So to adress the current released AE 2012 changes to Dhallsim:
• Yoga Inferno (Super move) damage 75 x 2, 60 x 3 for a total of 330 damage. This did 300 damage in Arcade Edition.
-Something inbetween Super and AE, which is ok I guess. It’s pretty damaging and very usefull. Dhalsim will have a little more damage potential again. Also the 2 first hits do the most damage, which is good as antiairing divekicks with it often results in the divekicking character falling out.
• EX Yoga Blast damage 90 + 50. First hit gets 20 more damage, second hit 20 less, so if Dhalsim only gets the first hit he gets the better damage.
-Same as with the super: Its better since divekicking characters often fall out, and its good if you anti air early in the opponents jump arc.
• Standing Light Punch active for 4 frames. But other frame info unaltered.
-This is also obviously a buff that is supposed to help sim against divekicking characters. Active frames has been increased from 1 to 4, and with a 4 frame start up, it might work wonders?
• Hurtbox on Yoga Blast reduced.
-Interesting buff. We are still left without the knowledge of how big this buff is, but as I have been able to anti air with light kick blast on reaction in AE, I should be more than able with a reduced hurtbox, not to mention if this hurtbox reduction applies to ex blast too: It will be a great anti air!
• Can follow up Yoga Blast with additional moves for combo.
-What I don’t quite understand, is what capcom means: Light kick blast has 45 frames recovery, which leaves no room to use “additional moves” or comboes. Roundhouse blast has only 22 frames recovery, which does leave some room, but is almost useless, as there is no way to react to anything (Except Kens U1 and Vipers U1) with 30 frames startup. Even ex blast has 30 frames recovery, which I can’t see how you can follow up with anything. My only guess is that the blasts will have less recovery, and this directly conflicts with what capcom wrote earlier: “But other frame info unaltered”. I realize now that this has to point at standing light punch only, which opens the possibilities for even more frame buffs on dhalsim!
Im not really comfortable with editing forums, organizing etc, so I don’t know what I can do to help. Maybe if you gave me a spesific task, I could manage:)