Dhalsim General Discussion

I am in your boat too, I can’t press buttons fast enough so I play sim.


yeah, it was about 1 year that I wait this moment. Finally we can create a Sim guide/thread with images. Thanks the admin who decide to change forum layer and options…

What’s up with the lack of activity here in the Sim forum? I’m trying to learn the character’s ins and out but most of the information I found are from either 1-2 years ago. Are they still relevant?

Dhalsim players are a dying breed my friend. Yun commited genocide. As for your question, much of the information you find is relevant, as Dhalsim has been very straight forward in this game. Atleast I don’t know about any dhalsim info that you can’t find on this board.

Ok, I’ve been out of the fighting game scene for a few months as I’ve been preparing to move to Holland. I’m back in the forums now so be sure to let me know what you’d like added to the Table of Contents thread, if anything. Just post it as a reply to that thread and I’ll update it asap. If there’s anything that I can do to help further organize this section please let me know.

Did the recent forum change screwed up the links on the Table of Contents thread? Because I click on the links and it says page not found.

Well shit…

Yeah. All old links from the old system are dead.

After I get the newbie dojo squared away I can help go link hunting in the Sim forum.

hey sim players, just wanted to know does sim have any option selects besides crouch tech? if so what are they? thanks in advance.

Option selects:
short slide->super (to counter dash punshes for example)
Meaty c.Hp -->ultra 2 (against vipers ex seismo for example)

shawn your moving to holland whatt???
also hello sim forum! ^^ How goes AE (I am playing sim of course, and gief for the twins!)

I know the 'Sim forum was never the most active compared to other sections, but it’s sunk to all-time lows.

I’m still struggling with AE. I am also trying to pick up a legitimate 2ndary, but things aren’t working out. Times are hard, brothers.

Yes, this is hard times. LOL.

Hello. I’m looking to get some Dhalsim experience against someone on psn. I’m on the east coast and my psn is Zelos818. It would be good experience both ways.

Hey guys. I’ve been on these boards before but now I’m dedicating my time to dhalsim 100% The question I would like to ask is, would it be possible to have a thread for people to submit videos to be critiqued. Or do they just go in the video thread. I thought it would be better to have a thread for this instead of flooding the video thread with sub par play. Let me know as I have some to submit. Thanks

Yes, I’m living in Utrecht now. Tomorrow I have my meeting with the Dutch Dept of Immigration and will receive the BSN number (think the Dutch version of a SSN) so that I can finally get REAL internet to my home, a bank account, etc. Woo.

I have my first Dutch SF meetup on the 10th of July. I couldn’t be more pumped. There’s like 11 people signed up to show up so far, I’m supplying a setup. I haven’t played a human in 6 weeks though so I hope I don’t represent poorly. I think I’ll do well though. The scene here doesn’t seem nearly as tight-knit as the one I left. But, we’ll see. Time for me to start updating the table of contents thread!

Just wondering, what is the best non character specific tactic to beat Dhalhism players?

-Always remember that even from 3/4 or full screen away, you can still hit Dhalsim. If you time it correctly and use the right normal, you can beat all of his long range pokes
-Focus->Dash is great against his limbs to help you get close to him
-When you DO get close to him/knocks him down you can go crazy on him. Don’t care about trades (except super) because they’ll always be on your favor. In fact if you scare a Dhalsim player enough, you can basically go random on him, using whatever move you want and mixing up without really caring if it’s safe or not.

I just want to chime in to strengthen Hardcore’s first point. If you want the Sim player to feel locked down. Learn which of your normals beat Sim’s pokes. By doing so you’ll automatically start timing your normals to counter-hit Sim’s.

rare footage of LuckyD feeling himself after corner pressuring a viper http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHI1mLtoOJs&feature=player_embedded watch it from 9:00 min.

Gawdlike Lucky! :smiley: