DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

A whole lotta Nyotengu footage was uploaded to FSD recently, which I helped with. Go check it out.

So I’m leaning about this game and I wanna know what main differences are there between this and the original DOA5?

Life bar color was changed from blue to yellow
Standard life bar was increased by 60 points from 240 to 300.
Low holds while in stun (critical) had their recovery frames increased by 5, but hold damage was also increased to counter-balance.
New ‘bound’ property was implemented, most typically done if you perform a critical finish with a sit-down stun attack.
You can now break a neutral throw on hi-counter throw.
Ability to decide what music to play during fights.
Rest of the changes were balance/damage changes and new modes of play.

Awesome thanks for the info.

So I guess this might have been asked before but why is the tournament presence still relatively low?

The game looks like a legitimate 3D fighter that’s easily on par with tekken/VF so why does it still feel shunned?

Because SRK likes to judge the book by its cover. :coffee:

To tell you the truth, it’s ‘low’ when compared to established communities such as Street Fighter & Mahvel.

However, when being compared to the rest of the fighting games, and even more specifically the 3D fighters of Tekken, Virtua Fighter, and Soul Calbur, the tournament presence has actually grown. In each of the tournaments where DOA has a presence, and Tekken/VF/Soul Calibur are there, DOA has generally matched or exceeded the entrant count from the other three. Region and event can vary but it’s nowhere near dismal.

The tournament scene has actually grown an average of 6x its size as it was for DOA4 in the same time span.

During DOA4’s peak, the average tournament was 26 people. Our peak for DOA5 was 70, and 5U with 100. In non-promoted tournaments in DOA4 we were getting 6-10 entrants, and DOA5U we were receiving 30. California went from having 1 or 2 players to a steady 10 or so in each region.

Of course, it helps that Team NINJA for the first time, set out to make this a competitively supported game. They went out of their way to listen to their existing fans on what they wanted to see in the game, and took that feedback into how the team would want the game to play.

DOA5U always has more entrants than Virtua Fighter, and FreeStepDodge has more active members online than VFDC (just from my personal checking at random times).
TTT2 has been falling in entrant numbers relatively quicker than most would expect, and seeing little support from Bandai Namco (Soul Calibur as well) would explain why, so DOA has come close to surpassing the entrants count of Tekken in some tournaments, and other tournaments it has surpassed it.

The Fall Classic 2013 had DOA5U as the lead game before Mahvel, and it was easily the tournament with the most competitive bracket the game has ever seen. Justin Wong said on Twitter shortly after DOA5U’s finals that DOA5U had the best showing of any of the other games in TFC2013.

Lastly, I should say that a lot of ‘professional’ fighting game players enjoy the game, and do play the game, just I think the number of entrants for the game (and other 3D fighters) don’t warrant their time to bother entering the bracket.

Oh wow good to know.

To be honest I didn’t really pay much attention to other 3D fighters just given how they sort of fell off my radar post SF4. I remember a time when VF4 and T5 seemed as hype as the main capcom games but now it seems like only 2D.5 titles draw in the big numbers.

I guess my follow-up question would be how do we get bigger numbers and raise interest for DOA5U?

By playing and supporting the scene, no different from what one would do for any other game of interest.

Hopefully it’s something I can do now that I have a way to actually travel to places.

The same as any other fighter. Support your scene. Play local. Go to tourney’s and show that people still care. Make the game your bitch and make a name for yourself. Let these developers know that you support them supporting us.

Honestly this is probably the most active I’ve ever seen the DOA community in a really long while, so it’s a great time to jump in. DOA5 is a perfectly legitimate fighter and it deserves all the acclaim it receives. Contrary to popular belief it’s not just boobies and counter holds. :tup:

I played a long set with my fried who was using Phase 4. From what I saw and was told, her moveset is pretty small but she’s got a lot of pressure options to make up for it. Her teleports mid combo are just frame or something similar but they lead to a ton of damage. Because I never use or fight Kasumi, I have no idea how similar Phase 4 is to her animation wise but regardless she looks pretty hype.

Phase-4’s game play… she kind of reminds me of Saiki from KOFXIII in a manner of speaking (not aesthetically);
the reason I say this is because she has a lot of useful tools… her damage output is high. But, she isn’t overly safe.
This is kind of how Saiki works on in KOFXIII. (In his case, he has a lot of anti-airs, one of the best projectiles, high damage output in the corner from HD combos, but still has a few of safety issues).
The Just-Frame teleport inputs would normally take place after hitting the opponent with some that allows one of her teleports. The player needs to be careful and try to pierce through the opponents defense while counter acting what they are trying to do accordingly…

Here is something… peculiar. Gen Fu is quite a dangerous character. (Sagat CVS2 Laugh).

DestructionBomb that fucking troll lol. And HOW many times has Gen-fu avoided being nerfed (or even changed at all) with each and every patch? Yeah, I do hope this gets fixed next up coming patch…

Somehow, I knew something like this was going to happen again.

To add to what Sorwah said, they also added a new move: power launcher.

The Power Launcher is a new gameplay mechanic introduced in Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate. This move allows the fighter to launch their opponent into the air for longer combos.

Like the Power Blow, it can only be used once the character has lost 50% or more of their lifebar. Only one “power” move can be used per round.

We have more videos here.

(Nyotengu Match Series)
(A-cho Matches)
(More A-cho Matches)

Three links from FSD for recorded streams. Consists of a lot of Nyotengu game play.

For more Gen Fu hate, we posted DestructionBomb’s video with his infinite on the front page.

Wait…There’s more.

Tomoyuki Inui (aka Katsuninken), current DOA5U Champ in Japan gave us a call and said “I will go to TFC”. If you want to fight with him, please make your registration!

“The Fall Classic is looking to have many skilled DOA fighters from all over the world. I would be upset if Japan didn’t participate. So I look forward to meeting many skilled players and fighting to prove Japan’s skill at The Fall Classic.” “I don’t need any support from US fighters because I don’t want to own anything to them in US before I fight with them. However, if I am in critical situation in the States like coming across the robber or whatever, please buy me a piece of underwear before the match.”