DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

ESRB lists PC as a supported platform for DOA5LR.

Oh man I hope it’s on steam.

I don’t want to be that guy but man, this is one of the games I don’t want to see on PC. A lot of people are just going to download this and all the DLC (more than $300) for fucking free.

Sorry for the rant.

Am i really going to buy DOA5 for the 3rd time…yes, i am, atleast if it is coming to PC, which it seems will happen.
Honestly think DOA5LR might do well on PC though it doesn’t have an established community for fg’s like xbox or playstation, first 3D fighter, great graphics, accessible, potentially great netcode(crosses fingers) and ofcourse…the modding.

PC has been lacking in 3D Fighters for a long time, not since like the days when Virtua Fighter 1 & 2 had PC releases.

Hey, badass news for me, cause I have yet to get ANY copy of Dead or Alive 5… so if it comes out on Steam with ALL THE GOODIES, it would be extra awesome to let it shine at maximum graphics when I (finally) build a whole new PC to abuse.


Finally bought DOA5U for X360. No trailer, direct to the screen. Suspicious. As soon as I press start, a message says I have to dowload five catalogue data, which seem to be mere costume compatibility packs. Now I have to scroll through 400+ download items to seek each catalogue and wait to download each one just to start playing…

(Veins rising on my head)

I’m still giving it a chance but Jesus, they really seem to dislike people trying their game.

That’s more Microsoft’s update filesize limit policy than anything on TN’s part. Most every fighting game developer has to go through hoops to push their compatibility data for DLC content since MS’s size limits prevent them from putting it in as part of the patch.

It’s also in response to players upset in DOA5 vanilla that they’d buy costumes but no one would see the costumes that were purchased unless they purchased them themselves. In vanilla, for the player who didn’t have the costume on their system they would just see the base outfit (like Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown). Fans complained, so they adjusted it so you have to download the compat packs to see players who have purchased the content, now they complain that they have to download compat packs.

Lose lose situation really.

Does the previous DLC carry over cross platform? Say I go from 360 -> PS4.

Last I heard, it does.

Yeah, I’m reading a mix of answers from different sources.

Says that’s not possible. I wonder which it is.

Sorry, no. Not 360 > PS4 or PS3 > XB1. Only 360 > XB1 and PS3 > PS4.

Hmm? That wasn’t mentioned in the press release we got.

That seems EXTREMELY unlikely

I don’t recall that press release so can’t comment. As far as I would expect, they wouldn’t be able to take digital content from one system’s online store to a competitor’s online store. I could be wrong, but my money is to not expect it.

Well, the PR was very ambiguous about it. It just said that you could transfer DLC content from PS3 and XBox 360 to PS4 and XBox One without mention of limitations.

Oh hey look. Itagaki being an idiot.

This would be a good point for to keep quiet. DOA5 is doing extremely well without his input especially as far as the competitive element goes. I don’t necessarily have anything against the man personally but… his ideas are too strange for their own good. When it came to character balance from the competitive standpoint… this is the same individual who stated something along the lines of: “A wrestler should never beat a ninja.” That which is certainly going to rub people off the wrong way. Even worse is that he is complaining about DOA5… even when it is considered one of the best in series as well as the most competitively viable installation of the series…

From Baal Bal of FreeStepDodge about a possible PC version:

He forgot where exactly he found this, other than that it was on some asian board, so he says to take it with a grain of salt.