DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

Sorry for double posting, but I think a new trailer warrants it (Warning: Lots of swimsuit fanservice):

Two things to note:

  1. A teaser of a new female character at the end, seems to be an another very young girl like Marie;

  2. Steam logo.

Looks like DOA5LR is coming on Steam after all… this will imply that players around us will be able to have a relatively easier time getting a hold of the game (while also accessing other possible consoles) - players will be able to level up to a large degree, if they do not have an easy time traveling towards a offline event. A very good medium for gradually leveling up for high level play… with discretion.
Hayabusa… is a literal and metaphorical god of destruction… some people refer to him as a “Walking Armory” because of that new costume shown in the trailer and because of the history behind his own game series (Ninja Gaiden).
I like a number of the newer costumes from the trailer as well. I am neutral towards the new female character as of now… not of information, other than the fact that she seems rather young(ish) and is apparently quirky.
I like Kasumi’s new Shinobi-based costume as well. I notice that this is also the first occasion that little Miss Tengu has gotten a hold of an actual swimsuit.
Er… Just to keep everyone busy, we have DOA5U/LR matches! Get some popcorn/coffee/whatever snack you have in your possession and get ready to start watching and analyzing matches.


Shout outs to Project Bokuho

Not having netplay at launch is a bummer. That said, I figure it’s because they started work on this later and wanted to get it out at the same time as the console versions.

3 months to get online working is beyond ridiculous though, from this point on they already have 2.5 months to figure out how to get online for steam, in addition with another 3 months…Almost half a year to figure out how to get workable netplay for PC version.

I’ve heard that to implement steam and such there is no japanese version as far as “instructions” go and most communication is in english, so i imagine it is more difficult for Japanese developers to release games on steam. However i still stand by my first statement.

Netplay for me is 90% of the reason to get a fighting game, i’ll wait until netplay has been added then.


Don’t act so surprised, vast majority of people that play these games don’t have an offline scene, especially for any game that is NOT USFIV.
What are you doing in the downtime between offline sessions which only happen every month if you are lucky, you play online. I know you are a fg purist, but it isn’t like the year 2000 anymore.
I can’t travel 3 hours journey there, and another 3 hours back only to get a few hours of play.

So, TN is unlocking 10 DOA5UC characters for the holidays, that’s actually awesome

the DLC that will be included on Last Round

The folk from the steam forums worry that the PC port of Last Round will be based on the PS3 version rather than the PS4 version. The concern stems from the Dynasty Warrior PC ports being direct ports of the PS3 versions. Really hoping that Temco doesn’t screw the pooch.

That would be dumb, especially considering that the PS4 & XBone are both x86 PC based.

great matches

I have been playing this game for a while and I’m impressed with it: I regret having disregarded this game for so long as the silly fanservice fighter for no one but very casual players. Some impressions from a player that hadn’t ever gotten into 3D fighters that much:

Really like the graphics and the music. It becomes hard to believe that SF4 is being played in the same console and a lot of tracks are Killer Instinct levels of godlike.

I learned the hard way that here all strikes are throw invincible in their startup frames and took me a while to adapt. At first I thought throws were going to be unplayable, but luckily the game has enough moments where throws are a good choice, and then I learned about offensive holds.

As a player that love 3S and parries, of course I feel at home with holds and the benefits they bring: they stop one button or move spammers dead on their tracks, they encourage players to attack with multiple strategies and enforce further good character design by demanding variety of approaches for each one. I don’t know how they were before but seem totally fine here: there are four different directions to guess and they have whiff recovery frames, so mashing holds is suicidal a lot of the time unless players are just mashing kkk or ppp. I’m not surprised to see they seem to bring the most salt among outsiders but they can GTFO. Additional benefit is that since they have always been here it is unlikely to hear the asinine “they don’t feel like DoA” complaints.

I love how the environment is key here and gives plenty of stuff like the danger zones, cliffs, breakable objects, water, etc. Surfing videos and playing, it is a huge relief that the competitive community seem to embrace all scenarios and adapt to whichever stage gets selected: would be a waste to see players acting like the SSB “final destination only” community.

The game is deceptively deep!! Feels like “I came here for three button layout and now I’m studying the frame data to get punishes right”. Fortunately, other than consulting the frames, most of the improvement seems to be made by grinding matches and the thing to learn in the labs are the juggles instead of drilling 1 frame links for hours until getting them right only to be punished by mashed ultra during lag (not my definition of fun). Also, the tutorial is comprehensive and the tools like the onscreen frame count and the ability to visualize all possible string outcomes as one inputs the buttons is great: it is weird to find top treatment towards competitive players in a game that is apparently geared towards casuals.

Overall, I’m hooked. New favorite fighter. Gonna follow the scene even if it is smaller, but this game totally deserves to go big.

Yeah, I’m surprised at how much I enjoy playing this too. And it does have a surprisingly deeper level to it all. The aesthetics are lovely and nice to look it but I do enjoy it as a fighting game as well.

As I’ve stated before, this is the closest we’ve got to a 3D 3rd Strike.

I stopped playing this game which I regret. Learning characters is rather boring to me for some reason but I remember having matches and how fast paced everything was made the game extremely fun to play. And the netcode was pretty good from what I remember.

DoA5 is the shit

Sorry for the tiny image.

Not surprising with the lack of creativity, atleast as far as her design goes. She is like Marie Rose but with tits. I dislike these type of characters very much.
Bland, boring and typical generic loli, like Marie Rose and Chloe. Obviousely this character is pandering to the Japanese loli “enthousiasts”. Anyway i’ll shut up about my dislike of this character now, we had enough drama when Chloe for T7 was announced.

Having said that, her fighting style is probably pretty unique.

Trailer and more images will be out in a couple days.

I am neutral towards the new character… the move set will provide more necessary information for me to grasp…