LOL thats my Im to tired to yell swag face
Not just any Viper but the best in the U.S., muthafuckin Wofkrone!! Y U SO GATLYKE, LuckyD?!?!?!
Hey guys, sorry I havent been on much but I have good news for new sim technology
Found a way to cross up HK drill, works after focus attack crumble - LK drill - HK drill
A new bnb for sim players that does around 40 more damage, ( let’s just say the ending move for this combo is sweep instead of flame )
Safe jump cross up with MK that is also ambitious, and this is done after a trip combo and requires no teleport “with super you can short slide after”
OS HK drill to ultra 2 WOOT
In the corner a found a combo that works on every character (some characters require a different input) and uses only 1 bar and does about 400+ damage.
Jumping LP can stuff ex shoryukens clean but different characters require a different time of input (you might ask when you will ever use jump LP, well your in the croner and your oppenet is about to wake up and ex dp you, but jump back and LP and everyone is like WTF)
There is probably alot more things but I’m lazy and sleepy, OHH almost forgot, teleport super "cancelling a teleport back to Beat an OS
fcan you link into sweep ? (10 frame startup move ) i now you can link into it when starting youre combo with jumping hk ex(fire , iat xxxx hk xxx sweep
the corner combo prbly go’s like jump b hkxxx b hp xxx ex fire xxxx cr mp x2xxx fire
i was trying mk ambitious cross up or unblockables yesterday in training mode did not go well could not found the right space
back iat xxx air hk xxx sweep is great vs zangief free knockdown and you can safe tele out off the corner
you can use hp instead off hk but hk beats lariat
That is some very interesting stuff you are hinting at! 400+ combo with dhalsim without ultra and 1 meter? sounds unreal to me:o
You dont want to spill all your secrets before EVO I guess, but I can assure you I am not going, and I wont tell anyone, so please give me details in private message? (It would save me a lot of time in training mode!;P)
Nice finds!
How you just going to say all of this and leave us hanging? cruel man =)
Ok 1 example so you guys could love me, this works on a good amount of the cast
"by the way this combo does more damage than your bnb :)"
- Pick sim/sagat in training room and through out a fire from 3/4 screen( could be done up close as well)
- Teleport behind sagat and press cr.strong ex yoga fire
- Since ex is a 2 hit combo, we wait for the 2nd hit of the fire.
- At the second hit, press immediately cr. Forward Rh-kick
- Hold up forward as soon as the Rh hits, press back medium kick "you can also choose when to press the kick to choose if it will cross-up or not but needs to be done earlier than expexted"when above the opponents head, even if it looks like it won’t hit; (nice hit box on back medium kick) since sagat can’t quick get up we end up with an ombigious cross-up
fUN PART - If the cross-up is blocked, press cr.strong cr.fierce to blow up a tech or roundhouse drill a few times to blow up a tech
If the cross-up is hit, you could just cr.strong into flame or repeat the process into ex fireball. “the character will stun if the opponent won’t block the cross-up”
Enjoy and tell me what you guys think for 1 of my setups
works great
sweep bnb works vs dudley,sagat,juri,chun,Elf,
sweep bnb with b hp xx ex fire replacing cr mp works on blanka ,rose
the mk crossup will not link on hit , only if you time the mk very late whats makes it a normal crossup
I was able to do a corner combo up to 366 with 1 bar but it’s space dependent.
I have no idea how you’re putting up to 400 @_@
gs adnan!
i know right max i can get is 375
cr mp xxx ex fire fadc …)works nothing special
You’re using 3 bars right there =/
Tried to cancel teleport with super and it didn’t work either. I tried to do the same as bison’s kara teleport to ultra.
hmmmm im trying this right now and i LOVED it, but I cant get it too work on an opponent that crouches
i was trying to find unblockables and came very close when i tried a setup vs haken with mk drill or mummy
if you block it the correct way the drill or mummy will cross up hit and if you didnt block it right (mummy wiffs )
the sweep setup has got some problems but works great as a punish or iat mixup tool
snafoo the 3bar combo is a random combo
corner combo 375dmg is jump hk --back hp --ex fire-cr mp–st mk-flame
So… I just beat an Abel player with a rushdown Dhalsim. Does anyone do this? I used a lot of low HK dive kicks to step on his toes and throw, some Back MK xx Flame, a lot of standing over his body and baiting stuff.
I know this is shit I shouldn’t be doing, but is there anyone who makes it their goal to play aggressive with Sim?
I’ve done it occasionally just to kind of keep my opponent on my toes. It actually kind of works here and there, but I’d never make it my goal.
So guys, about those twins… Does Dhalsim have anything on them? I keep losing to twins that aren’t even that great and it’s really making me lose my faith in Sim