Just in case anyone’s interested, here’s a handy chart taken from the official site on what the F2P version has.

Just in case anyone’s interested, here’s a handy chart taken from the official site on what the F2P version has.
I think it’s generous of them to provide 4 characters, but did they all have to be ninjas? They could have put in Tina to give player a taste of grapplers.
I will be using the F2P title to test the netcode. If it’s good I’ll buy the retail version.
Some dlc outfits confirmed as unlockable
I don’t know how to feel about this. On one hand, all the dlc carries over. On the other hand, it being unlockable fucks over the guys who shelled out so much for them the first time.
Costumes Included in Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate
Costume Pack Round 1
Costume Pack Round 2 Kitty Pack , What a Character , Special Set
Costume Pack Round 4 Angels , Devils , DOATEC Divas
Costume Pack Round 5 China Pack , Special Set 3 , Formal Wear
Costume Pack Round 9 Fighter Pack
If it has both of Christie’s costumes, dominatrix and her leather jacket, I am more than fine with it.
I’m stoked for this honestly. DOA5 has been a ton of fun, and if nothing rlse it’s more comp online. Can’t wait.
Leon and Rachel confirmed!!!
Rachel’s in? I have reason to hate the game now
I am happy simply for the amount of salt that will come from a bunch of folks who were fully convinced that it was going to be Aoi from VF.
Same goes for Vanessa, she was wanted alot to
Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll be badass on tomorrows trailer
It’s fake
No it isn’t it’s real
Rachel is in? Cool.
Wow that was such an awesome trailer
Yay Rachel made it in and the new stages, costumes, and gameplay looks fantastic
Day 1 buy for me
Rachel pics