Dhalsim General Discussion

High level seems to be getting there at least.

7-3 seems a little extreme imo…
No doubt that Sim v. Ryu is a tough match for Ryu but 7-3 is too much of a stretch.

I didn’t agree with half of Air’s list =\

I see what you did there.

Air said that his list was just based on HIS Ryu. As in. he sucks against Dhalsim.

Anyone here knew that Yoga Tower is canceled if a Yoga Fire hits the opponent?
I discovered yesterday, the worst possible way lol.

I usually YT Abel’s U2, so i’m in range for a good punish afterwards.
So I BnB’d this Abel and threw a safe Yoga Fire to bait his U2.
Sure enough he does U2 thinking that I’m still in recovery from Yoga Fire, and I use YT.
He releases his U2 and the moment that he hits the Yoga Fire, he keeps going (damn super armor) my YT gets canceled and I die :frowning:
I think you can jump as soon as YT ends so I could escape this Ultra but I really wasn’t expecting YT to be canceled like this lol

I’ve tried right now in training mode, and it seems YT doesn’t cancel if yoga fire hits.

Did u tried against Abel’s U2? Maybe it’s eclusive to him.
Was really strange because YT ended as soon as the Fire hits the super armor.

I don’t hink I canceled it accidentaly because it takes a bit of time to cancel it.
What happened in the fight was just a tower immediately cancelled. he said “YOGA!” and already was out of Tower :open_mouth:

I’ll check if I still have the replay on my xbox.

Random question here… how many of you guys are Dhalsim-only specialists? Meaning, how many of you use Sim and Sim only? I am absolutely not this way. He’s by far my favorite character to win with, even though he’s not my best. I’ve won 68% of my ranked matches with him, and have had 10k+ bp since September, not that online statistics mean shit (they really, really don’t mean shit). I’ll go from beating a 20,000bp Rufus to losing to a 1,200bp Guile. I feel I have a pretty good understanding of him after perusing the Sim forums for the past 2 years, watching hours of videos, practicing constantly, using him (pretty much) exclusively in tournaments, and playing thousands of matches with him… but I love using just about the entire cast… and I random select constantly. The point of my post is… I can go from being a very on-point Sim to being comparable to a 800bp scrub Sim. I find it very difficult to keep my Sim top-notch when I play other characters… but I find no enjoyment in just using one character all day long (absolutely zero offense to those who only play 1 character, more power to you in fact). Does anybody else here that uses multiple characters find Sim difficult to go back to and keep your play up to par? I almost never play online sober, which probably doesn’t help, but I can deal with online bullshit better when I have a buzz (at least I’m honest). Curious to know what my esteemed fellow Sim players think on this subject.

Maybe it’s just me. Cheers! =)

I used to play gief, ryu, a bit of seth, and the occasional rufus (completely suck with him, though) but I found the same thing. After working on any other character, I would come back to sim and it was like I was starting all over. All my “instinct” had gone out the window because he plays so different from other characters. The vice versa was true as well. After a long session with sim, my Ryu would be pretty abysmal. Eventually, I just said screw it and now I play sim and only sim. He really is the only “fun” character for me.

I currently hover around 3000pp and around 8500bp. Looking at my stats, I recently discovered that I’ve never lost to Dan or Hakan (big surprise). Viper is my worst enemy by far, with cammy and abel near the bottom as well. And interestingly enough, I win over 90% of mirror matches.

When I’m playing Sim I hover at around 4100pp ish. But, I spend a decent amount of time on Ryu, Makoto, Blanka, and occassionally Viper, and Abel.

I always play Sim as primary. Then, every month or two I’ll choose a new character to play as secondary. Playing and evolving as a Sim main is fun, but there’s just something about climbing up from the very bottom that really gets me going. Lately I’ve started to do much better in ranked while playing as Makoto. It’s been very enjoyable.

I like to switch characters too – I used to main Bison, then I moved to 'Sim. Now I’m going through this Chun-Li phase. But here’s the best part – Bison covers 'Sim bad matchups and 'Sim can deal with Bison’s bad matchups. Win win for me lol. Chun is just fun to play if ya’ll haven’t used her a lot.

At the very least, FChamp’s Dhalsim DOMINATED Valle’s Ryu at Crossroads last night, going 6-1 in the Grand Finals sets. Ryu really couldn’t do anything. Jump in gets beat by back RH, Hurricane Kick gets out-spaced or poked, Sim has plenty of tools to handle his fireball/footsies game, etc. Valle even changed to BISON temporarily because his Ryu had very few options getting in.

7-3 at the very least? Are you for real?

I’m thinking to pick up the Hindu. Just a general question: does his lp Yoga Fire go full-screen?

GOOD LUCK to all Sims participating at Final Round!!!

I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled Shawn and Lucky D and any other Sim =)

I’m at the venue. Woo. Here goes!

Good luck Shawn and all Sims at Final Round!

PS. My boy 801 Strider is in the same pool as you.

lol Shawn — good shit on the stream! I see you remembered to abuse b.lk against Chun :smiley:

wow @ FChamp getting knocked to losers by that Rose player (Shinkuruu I think?). That dude’s Rose is just filthy good.

Yea man… he put me out of the tournament. Lol I can’t fight Abel. I won like 6 or 7 matches tho. He’s so good. Nice guy too.

Thanks man. Yea that Rose is Rashid from Atlanta. He’s a stand up dude.

A few highlites for me are when I beat a guy player, be switched to Abel then trounced me. I switched to Blanka and somehow stole the match. Then I won a dhalsim mirror match while champ was on the tv next to me and Jason Cole was playing sim next to him.

Correction Rashid is from Savannah GA.