DNGR S PAPERCUT´s & Bad Games Thread

Ya, I make six figures.

Tell me dis shit dun soun harda dem pasky nipple mon


Uoh, uoh, Uuuu!

lol made me laugh

I never sleep, I just lay and wait for my next victim.


This is why I do what I do.



gathewr around boys and girls. its djfrijoles story time again. ok itold this one on ggpo once but ill share ith the worlkd now. so iwork at a resortin zihuatanejo guerrero right(shawshank redemption place yes) i workhere

ok sothemain pool is in frojnt of recepcion. i work as concierge and reception. so theppl areswimmimng happy andshitand there is kids in the pool. everything isok but n kid takes his shorts off andshits in the pool. so this is a floationg turd he produces right. so its just floating around the pool till sopme lady notices it.she gets all pissed and jumps out thepool right. runs to recepcion tocomplin theres aturd in the pool. so we call the pool guy and goes with his net. nly when he tries to catch the tud with his pool cleaning net the turd DISINTEGRATESlol.

I have another story abouty amentally handicap´ped kid that was jacking off in fron of the restaurabt but ill tellthatonenext time im fuked up

Fuck yeah.


this is, like, what you do in this thread, right?

This is goforbroke, droppin it low.

pffft…I can do that

Oh my, this thread was completely useless to skim through
great job

Last 30 secs of the video r amazing:

I keep telling people that Yuuvega is a SOAB: they talk about his combos, but I’ve seen streamings were he was perfecting average and even good players just by throwing attacks from safe positions, frame advantage or higher priority. IMHO, he is the one best Dictator in the world, still ahead of Taira.

I agree. That guy is sick. And I hear his DJ is even better now.

gather round boys and girls its time forsjfrijolesstory time again. inhonor of me getting back with my babymomma tonight i thought id share the story of why we broke uplol. soabout 5 6months ago we was arguing all day and shit. soimchillinwithmybrother drinking at thepad and we godowntown for i forgot what. she takes off to hert momshouse but she takes the spare key to the front door andmy daughter.locks the frontdoor right. I cant get in my fucking house. nothingpissesmeoffmore thannot being able to get in my own fukcing house. i hate that shit. especially after work. so i send her amessage lol. she answers back with an attitude. i send her a text back saying ima knock her teeth out if she keeps talking tome like that lol. ( ive never hit her b4 let that be known lol ) she gets offended by this ( go figuer) and tells me she isnt gonnacomehome. this really pissesmeoff. so imlike okfuck you then give me the keys tomymuthafucking house lol. she answers with itsnot my prblem you didnt grab your set ofkeys. and turns around and starts walking away. OH NO YOU DID NOTJUST TURNYOUR BACK ON ME.so i reach thefuck out and grab the back of her purse and YANK theliving fuckout of her lol. and she gets scared right. so she turns and starts torun lol. only i catch her again by her pourse and yank the fuck out of her again lol. this time she SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMSLOLOL. KEEP IN MIND WE ARE IN THEMIDDLEOF DOWNFUCKING TOWN CAUSE HER MOMSHOUSE IS IN THEMIDDLEOFDOWNTOWMX. so her DAD hears her lol.hecomes runningout and imlike okmutherfukerbringit lol. people are looking andshitallscared so her dadrushes her inside and THEY CALL THECOPS lol. oh man lolol. I was in prison for 4 years so im not trying to go back lol. i heard cops and I RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN lol. I went and hid all day at the pier by the beach lol. once itgotdark i went back and she gave methekeys to myhouse.WHOS THEMUTHAFUCKING MAN. i ambitch lol. so yea tonight after 5 otr 6motns we finally madeuplol.



haha after the texts i went to her houselñol damim tippsy