Dive Kick? Yun General Discussion Thread

The match up threads are pretty much turning into general discussion and its about time we needed this thread so players have a thread to vent

Daigo playing yun? Genei Jin Combo’s? Bad Match ups? and just stuff to discuss in general really seeming as people are still in the testing phase

Ay if anyone wants a Yun gif avi lemme know.
I need to know your color and animation (please give like 3 animations, ONE of them being a normal)

Long Live the Pizza Beast

This is pretty much a replica of Sosage’s stickied thread. Lets try not to clutter up the forums like most of the other character specific threads

Just want to say Yun is looking badass!!!

and I like this thread name.

I know its very far away, but who do you all see being the best Yun’s so far? As in others besides Daigo. I know Marn is using Yun,and Genxa,etc.

Marn loves his tricks, flashy combos and resets with Dudley so I reckon Marn will be a rally strong Yun player. Havent heard any other pro using him yet apart from daigo

Can you make one of s.mp? im his black and yellow? will love you :lovin:

Marn used him in 3s… but his Yun in 3s isn’t really that great compared to a lot of others.

Just posting to say GJ sucks.

NaCl people already? Sweet! :smiley:


close s.mp


far s.mp

anyone else?
I wanna see a rainbow of yun avis

Can i get his shoulder rush. in his black outfit


doesnt look right because of his recovery frames. ill do another one if u want

Thank you so much man.

Nah not cluttering but hopefully this thread will be used more people have more things to discuss of a general nature lol

Why is there not footage of good yun players yet?

It’s nothin
I just wish more people wanted some 3s avis
No Ibuki or Makotos wanted em

Wait til the fist major AE tourney.
Also Daigo probably has his own cabinet at his home.

eff dat sig btw. so much truth

I bet you he really does have his own AE cabinet at home. What a guy. I call shenanigans!

I got to play ae today, but only once. and I have to say Yun is 100% my main. I played Adnon’s Sim and I have to say that 1 I should’ve memorized bnbs and stuff also that Yun feels good this game. second thing I don’t think the sim match will be hard for 2 reasons. cr mp into cr mp and cr mp into st mp and just cr mp will frame trap sim for days (cuz they all love their buttons) second thing i think will be useful is that ex dash punch can probably punish wiffed limbs. I didnt get to do it tho (cuz my yun sucks atm).
I am going to go again tomorrow. Im hoping its not as packed so i can play again.

i will post some yun vids i recorded today and u can see my bad yun fight.

I was watching another yun be at max limbs range and adon was just pressing buttons all day then I thought maybe ex dash will punish.

As i get better with yun and play more high level players I will help with matchups.

Thank you it looks fine imo

First off great thread title.

Also Yun looks freaking sweet wanna see more vids and cant wait to play him