Do you consider yourself an OG member?

Is this another OG wanking thread, if so I wish to participate.

A lot closer to ā€œOld Guyā€
>but like a cool uncle or around the way mentor type, Gangster.

-than marvel 3 forum, wtf kids, ā€œOctopus Gropeā€

Iā€™m an eccentric, random brain, just being Japanese American -not on drugs- so maybe ā€œOrange Grapefruit,ā€ and I donā€™t get even half that fakku danbooru, terrible fanart, doujin shit.

Carry on yaā€™ll.

Saw something sad enough on here once. ā€œMan its gonna suck when these 09ā€™ers are considered OGā€™s, fuckā€

I joined Oct.2004. Is that OG enough?

damn, upon reading some of these I have come to the realization that I am not OG. Please ignore my post.

No, real OGā€™s are phantoms. Shadows in the night. They say they only appear once a year, to viciously berate someone for their idiocy and then be showered with praise and glowing affection by those few who still worship the old gods. They momentarily bask in this warm camaraderie, and then as suddenly they cameā€¦they disappear.

I consider myself OG since I signed up in 2001, back when the forum was blue and we had something called rep bars.

OG? Not really. I joined in '06 looking to get better in 3S, though most of my activity back then was mostly lurking.

Reading since '03, registered since ā€˜04. I came to SRK after seeing GameFAQsā€™ Xbox CvS2 board mention it a lot. I mainly lurked but I remember some drama/fun times:

  • Studiotraffic scandal
  • The Prince of Masturbation
  • Crazy Story threads
  • S.H.I.T. Tiering threads
  • Mystic getting banned for fucking up secret santa one year
  • SRK Battle Thread (Not the ones with character teams, the one where posters formed three man teams and flamed each other before a winning team was voted on.)
  • BloodyYoukai/Bloofyā€™s hair and its photoshops

I donā€™t really come here now except to check the front page since Iā€™m mainly over on Dustloop.

which reminds me, we never got a recap for the final episode.

Been here since 2000. Oh, and the Galaga Shields, omgā€¦and if only we had those old threads back. Shit was crazy then. Superman vs Goku was epic. I managed to save the fake mvc3/el salvador rom thread from a few years back, though. Inkblot, wtf. The old threads wouldnā€™t have amounted to even 300mbā€¦you didnā€™t archive ANY of it? You coulda sold it on discs as Classic SRK for like $10 bucks a pop, for noobs or for just nostalgia.

I canā€™t believe I slept on the 24 threadā€¦hell, I didnā€™t find out about House until I accidentally clicked the wrong thread halfway through season 3. i thought you guys were discussing industrial/techno music.

I made this account in 04 but I donā€™t consider myself an OG. I do miss ā€œmeanā€ srk.

I wonder if there is an archive thread option?

No, I donā€™t.



I knew B3, back in the day.

Sagatā€¦ who knew?

I guess that makes me OG?

But I wouldnā€™t have given myself that moniker as far as SRK goesā€¦ I officially joined in '03.

But Iā€™ve been playing Street Fighter since before WW hit arcades (the local 7-11, and a non-pressure rig of Street Fighter 1/Fighting Street. I vividly remember the Saturday I went to Chesterfield mall, and first saw WW. Childhood memoriesā€¦ so good.

Of course I dont, but I do hate when people post stuff like ā€œ09erā€ like its a diss or something.

I remember when I first started posting here someone said ā€œSTā€ and I asked what that meantā€¦ man my rep system took a hit lol

Transformers movie (1987) cast overhaul status.


Donā€™t get me started.

R.I.P. Acid Pellet Style. :frowning:

Go to your profile and check to see if you have the veteran SRKer trophy, if you donā€™t have it, you havenā€™t been here long enough.

In the animated movie, several main TFs were destroyed. New TFs were brought in to replace them. The universe would get continuously worse as time went on, with G2, Beast Machines, Armada, etc. The random new good members are like Beast Wars.