DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

Some of those characters alone are capable of wayyyy more annoying shit than Rachel is anyway.

And then there’s fucking Ryu, man.

The struggle is real…

It seems to me that most of the characters can be assholes played correctly, it’s just what type of beating you’re willing to accept.

Like take a top-tier rushdown character and a top-tier zoning character and they both smash people online. But the complaints will come flooding in about the zoning character because there’s a psychological thing about how ‘unnatural’ zoning is to the majority.

Rachel has ground-bounces into air throws, high powered knockdowns and of all things an elegant sidestep move. She makes you feel powerless, a lot of that is the presentation. But is a Rachel beat down really so different from facing an on-point Christie and her terrifying speed?

Plz TN give me dat ass, and I will love your game forever

i do wish they would’ve given her that costume though…

How the fuck do you beat this nigga Leon? Fuckin untechable commandgrabs fuck me up 7 ways from sunday

What are his untechable command grabs? And you beat him with prayers and vitamins.

I think the one where he OJ chokes you is untechable.

Does Leon just have an extended grab range or something?

It is not. You just have to tech before you get slammed on the ground. Same for his fireman’s carry.

Possible. So far that I’ve noticed the longest throw range in the game is ~2m, and that’s Bass. I have not looked into Leon’s reach. You can see for yourself by turning on Fight Details in the Other Settings menu option.

So the first parts of those throws aren’t techable then?

You still have to eat the damage from the choke i think

It’s a bit more than most characters, but less than bass. He has about the same grab range as Rachel, the exception being his OHs…

Ayane, Brad, and Kasumi strats against Rachel? Please elaborate :smiley:

Ayane wouldn’t have too much trouble since 4P/ BT4P would help her a lot from some of Rachel post tech set-ups… She has a lot of the same problems Spartan had in DOA4, wherein if you have a character that has a solid offensive mix-up,decent high/mid crush, and similar damage potential she wasn’t too much of a threat. Rachel has it way better in the fact she has set-ups that guarantee she can continue her offense/get free damage.

Why does nobody play Jacky? Dude is mad fun.

Alright, I don’t understand this mom and pop store shit. In my state we have only Target, Best Buy, Toys r Us, Walmart, Gamestop, and whatever indie places are around that year (they seem to come and go frequently), like R U Game or 4play…and they all say “No we can’t sell early or we’ll get in trouble or shut down!!” Are they lying or afraid or what? If small shops in other states can do it, why can’t the stores in ALL staes do it?


While IANAL, I am taking a class on Digital Copyright and it’s actually a really complicated mix of both contract law and copyright law. As you may know, the copyright holder (usually the publisher or developer) holds exclusive rights to controlling distribution up to the first sale. When they go to the retailers, they draw up a contract that says in most cases that making sale before the release date is negligent to the rights of the holder and therefore violates contract. However, there are some stores selected by the retailer that are allowed to release early (usually the day before) that are provided for in the contract. which is why some stores do that. Otherwise, though, unless you know someone from the dev team or someone who got copies from the dev team, you invite lawsuits over violation of contract and copyright infringement.

Well, strictly speaking, if even locally ran stores break street date, they could get sued for doing so. The difference is that there are so many that

  1. It’s hard for a big major company to keep tabs on them all if not impossible, and
  2. It’s not worth suing them. They’d get next to nothing out of a lawsuit and would probably spend more money just trying to investigate.
    Still, the mere threat is enough to scare them from doing it. But this is just my assumption for the most part, the only locally ran game store still open that I know about, is over 300 miles away.

Is Alpha-152 still an overpowered character or what?

Still under debate to this day I believe.