Title ^
I bought this game because of the original Tekken Tag. Loved that game.
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I picked this up because the first Tag game was excellent and I wanted to see how they expanded on the mechanics.
Namco has a pretty stellar track record despite the mis-givings of Tekken 6.
positively, undoubtedly, absolutely. NOOOOO!!!
:eek: I didn’t, but SFxT did rekindle some interest for T6 in my area and that interest brought out the old Tekken heads that went into hiding years ago.
Definitely owe that game a debt of gratitude.
I also bought it because of the original tag, and because I enjoy tekken in general more than street fighter. 4 player tag FTW.
I didn’t like SFxT at all. Nor do I care for capcom’s greed lately.
Nope. Loved TTT but have not played a Tekken game since,(and it shows).
I bought this because:
- I’m a huge Tekken fan. I may not be the best, but I like to think I can hold my own.
- I wanted to spite CAPCOM. Trading in SFxT towards this felt like justice in my soul.
Nope, always planned to buy this. Enjoy both games a lot for a ton of reasons, some of which they share.
Emphasis on footsies and punishing - something I need to work on in general - is one of them. Being a huge Tekken fan also cemented my interest in both games.
Nope. Playing TTT1 with housemates, then Tekken 6. TTT2 will bring back the salt. Tekken 6 was too kosher.
I liked SFxT I like TTT2 i LOVED TTT.
Hadn’t played a Tekken game since TTT and playing Lilli a bit in SFxT really got me interested. The amount of combos and movesets is slightly overwhelming however
I used to enjoy playing Ling in Tekken 3 (loved her anime ending sequence!), so I might get this if it’s reduced, although I have reservations already over some of the interface design. I will monitor the relevant threads and forums carefully to see if there’s any major upsets with the title, as indeed there were almost from the get-go with SFxT.
TTT was that crack back in the day. I don’t know how many hours were logged among my friends in this game alone.
I was never a die-hard 3D player, but Tekken always had a sweet spot in my heart. Then I got into T6, and I didn’t even think twice about waiting in line at the lone Isu cab to try my hand when I was in Seoul in February.
Yeah, I need to figure out how to procure a legit 360 copy in China…
I didn’t buy SFxT because I dislike the SF4 mechanics.
I like both but SFxT got me interested in other Tekken Chars like Lili and Jaycee. I played Jin all day everyday without even thinking about subchars. So, SFxT changed my view.
Nope always liked tekken more than sf
Have a strange relationship with Tekken. I enjoyed playing single player mode casually in Tekken 2, 3, 5 and the Original Tag, then I started to dislike the series. Don’t know why. Maybe I found it too button masher-friendly and difficult to learn because of characters having 100+ moves. I would say that Tekken 6 and Virtua Fighter 5: FS are the ones that got me more interested in TTT2 than SFxT. Tastes change with time, so I’m trying to be open-minded towards the new Tekken game and I started learning backdash cancelling (Which is something I never heard of back in the old casual scrub days) and finding Top 10 practical moves for Feng.
Nope, just saw a load of interviews with Harada talking about how he wasn’t going to be an ass with DLC and saw some videos of the game itself and thought it would be worth a try.
I bought it because i thought that 3D fighting games were fun, i really enjoyed playing DOA 3 and 4. But i dont like this game at all its too simple for me and its all about combos which makes me really bored. i am really disappointed that FGC is becoming more noob friendly just because they are greedy. Same with SFxT biggest disappointment ever. I hope Capcom can make a real game because SSFIV and 3rd Strike are so awesome they need to do a new revolutionary game