AE Sim probably will be better than Vanilla Sim but not quite as good as Super Sim. Nerfed damage, nerfed super and miscellaneous buffs and nerfs to his normals here and there.
However, hopefully some of the things that made Super Sim good are still in: faster drills, great throw range, two great Ultras, etc. Plus, as far as we know Yoga Tower emerged unscathed, and we all know how good that move is.
Let’s also not forget that some of Dhalsim’s worst match-ups got nerfed too: Cammy can’t do OTG Cannon Strike anymore (unless she does the EX version) and that’s pretty good for Sim. The match-up is surely much better for him this time around, what with cr. back strong being buffed as well, which improves Sim’s OSs against her.
Rufus’s damage also got toned down a bit. And, again, Sim’s buffed d/b strong will help him in this match-up. In fact I’ve the feeling that’s the main reason Capcom decided to improve that move in particular. They know that dive kicks rape Sim and that OS d/b strong / crouching tech is what most Sim’s do to deal with that problem.
Sim will probably be a solid, competitive mid-tier in AE. His bad match-ups got a wee bit better and he wasn’t hit as hard as other mid tier characters (read: Blanka and Bison).
I’m concerned about Yun however. I foresee this being a very difficult fight, what with Yun having a dive kick AND the ability to deal with limbs from far range. Time will tell. Abel will probably still be really bad but well, can’t win 'em all. I also have the feeling Ken is going to be bad. As in 6.5-3.5 or worse. It’s already 6-4 in his favor in Super.
If you want to feel sorry for a character though, drop by the T. Hawk forums. The poor guy got almost nothing and he was already low tier in Super. He’ll be sharing the bottom of the shit barrel with Blanka, no doubt about it.
was able to get two games in at family fun arcade in granada hills this weekend. j wong was there when i arrived, and was hoping i’d get a shot at him (he was maining Yun). someone beat him with cammy. eventually it was my turn and i had to fight a crazy fuerte that destroyed me. second game was vs blanka, dbl KO first round and lost second. it was quite packed with a clipboard/list for next, so we bailed. wasn’t able to test out x 2 xx ex flame
Man, from what I played I noticed nothing different. I only played for an hour or two but I didn’t have to take turns much since not many people showed up. It’s frustrating that this shit is only available in the arcade where I can’t really put in ‘training mode’ time. I mean… crouching back + MP can combo much like ryu’s c.MP. That’s something I guess. Not sure how, yet.
Hey Shawn, at least you have the luxury of being able to play it, even if only in small chunks! jealous as fuck I know you’ll keep us all posted with your new findings :tup:
Could anyone help me better understand how it works? I’m new to Sim and I only use it in a very few situations. I figure if I understand how the ultra works I’ll get more use out of it.
So far I use it when…
-after an IAT
-punish my opponents AA attempt (i.e. Rog’s d+fierce)
-punish wifed specials/supers/ultras
This is the easiest way to use U2 effectively – throw a fireball (or ex) and when they jump over it use in instant U2. Another easy setup is baiting whiffed anti-airs by using teleports. And there are some instances when you can U2 after blocking specials such as badly spaced T. Hawk condor dives.
They have to be grounded and in recovery of SOMETHING to be hit with the U2. Otherwise, they can just jump out of it. I think that there’s 5 startup frames on ultra 2 so you will only get the opportunity to use it as a meaty (if the startup frames pass and the active frames start occurring RIGHT AT, RIGHT AFTER, or RIGHT BEFORE the opponent lands) or during a moves recovery (if it has massive recovery, this is what you’re doing when you IAT on the other side of RYU as he’s throwing a fireball. He can’t recover in time to be able to jump out of U2).
It’s possible for U2’s invincibility frames to wear off before an opponent hits the ground (especially true for dive kicks) and you will be hit out of the ultra animation if the don’t land on the ground during your active frames.
Hey guys, I’m having some trouble consistently getting the Super cancel after flame in my BnBs. I was wondering how you guys do it, if you use any input tricks (double tapping or pianoing) or just simply hitting jab. Thanks!
You’re talking about the activation of the super (the jab, double tapping, and pianoing). Does that mean that it’s your timing that’s off? Because, if you just do the flame -> super as fast as you can it’ll come out. There’s no strict timing at all. If it’s not coming out then you’re either not successfully completing the motion or you’re doing it too slowly.