Dhalsim General Discussion

Hey scamp, thanks for the matchup with Ibuki. It seems like you’re starting to figure that out that matchup too. It’s good to know how to deal with her tricks. ggs

Also, apparently that Abel player that I beat with Blanka was EMP Kreymore.

i didnt know shawn was there until i saw the stream archives. lol

Good shit to art cfhamp and Shawn at FR, the company i worked for had a booth at PAX, so i scrubbed it out there (lol i won pax tho)

I was playing some online matches against a Rose player and I ran into an interesting problem – my lk and mk slides seem to go through Rose. Anyone else have this problem? During our match I tried to lk slide into super but Sim’s feet passed right through her. I went into training mode and had Rose walk towards me and mk slide seems to go through her a majority of the time and had similar results with lk. Anyone else run into this problem? I can post a video if anyone is interested…

This is a bug with Rose’s hitbox, but I thought the slides hit most of the time? I haven’t tested in training mode myself, so your research is probably more correct than my opinion. The thing is, my most regular training partner plays Rose, and I have but a few times had a problem with that hit box bug:S

I found out about the bug first, when Arturo showed how Blankas River Run go straight through Rose when she walks forward.

Maybe you’re right about it hitting most of the time – when I went into training mode I mashed lk and mk slide at point-blank range and Sim passed through her a majority of the time. Maybe if I didn’t mash on it – or I did it from a different range – I would fix the problem (sorta). HK slide works perfectly.

I didn’t have a problem with Blanka’s river run or Bison’s HK slide but Rose’s mk slide has the same problems as Sim.

So whos going to ECT? ^^

I wonder how many of the regulars on the Sim forums (or… semi-regulars, now, sadly…) have jumped ship to another character lol… this is the deadest streak of activity I’ve seen here in 2 years+


I’m personally gonna stick with him while also working on other characters (the same thing I’ve been doing this whole time). I’m moving to Europe in 2 months and I’m going to tour and play in the tournaments. Can’t wait to see what they have in store for me.

Sticking with Dhalsim too, but trying to get viper to a level where she is a viable second character:P Where in Europe are you moving to Shawn?

Yeah, that’s why I’ve always just been slightly above average at best with Dhalsim… I enjoy using other characters as well. Come AE, he’ll still be my go-to-tournament-character… but I’m definitely not opposed to using other characters.

Is the move to Europe job related, or are you going to stay with family, or _____? Either way, sounds exciting :slight_smile: I would looove to get out of Orlando for a lil’ while, heh.

Utrecht, The Netherlands

I’ve never even been to Europe. My wife has, but never the Netherlands. Basically, we’re selling everything we have that isn’t worth shipping and setting up shop over there. I’m leaving May 28th. This is basically our idea of an adventure. We’ve done a bunch of research but haven’t ever traveled there. We’re being allowed to stay due to a treaty between The Netherlands and the USA which allows me to stay indefinitely while I run my own business (which I’ve done for a while now here in the states).

Once we get ‘established’ then we will be able to freely move about and live about anywhere in the European Union.

Sounds awesome, good luck in advance, man! Maybe before you go we should get several of the regulars of this forum together for some online games lol. A lobby full of Sim users? That would be kind of sick imo.

Too bad you can’t make CEO in Orlando this June :frowning: Tourney is gonna be huge.

Anybody else plan on coming? If so, let me know, I’d love to meet up with you guys.

After having spent some time with AE now, it is kind of hard to justify staying with Sim. It kind of sucks as SF4 was always the Dhalsim game to me, but getting at least three new really bad matchups + all the nerfs… it’s kind of a hard sell.

You can always use the Super version of Sim.

Not in the arcades, you can’t. Although this doesn’t really effect people in an area without an arcade scene, there overwhelming majority of tourneys here are arcade. The last vanilla SF4 tourney I played in was last December, to give you an idea.

edit: it appears that was all a rumor anyway.

I never jumped ship. I’ll still be scrubbing it up w/ Sim in AE, although a lot of it is because my execution is just so shitty I really can’t play anyone else. I use a Makoto icon and I would definitely use her as a secondary if it was at all feasible.


I’m planning on going to CEO. I was in Orlando this past weekend at the tourney in the Comic Shop. I went 2-2, lost to a Viper and a Cammy. The funny thing is that if I would of beat the Cammy player, I would of faced another Cammy and if I would of beat the second Cammy player, I would of faced… yes, another Cammy. With that said I have a lot I plan to improve in.

If you want to meet up, I’m down. I’ll send ya a friend request on XBL when I get a chance.

Any European players around here? I’m moving to Utrecht, Netherlands in 2 weeks and would love to find a scene over there.

I’ve send you a PM with some info Shawn.
Hope it helps and best of luck