Yeah, it sucks that you can’t play mirror matches in HDR.
This thread fails harder than the CvS2 bad games thread…
I agree with you Possum.
Anyhow, I don’t quite get why some people are misunderstanding this, completely. I actually have played everyone on the list save for the 2 japanese players and Mr Jangara. And seriously? questioning Choi’s inclusion? The guy who came in second at Evo? The one who still plays HDR at tournaments and just beast DGV not that long ago in the finals?
Anyhow, I’ve asked a mod to delete/lock the thread. If I manage to make it to Evo this year, I’ll just approach some top players (I might even bug you Megaman!) and I’ll ask them in person. Or, alternatively, I can always see if Nohoho has already compiled a list and ask him to put it online.
Sim is not top tier people. The 3 people alone in that group dominate Sim. You can make a case that against Ryu it is best even. Sorry between his nerfs and many buffs to other characters he has fallen. I would say easily mid tier. Nothing wrong with that but lets not put him on a pedestal that isnt there.
Closed, at the request of the author.