Did anybody else try this game because of SFxT being somewhat introductory?

No, i picked it because i love to play tekken games, I only got SFxT because i sometimes like to throw my money, that money would have been better used as toilet paper now that i think about it.

Playing SFxT is about as much an introduction to Tekken as playing Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects is an introduction to UMvC3.

You often talk about how shit it is, why did you buy it?

:eek: Let’s not derail, please. :smiley:

Bile Fascination :coffee:
That, and that i usually run tournaments for different fighting games here where i live, so i have to be equipped with the games that people play, little did i know that no one would be playing it here after a month :rofl:

Well at least it can be fun on a 2 vs 2 setup (somehow)

The last Tekken game I played was Tekken 3 at the arcades (right next to X-men vs SF lol).

Yes, I have to admit that SFxT has sparkled my interest into some of the Tekken characters like Alisa, Asuka, Lili, Kuma and Christie. While reigniting my loyalty for my old mains: Yoshimitsu, King, Paul and Law. :slight_smile:

Though I haven’t actually played TTT2 yet, I definitely plan on giving that game a try.

The high damage combos make the game fun. And it’s not all about combos. Most of the time you’re playing footsies with quick pokes. The Tag system makes for more flashy combos and a bit more micro. Saying it’s simple is silly, unless you thought that Tekken 6 was simple too.

SSFIV doesn’t reward your combos in its D-tier damage. It’s okay, but why not play ST?
3rd Strike was and still is great, agree.

I love when people without any understanding of any game diss them as too simple, or only combos.


The only tekken game I ever played was the original tag back in 2000 at my cousins house. I was living there for 3 months so we got a ton of games in. That game made me fall in love with Nina, Anna, Alex, and Unknown. But despite my love for the characters the engine threw me off, not to mention that Unknown and Alex never showed up in any other games. (I never paid enough attention to it after that point to realize that Asuka was basically an Unknown clone) Watching the game was never entertaining to me as the characters I liked were almost never picked or not in the game. So every now and then id watch some match footage but would either skip through it use my “tekken break period”.

I picked up Death by Degrees, which despite what people say I think was awesome and can Anna PLEASE get her DbD costume as an alt in tag 2? And basically forgot about tekken, even during the poorly named “dark age of fighters” where tekken was supposedly the company keeping fighters alive I never bothered with it. When SFXT came out however it opened up a lot of characters for me, I discovered Asuka and Lili, reignited my love of Nina, introduced me to Christie and Alisa. So when I saw Tag 2 I was definitely interested in after 12 years seeing if the game had improved enough. I still think the engine is clunky. But the game despite being quite possibly the most rage inducing fighter I have ever played is good fun. I’ll never take it serious enough to do anything but pot monster. But that doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy playing it at tournaments and now that I know more about the engine maybe ill enjoy watching other players as well a bit more.

TLDR. SFxT reignited my interest in the series but was by no means introductory.

I bought the game because I’ve played every single Tekken game and it’s been my go-to fighting game since I was 6.

I simply follow the chainsaws.

I think SFxT has sold more other fighting games besides itself than any fighting game in history.

That said, no. I got this game because I respect the movemt and mind game of Tekken games and honestly the game’s total package is what sold me to get it. Best video game purchase I’ve made in about 5 years.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA keep mashing them launchers, I bet you play mvc3 with mmhs combos as well

As a fan of the Tekken series and SF4, I was still going to pass on SFxT because it looked like crap, and I’d recently been gouged by Capcom on three separate SF4 iterations. I saw it cheap, and caved. It was a waste of $40. The art style was terrible, and the game was packed with too many gimmicks, like the gem system.

I’ll be sticking with Tekken from now on. I love the characters.

No one cares about fraud x tekken men i love.crapcom games then stxt came out then that shitty dmc.game
i buy ttt2 cuz i play it since 3 so hope those capcom retards learn somethings about how do completes games
and not try to sell us demos so keep the good work NAMCO cant wait to see a real game like TEKKEN FUCKS CRAPCOM

SFxT got me a little exited for it.

I was disapointed by T4, T5 and T6, but this feels more like T3 and TTT

Oh wow the exact thing you dislike about TTT2 is found in spades in DoA 3 and 4 plus a wonky counter system.

But don’t worry about cutting your nose off to spite your face…clearly the FGC community is at fault.

SFxT made me remember how much I liked Tekken 3 forever ago. Actually I only enjoyed playing the Tekken characters in that game and thought the SF characters were less interesting. So giving TTT2 a shot seemed reasonable

lol thats what i am trying to say i hate games you mash buttons randomly why the fuck would i play mvc?

LMAO, I want to see you win by mashing randomly to someone who is moderately decent at Tekken or Marvel