Dhalsim General Discussion

Yeah…I would have remembered a three frame poke with that distance being abused more lol, I dont think it has ever changed much.

All I would like is for him to go back to his Super incarnation with a few changes. Though Ono and his crack team dont seem to know what balancing means, so I’m not very hopeful of what will come.

Do want

From both match videos and personal experience, I’ve seen so many people go for a tech throw but some how mess it up, and Dhalsim wins the throw. It happens so often that I’ve started to have crazy thoughts, and am now wondering if his throw has any kind of special properties to it. Maybe grab immunity, or maybe it’s faster. Anyone know anything about this?

Dhalsimh has one of the best throw ranges in the game, so that might be what you are seeing:)

2nd largest to gief…i think?

And Rose has a huge grab range too.

This is the data from super atleast:

**[SIZE=15px] [FONT=Arial]Hitbox Data **
[CENTER] Player Range Damage
Vega 1.07 120
Chun-Li 1.01 140
Dhalsim 1.01 120
Rose 1.00 140

Gen 0.99 130
Cody 0.98 130
M. Bison 0.95 140
Dan 0.95 120
Zangief 0.94 160
Sagat 0.94 140
Adon 0.93 130
Balrog 0.93 130
Blanka 0.93 130
Hakan 0.93 120
Dudley 0.92 140
Ryu 0.92 130
Seth 0.92 130
Ken 0.92 120
Gouken 0.91 140
Abel 0.91 130
Akuma 0.91 130
C. Viper 0.91 130
T. Hawk 0.91 130
Rufus 0.90 150
E. Honda 0.90 140
Ibuki 0.90 130
El Fuerte 0.90 120
Guile 0.90 120
Sakura 0.90 120
Makoto 0.90 100

Fei Long 0.88 130
Guy 0.84 130

Cammy 0.79 140
Dee Jay 0.75 120

*Juri ?.?? 130[/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT]


wow was way off :frowning:

When people throw their hitbox is extended forward. If 2 players are standing just outside of throw range and one extends their hitbox with a throw, the other can throw it.

If anyone cares I’m asking for help on the Table of Contents thread. As I have stated earlier I have recently moved to the Netherlands and my life has been fairly chaotic as I navigate the immigration process. If people could maybe divide up the list into 5ths or something and help by providing the new URLs to the different sections I could update it and we could get this forum working again.

So to adress the current released AE 2012 changes to Dhallsim:

• Yoga Inferno (Super move) damage 75 x 2, 60 x 3 for a total of 330 damage. This did 300 damage in Arcade Edition.
-Something inbetween Super and AE, which is ok I guess. It’s pretty damaging and very usefull. Dhalsim will have a little more damage potential again. Also the 2 first hits do the most damage, which is good as antiairing divekicks with it often results in the divekicking character falling out.

• EX Yoga Blast damage 90 + 50. First hit gets 20 more damage, second hit 20 less, so if Dhalsim only gets the first hit he gets the better damage.
-Same as with the super: Its better since divekicking characters often fall out, and its good if you anti air early in the opponents jump arc.

• Standing Light Punch active for 4 frames. But other frame info unaltered.
-This is also obviously a buff that is supposed to help sim against divekicking characters. Active frames has been increased from 1 to 4, and with a 4 frame start up, it might work wonders?

• Hurtbox on Yoga Blast reduced.
-Interesting buff. We are still left without the knowledge of how big this buff is, but as I have been able to anti air with light kick blast on reaction in AE, I should be more than able with a reduced hurtbox, not to mention if this hurtbox reduction applies to ex blast too: It will be a great anti air!

• Can follow up Yoga Blast with additional moves for combo.
-What I don’t quite understand, is what capcom means: Light kick blast has 45 frames recovery, which leaves no room to use “additional moves” or comboes. Roundhouse blast has only 22 frames recovery, which does leave some room, but is almost useless, as there is no way to react to anything (Except Kens U1 and Vipers U1) with 30 frames startup. Even ex blast has 30 frames recovery, which I can’t see how you can follow up with anything. My only guess is that the blasts will have less recovery, and this directly conflicts with what capcom wrote earlier: “But other frame info unaltered”. I realize now that this has to point at standing light punch only, which opens the possibilities for even more frame buffs on dhalsim!

Im not really comfortable with editing forums, organizing etc, so I don’t know what I can do to help. Maybe if you gave me a spesific task, I could manage:)

My guess is that people will “float” in the air a bit longer after getting hit by Yoga Blast, so you can FADC and, before they hit the ground, throw another Yoga Blast, or even an Ultra 1, who knows? :stuck_out_tongue:

No noticeable nerfs in this list = <333 The super damage increase will be nice. Can’t wait to see what nerfs the twins get… Yang I’ve gotten better at fighting, Yun is still a nightmare.

This is the best answer to the ‘comboable’ question that I’ve heard so far.

Also, regarding the thread, SimSim. Adding a post to the ToC thread with links to sections that are currently broken would be great. I can then use that post and alter the original post. I would then remove your post in the thread. I’m hoping that we can get ‘back’ to having a reasonably structured thread soon. I’m going to try to combine some information as well and try to become more active here.

hey guys i got good news, so I decided to start a video about learning to play dhalsim101 to things you guys never seen or knew. but im guessing the video would be an hour long but what ever, ill try to put as many things as possible within the hour, also counterhit setups, OS, ultra choices, combos…
hope you guys dont mute me for the hour video, lol.

Thanks adnan! Let us know when ready.

320 dmg combo (only in the corner, not very viable)

b.HP xx EX Yoga Fire, db.MP, b.MK xx jab Yoga Flame

Hardest part of the combo is linking the EX Fire to db.MP

Looking forward to it adnan!

Just a random note: I got 8th of 55 players in a Dutch tournament last week. I feel pretty good about it since there were many good players and I have only played street fighter in any capacity for a total of like 6 hours in the past 3 months.

good shit shawn! Also, shout outs to lucky fucking d! If you guys didnt see his matches in teams ssf4 ae at summer jam, look that shit up right now!:smiley: