Dhalsim General Thread: The Longer it Gets, the Harder it Hits

I was talking about appearance, all the returning characters changed and aged,

My issue with Chun was they showed a completly different character at first then reverted her,
But you find the character you like

His redesign reminds me of Daiba, from Berserk. Which is a great thing.

He also looks like






But then again, I think most, if not all, Indians look very similar.

They actually showed you a completely different game at first, then they changed it.

Insightful and racist at the same time… What to do?

Whatever, I’m hype about Dhalsim.

Change the thread title to “The Power of Ganesha Commands You!”

Great redesign for Dhalsim.

Everything about him is refreshing. Capcom got the V-Skill and V-Trigger right with this one.

Better than gief

I’d say him and Bison have the best redesigns. Beardless Ryu, Chun and Cammy have the worst.

Yoga Dormammu? I approve.

I actually really like Dhalsim’s gameplay design this time around, and I NEVER expected to hear myself say that ever. He’s got some fancy new projectiles that make me think back to Justice in Guilty Gear XX, and a floor control move akin to Sub Zero’s ground freeze(but…you know, on fire!). Definitely some refreshing things going on here with Sim.

Got nothing to do with characters not having good buttons or keeping characters basic.
It’s about putting in a bit of thought and effort into your character designs and clearly in sf5 some characters have had a lot more thought and effort put into there designs than others.

Funny how you think having anything new is a fancy trick, some of us like new stuff it keeps us interested hence why alot of people like birdie nash bison and now dhalsim lets not forget how long some of us have been playing this series, 24 years some of us have been playing there comes a point were something is no longer “classic” “iconic” and it just becomes same old same old, and ryu cammy and chunners even gief fall into this, it’s not a case of i want gief to be GGXX eddie but a couple of new command grabs wouldn’t have gone amiss and so on

And even in extreme cases where a character is almost completely different from one game to the next say like kof 98 kensou to kof 99 kensou there’s nothing to say you wont enjoy the new kensou, there’s nothing to say a well designed new thought out ryu wouldn’t be as fundamental based as old ryu or as basic

Some people complain that he’s more of a stereotype than ever. With comments such as “Capcom :Hey how do we make Dhalsim more indian? :Employee: Give him a beard and Turban? Capcom: Get this guy a promotion” And “Ah there’s that good ol Street Fighter II era stereotyping. Never change Capcom.”

… I am definitely curious about his game play sure!
Ol’ boy Dhalsim looks freakin’ AWESOME!!

Watching the trailer again and the flame carpet knocksdown when activated up close. Sim is gonna be scary in the corner.

They spit hot fiya! The greatest Street Fighters! Dalhsim x5

New thread title

New sim curry’s favor

That’s my poor attempt

I think if you use limbs now you really have to be spot on, i think there’s very little margin for just throwing them out there.
What’s his V skill?

Flight mode is his v skill

Wait a minute they actually gave him that?Damn. >:)

How about

The longer it gets, the more women like it?

Idle animation with him standing on one leg is pretty cool.

It’s going to be interesting to see how viable zoning will be in SFV. Sim is going to be the litmus test for all future zoning characters.

Trailer thoughts:
[] His normals have longer start up and recovery but that goes in line with pretty much the rest of the cast and it should balance out his archetype.
] I like how they showed that his drill is slightly negative on hit at higher ranges but enough to let him teleport out and avoid fast (?) command grabs though I’m not sure about the start up of Gief’s command grab.
[] They also purposely showed that Yoga Snipe/instant overhead j.Fierce is still possible but you need to be point blank for that to work. Looks really unsafe on hit though unless you can v-skill or teleport after wards but seems doubtful.
] The new j.Fierce is more horizontal air control vs air-to-ground from a distance and its range is much more limited. Good design decision because the old j.Fierce would have been nuts in SFV.
[] V-Reversal causing a knockdown is good and totally fits into his archetype. Gives Sim the ability to reset to neutral and then regain screen position. Keep in mind that V-Reversal knockdowns are quick techable so Sim won’t be regaining a ton of real estate but just enough to make this viable for the character.
] The start up of his v-skill, especially on the ground, looks really slow. It’s a wait and see on how useful this will be. I think it’s mostly meant to avoid fireballs.
[] I’m assuming Fierce Yoga fire is the 45 degree arc and lighter normals will travel in a straight line. EX travels in a straight line.
] V-Trigger looks kind of iffy to me. It’s a one time use v-trigger has a hit box on start up (like Birdie’s) and then the flames deal recoverable damage only. From a balancing perspective it’s better it deals only recoverable damage instead of damage over time. If the opponent doesn’t gain any v-gauge from it then I think it could be really good.
[] Reliable anti-airs from crouching that are special cancelable is amazing. Having a heavy normal as an AA and is special cancelable is also amazing.
] Corner juggles with EX Yoga Flame into TK air EX Yoga Flame is pretty cool and consistent with other characters.
[*] The new Yoga Catastrophe has some good and bad to it. The 45 degree arc that travels is really good at controlling space and keeping the opponent grounded for better approaches. The bad is that it has to be done from a distance because of the arc. I’m hoping different strengths make it travel less distance so that you can do something like a throw or knockdown into super and then go for a mix up.[/list]