Our last tier discussion thread never really went anywhere, and the OP was never properly updated. More than a year after the game’s release, we still haven’t come to a clear consensus of the tiers in the game, and in which ways the modifications may have changed the overall power of characters. Rather than argue about it forever, perhaps we should follow Nohoho’s example and ask the top players of each character to give us a +/- for each matchup. Obviously, this will now lead us instead to argue about who the top players are, but that seems more manageable. If we can get 2 players per character that’s fine too, and we can post a slightly more detailed version of the tier list that way.
I will then attempt to track down those players and ask them to notify or email me their thoughts and compile the list and post it online on this forum for everyone’s benefit and we can then end up yelling at each other about tier-whoring and whatnot.
Ryu: DGV, Choi, Valle
Honda: Thelo, Megaman
Blanka: SG10X/BlueTallCans, Real Decoy (or whatever Papichao’s latest screenname is)
Guile: Marsgatti, mute chimu kuri, Fifth n some Bud
Balrog: Afrolegends
Ken: Damdai, Snake Eyes
Chun Li: Mongolorobokop, Voltech SRK
Zangief: Snake Eyes
Dhalsim: Damdai, SweetJV, Eggo
Sagat: True Ol School
Vega: Baconology, Ganelon
Thawk: Jigglynorris, Gridman
Fei: Sirlin, Jumpsuit
Deejay: Afrolegends, Leon0wski
Cammy: Sirlin, Mr Jangara
Bison: Zaspacer, DeMavrick, yuh vega dj
Even if one of the characters has a name next to it, that doesn’t mean it’s fine, that’s just my initial thoughts on the best that I’ve come across. Please remember this is for Hd Remix, not for vanilla Super Turbo. I don’t care if you were super duper awesome in ST, if you can’t or don’t play HDR, your thoughts are largely irrelevant.
Keep it civil. I’ll leave this pretty much up for about 2 or 3 weeks, after which I’ll assume the top player list is complete and start going after those players and harass them (nicely).