Dhalsim General Thread: The Longer it Gets, the Harder it Hits

Doubtful since chip from normals gives v-gauge. Unless they change the mechanic universally I don’t think they’d code an exception for Dhalsim’s v-trigger.

Looks like his CA serves as an anti-air before he hurls it at the opponent.

Nice to see the citical art first starts as an upward yoga flame, that should mean it can be comboed into. What I didn’t see was a special ending animation for finishing with a CA, you can tell he is really unfinished at this point and will prolly see a lot of changes from now until the next playable build.

Thread name should be, “I spits hot fiyah!”

Love his redesign. That flame carpet looks really cool. Hope Capcom put as much effort on future redesigns as they put on Sim.

He looks fucking great.
Definitely gonna give him a try.

Pretty sure those are the skulls of children from his home village that got killed and he wears them to remind him of his duty to protect.

“Wait…so I get Sim with Dormammu’s flame carpet!?”

I hope you can combo into his CA for guaranteed damage in a combo.

…and now there’s a total of three characters in this game I’m considering picking up.

A few questions I still have:
-How many directions does his V-Skill have in the air? I know there’s neutral, forward, and back, but I will lose my shit if he gets an 8-way air dash
-How does V-Gauge build with his V-Skill? Does rewarded just for doing it?
-AIR YOGA BLAST YES (not a question, but relevant)
-What are his Crush Counters? I didn’t catch one in the video.
-Can the super’s arc be adjusted? I like the concept, but even Oro got to choose the arc when he did it.
-How did they balance his teleport so he gets one free but Nash has to earn his? Is he just considered that much weaker up close?
-Can I chip reliably with his super at any range? He really looks to be a chip monster in this game and it would suck if he had a hard time actually killing off chip.

Unless they nerf it like everything fun in this game trolololololol

Feminine high pitched voice

“Dayum dawg, that Sim though dawg?”

This Dhalsim is probably the most terrifying one to block in any game. He has chip normals, projectiles at several angles, and a V-Trigger that makes just locking them down effective.

Day -110 Flowchart:
-Build V-Gauge by repeatedly doing air back V-Skill (also gets his good-range reversal ready)
-Get them to the corner, either honestly or by going to the corner yourself and crossing them up
-V-Trigger on a knockdown
-Press every button
-Super to kill by chip, they have like 25% or more white life by this point and are in serious danger

Of special note are his 45 degree angle normals. That was actually a small gripe I had with him before (felt lacking), and I’m glad it was added. He may not have his A3 V-ism guard crushes, but the V-Trigger is arguably better than that.

Why is a Hindu wearing Sikh turban?
Completely forgot about this problem back in SFA.
Any Hindus on here mind helping me out with this?

Being a Sikh actually makes more sense, they’re the badass warrior class.

Capcom didn’t do their research properly He likes wearing turbans. Got a problem with that?

Holy hindu men are allowed to wear the sikh wrap, whatever that is on his head.
Hindus usually do not.

Those are the skulls of dead children, not monkeys.

Where does it say dhalsim is hindu?