DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

DOA5U:Arcade is now officially #maidsports.

First #Sweatersports, then #Idolsports, and now #Maidsports

Why do I get the feeling this character is gonna be crazy fun

Also, is Arcade a new version I’m going to have to buy again? And if not is there going to be a way we can get that character on Ultimate?

No word yet on that.

I am definitely not disappointed with this. I’m happy that the new character isn’t some old re-used character “aka Tengu” and she isn’t another Virtua Fighter character. We have a brand new character bringing something new to the game. Hopefully Team Ninja stick brings this character to the console sometime soon. I fully doubt that they would release another version so early, and only for ONE character.

Goin by her design i assume that the name is not Marirose but Marie Rose then.

But that is a gothic lolita not a maid.

I wonder how tall she actually is.

GF translated as she could, she’s not a fighting game player so some of the terms don’t translate easily. Particularly datsuryoku (脱力) which is to cause exhaustion, but it didn’t seem to clarify it was Mari Rose or her opponent that was exhausted… we translated to ‘weaken her opponents’ but it could mean something else.

Mari Rose
Voice Actress: Mai Aizawa

Top right:

She Makes Use of Her Speed, the Smallest Fighter in the Series

She looks cute, but can actually use Systema, which is the Russian Army’s fighting method. In addition to her fast strikes thanks to her small body, from systema she can weaken her opponents and make their attacks ineffective. In this harsh world of DOA with ninjas and famous fighters, she can still hold her own.

Right of picture on top right:

Mari Rosa can dazzle opponents with her fast attacks and with systema she can make her opponent’s attacks ineffective.

Middle-right, loc-test information - dates and locations

Bottom right, the author’s (Mammoth Marutani) opinion and rating:

Mari Rose, unlike the other DoA series girls, is good because she’s petite. Coming from Virtua Fighter, I’m looking forward to seeing Akira and Jacky after a long hiatus.

Mari Rose’s beauty 5/5
Mari Rose’s cuteness 5/5
But will probably use Jacky 4/5

Bottom-middle, new stage pic - Lorelei

Themed from a western castle, and if you fight hard enough you can be knocked down to the lower level.

Systema?! Oh, this IS going to be fun!

So #gothsports or #lolisports then?

“New stage”, but really just ported over from DoA3.


ported from DOA5U… since the stage was given out for free… with the Halloween patch.

Minus the Halloween decorations.

Alt outfit.

Also battle footage:

Yeah, Aristobule has a bunch of vids of Marie Rose on his channel.

EDIT: Front page.

Bout time they put loli’s in DOA.

I kid…I kid… Really interested to see how she ends up playing.

wheres the vita version ffs

Her official bio states that her occupation is “maid”.

Hasn’t that already been shared in multiple sites?

Ok well it looks like other people have jumped the gun before I could post anything lol… Well at least you guys get to see what the arcade looks like here in Japan.

Its great! Too bad the location tests are finished in Tokyo… so now I have to wait until official release to drop my yen lol