him a lesson.'Tis a game, and it should be discussed like a game should be, not polotics.

wtf…polotics? please tell me you spelled it wrong on purpose…


what does ahem “polotics” have to do with what we’re talking about?

Oh blow me, you nerd.

i got a girl and i like playing video games. sometimes i take my game seriously too.

but from my point of view it just seems like you suck at the game and use having a gf as an excuse. just my 2 cents

you call me a nerd just cuz i kno you spelled politics wrong and the fact that politics has nothing to do with the usage of the word “cheap”…

OKAY…i’m proud of you…for the fact that you found a gf who doesn’t mind being with someone of ur intelligence




Cheapness does exhist, but the term is thrown about so often that nobody truely understands the concept of what real cheapness is.

This post will be rather general. I’m not a major CvS2 player and I’m a newbie at it actually, but there is alot to concider here on the topic of cheapness.

There is the classic definition of cheapness, the modern version, and the actual version.

Classic: [Fun cheapness]
1]low risk, highly brainless moves and move sequences that have high rewards.

-The more of these you find the better. The whole point of the game besides having fun is to find as many of these as you can and the counters to them.
-Mind games are tools, as are opponent frustration, opponent confusion, surprise tactics, and baiting.

Modern: [False cheapness]
2]Anything that increases your odds of victory above that of the opponent. [Throwing, kill combos, minor glitches (usable by many or affording minor advantages) chosing counter characters, deceptiveness, confusion tactics, etc…]

-Okay, perhaps I shouldn’t call this the modern version. I should call this the SCRUB definition.
-Competitive games aren’t designed with a concept of honor or chapness. They are designed to have counters for as many things as possible so true cheapness cannot occur. That way you can be as dishonorable as you want because that’s the whole point.
-Fighting games are games of warfare. All warfare is based on deception, confusion, dissimilation, control, etc… Where the fuck is honor mentioned? OOPS I guess it isn’t. I hope you get the picture. Honor is ONLY to be used if it will suit your purposes.
-If you eat a kill combo or infinite, it’s your damed fault for not blocking. If you get guardcrushed or thrown, it’s your own dammed fault too. Virtually everything is put in a game for a reason. Without throwing or guardbreaking for example, the block would be godlike and thus stupid.

Actual: [Blatant cheapness]
3]Anything that’s ACTUALLY unfair.
-Choosing 100% broken characters [Veil/Abel (Toshinden 3), True (Shin) Akuma in any game, God Rugal (CvS2), or any other character specifically and DELIBERATELY designed to be unhandlable by the game. ]
-Trash talking your opponent.
-Glitches that are game freezing / locking / breaking / disrupting / side dependent [this one must also be one of the previous on this line].
-The tactic must be almost [IMO IS] unavoidable.


1]Is it unavoidable or uncircumventable?
-this includes countermeasures and counter tactics BTW
2]Do many characters have something equally overpowering or the ability to take advantage of the tactic?
3]Was it intended to be there?
-Sometimes the best things in a game are unintentional.
-Sometimes the worst things in a game are intintional.
4]Is it gamebreaking?
-Just because it is gamebreaking doesen’t mean it’s game ruining [huge combos for example]. Sometimes it has the OPPOSITE effect in the end. The tactic must SERIOUSLY detract from the game.

A unanimously unfair and negative mark must be given on ALL these counts for something to be unfair and actually cheap. If it isn’t, too bad. You have nothing to complain about.

Should you use “classic cheap” as in easy win tactics on a beginner? The answer is yes. He’s gonna run into it eventually. It’s better someone that likes him does this than someone who doesen’t. And if he can’t handle it, simply tell him how to handle it [if done kindly and sincerely, very important or he’ll think you’re an asshole]. That or let him figure it out himself [if you don’t want it taken the wrong way].

If he bitches, he has no right to play because he isn’t trying to having fun and is ruining yours. He therefore deserves more ass kickings until he figures out how to beat you or retires forever. That said, NEVER treat a newbie with disrespect, and NEVER play a beginner without his permission either. That’s just evil and retarded [and if he sucks, he’ll die soon letting you play anyways].

By going easy on him too much [IMO any at all] you do him a disservice. You rip him off because his learning is inaccurate, and you rip yourself off because you won’t get to your good opponents as fast. Hell, he might even beat you. There are alot of things a beginner can do to surprise and burn you if you slack off.

And is Rugal Cheap? Fuck no.

… and what exactly makes this post the authority on this myth called “cheapness?”