Did Someone Say Chimichanga? - Deadpool Thread Reloaded!


**What the fuck does Deadpool say when he does a Bola? **(QCF+H,H)

C’mon little doggy?

Answer: Get along, little doggie.

Anyways, I’m thinking of having Deadpool on point because of his synergy with jump back medium guns and Felicia’s Rolling Buckler assist. Any tips?

I use Deadpool on point with Taskmaster alpha assist. You need a fast, fullscreen projectile assist like Taskmaster or Iron Man if you want to control the game with Deadpool. Just jump, call assist, and do air guns, and the projectile will provide enough hitstun or blockstun for Deadpool to go into ground guns. After you get the timing, it means you’ll be getting hit confirms into super off one missed air gun block. It also provides a beastly crossup if you call it right before teleporting to the other side. I don’t really know how fast the Felicia assist is or how far it goes, but it might just help you with crossing up and not with Deadpool’s zoning game. The zoning strategy I just described can really lock down opponents without a fast startup projectile super and aggravate them into doing dumb things. It will also make them block more and allow you to get free jump-ins (which you can fake and then hit them with a pineapple) or dash-ins to try and break their guard. If they block your crouching :h:, immediately cancel it into ninja gift :l:, which will almost always get you to safety (no one expects it!).

I think Deadpool has potential to be one of the best characters in the game. He can do just about everything fairly well with the right assist, he has huge damage potential, he provides the all-important OTG assist if your other team members need one, and his playstyle is just downright funky. I think we won’t really see what he’s capable of until one of the greats starts playing him. So far, Deadpool is grossly underrepresented in the top tier of tourney fighters’ teams.

Felicia’s Rolling Buckler goes 3/4’s of the screen and is invincible on start-up and hits low on the last hit. Deadpool’s jump back :m: guns just go so well with it just like how Tasky’s arrows compliment Felicia’s assist. Pretty much any full-screen projectile like that goes well with her assist. The best part about this assist is that if the low part hits, opponent gets popped up into the air into a juggle state. XD

The reason this also goes together is for the teleport shenanigans with cross-ups/unblockables. Jump back guns, call assist, teleport, :f::m:. It works pretty damn well for me.

can someone give me a non bias list of deadpools pro’s and con’s im having trouble finding a third member for my team.

Wow, this is nice! I hope Spidey’s web ball assist also prevents the first wall bounce. Thanks for this!

I just found out that you can cancel his overhead into quick work. That’ll come in handy.

Guys… GUYS… GUYYYSSS! What the hell do you do about Tron’s j.:h:? Just one of those damn things can lead to a full combo into DHC trick for the kill. I can’t seem to find any good options with Deadpool. Especially online. It’s extremely hard to block and you can’t tell if it’s going to cross you up or not 90% of the time.

I’ve made a guide to Deadpool here:


Any input, addtions, corrections would be appreciated.

pros: 2a xN into random overhead, his teleport’s not useless, good camping ability, absurdly fast, low wavedash, can beat beam spam with jump-away j.236A.
cons: low health, low-ish damage per combo.

What do you guys think Deadpools most useful tools are?

What are some specific techniques you try to use often?

What are his best ways to get inside to begin combos?

What moves do you use after a ground bounce to keep up the pressure?

Best thing about his style of play?

Need tips

What do you guys think Deadpools most useful tools are? Trigger Happy, Teleport, Katanarama and Quick Work

What are some specific techniques you try to use often? Use Quick Work to get inside, then start combos, and get out again. Then zone with Trigger Happy and force the opponent to make a mistake. Or, use teleport to confuse an enemy or dodge a hyper, then go into big combos and apply rush down the whole game if they let me.

What are his best ways to get inside to begin combos? Either Quick Work or a full screen Katanarama knockdown followed by a dash, or his teleport.

What moves do you use after a ground bounce to keep up the pressure? His Hyper Combo Happy Happy Trigger connects after a high ground bounce (I did this after Thor’s Hammer assist). Or, if you want, wait til they get up and teleport behind them. Or, use teleport and then Quick Work to knock down the enemy easily.

Best thing about his style of play? His versatility. He can play rush down or zoning, and can take and give some moderate damage. You can use many assists with his gameplay, so picking a team isn’t too difficult, but you should have at least one main rush down character in your roster. He is also EXTREMELY fun to play

Did some1 say chimaerical?

Trigger happy is by far his best move. Having a slide being able to go into launcher is also very useful. Though TH is much safer and is also useful for chip damage it lacks by not doing a ton of damage as you would in a combo but on the other hand its not like this is a fighting game. Just spam that shit.

Deadpool’s weakness is not having many options to get into a combo. Many beginners will try to slide and will get punished easily for doing so. Trying to use katana-rama at close range into a combo is a bit trickier and most will just go for the ease of use trigger happy.

Hey guys! ^^^
Also Cr. L work well as a poke and CR H can combo into it!

I need to test to see what slide h combos into!
I know quick work n TH(L) do, but not sure on how safe :confused:

He isn’t very starter combo friendly happy, having porlly 5 at most
but his specialty is gonna come in after you start a combo and theres already a lot of ways to change the basic routine
especially after the OTG hit

Slide is special cancel-able, so you can do pineapple if you expect them to go for a counter. Or bolo, I guess. But yeah, I use Doom rocks to approach, poke with cr.l, and go from there. Don’t forget about his overhead!

I know this is not the right thread, but… May i ask how does the teleport works? what happens depending of what button is pressed, position on the screen, or position of the enemy?

The wiki says that it backfires every three uses, but i don’t know where i go when i use it, or what button does what…

You can combo into trigger happy (low I believe), for a easy hit confirm into your two hyper combos, (i prefer cutting time) cause it keeps me in close to call in Thors Tornado

DeadPools teleport is relative to the screen not opponent L is one side M is middle and H is far side.(

even cuttin time? wow

does it have a certain range? for CT