Dhalsim Q&A Thread

Bad habits are your own fault. If you’re playing to win online, you’ll get them. Play to nurture good habits. Be defensive when appropriate. It’s ok to eat overheads and throws as long as you improve your game. Learn from your mistakes. Play people who will punish you.

Nevermind…figured out my question. For those wondering, you have to cancel the jab immediately to crouching forward slide. I was waiting for the standing whiff jab animation to finish before sliding. It’s actually not that difficult even though it’s apparently a one frame link?

How are you guys implementing drill into your game? Is it safe to use as a pressure tool, i.e. drill, jab jab, drill e.t.c. ?

Link to TS-Sabin videos

Yes, if you manage to hit their feet as closely to the ground as possible you’re plus on block, and you can combo with jabs on hit.
I mostly use it when I’m cornered and they leave me enough space to perform it. Great way to put some counter pressure and push them back a bit. I want to use drills more though, but I always forget about them.

(M.Drill, sLP, sLP xx EX.flame) works like a charm

If you know the opponent mashes during the block stun just do…
(M.Drill, sLP (FRAME TRAP) bMK xx Flames) You save meter and you score a counter hit.

I have success doing Tick Throws in the middle of the setup (it safes Meter, does good damage and gives you a great distance)

is there a key legend for when people use number inputs, im kinda lost on how you get them :frowning:

disregard, after posting that I looked down at my numpad and noticed what 632149 looked like… TK motion, I think I get it now…

I find going to forward before hitting up/forward reduces the chance of getting a jump back. Your mileage may vary.

Noob question: Should I be able to IAT on reaction? If so, should I constantly be buffering the dp motion, and then up and then the 3 att buttons to react to an attack?

The action takes time, it’s not necessarily fast. But, there will be times in tight situations where you just need to be ready to do it quickly on reaction… In those circumstances, yes. You will be buffering in advance.

There is Arturo’s setup. Basically after an EX.Flame. (if the opponent quick rise) do… {forward.V-Skill, L.Drill, s.LP, s.LP xx EX.flame}. Of course you can alter the sequence for a tick throw of a frame trap as you see fit.

Thinking about playing Sim.

People say he’s quite strong in this game but you rarely encounter on online… sooo… isnt he as good as people say? Or really tough to play?

He is strong but the learning curve is a little higher than some of the other characters. This is what also makes him fun. :slight_smile:

Hello :slight_smile: does anyone know a good tutorial or has some advice on how to push the offensive with Dhalsim and when to use yoga gale?

Currently when I score a knockdown I either go for Yogafire teleport mixups or backup to play keep away with the limbs. So would be great to get some advice what else I can do.

Thanks in advance, I just picked up Dhalsim a few days ago and the tips in this forum helped me a lot.

Hey guys,

when learning a new character I try to focus on certain aspects first, like focusing on the groundgame and just blocking jumpins for the time being. Or vice-versa trying to anti air consistently first and developing setups, meatys etc later.

Is that approach viable for Sim too?

Sure, when I was learning Sim I focused on normals. For example, it’s important to know when NOT to throw out a long-range poke because a well-timed jump will leave you completely vulnerable, etc. Anti-airs etc.

Im extremely good at having the worst timing for st.mp/hp/mk …

btw, what’s my go to anti air?
I feel like st.lp is extremely strong but has short active frames and doesnt really do damage, therefore doesnt stop from jumping a lot…
cr.mp as the go to anti air?

Standing jab is very, very good. That is my go-to anti air, but b+mp is really good too. D+mp can be pretty tough and wont help with close neutral jumps, or cross ups

It’s super important to learn the ranges that those ground pokes are safe at. st.MK, st.MP, st.HP, st.HK They can jump right into you, or whatever based on range. So, you have to be able to hold it in.

You have to be able to hold it in. Discipline is central. I spent ages in SF4 retraining myself from hitting some normal because it was REALLY holding me back.

If they see it coming, they’ll do something and mess you up. But, if you mix it with a bit of standing jab here or there, or crouching jab, and vary up the timings you can get away with it.