Dhalsim Combo / Tech Thread

I do:
No meter - crouching HPx2 to MP Yoga Flame - 253dmg 435stun
Swap MP YF for EX and you get - 285dmg 475 stun
If you have full meter, cancel MP YF into CA to bring the dmg to 477

They’re a few posts down on the first page. People were pretty vocal about not liking the organization of the board so I merged a few threads and relegated my aggregations to sub posts.

@ShawnMcCool In case no one has said it, we appreciate your working organizing the boards. Hopefully the traffic stays good.

Thanks for helping with organization!

ch 2hp > 4+mk > ca > hk does more damage afaik

Max damage stun combo? https://youtu.be/JjcJQw3omCY

Frametrap setup after ex fire

Don’t know if this has been covered or if it’s really of any use because of the risk but as a mid screen post stun combo I’ve been doing point blank b.Fierce, Fierce Flame, cr.Forward (resets), then alternating between cr.Short or forward j. Fierce as a post reset mixup. I’m not 100% sure it works on everyone, but I think the only times it hasn’t worked was because I wasn’t absolutely point blank on the first hit.

Finally got the double yoga gale combo to work that I saw Fchamp doing and got to test if it connects to air-super and indeed it does. 424 damage though I’m not sure if I accidentally left counter hit on random but even then it does about 400.

What’s the strength for double gales?

Light punch. First one has to hit meaty and really low so it’s easier to do (or possibly only possible) after a teleport. It’s also relatively safe to just buffer super into the second gale since if it doesn’t hit it won’t come out.

Also accidentally when going for oki after a gale I canceled into super and my opponent had tried neutral jumping and got hit by the super after the gale. This was basically what gave me the idea for the super combo.

can you double gale midscreen? Has to be corner right?

You can do it with a well placed fire ball setup, and even with 2 medium gales I’m pretty sure.

Honestly I haven’t even tested it in the corner so yeah it works mid-screen.

What’s the setup for iat into gale to hit meaty? The only one I know is after ex flame. Is empty teleport into throw a viable mixup option?

you dont even need it to hit meaty to be safe.
I recorded ken to do lp uppercut after block and I could IA gale, b.mk. flame… it’s a true block string.

but after d.mk xx vtrigger just IAT gale to catch normal/ back recovery, it has enough active frames.
If they dont quick rise you can just IA gale again

edit: tiger knee gale is probably wrong, switched with instant air gale :slight_smile:

So how do you get the Yoga Gale to come out instantly after IAT?

You just input the motion as early as possible.

What about wakeup jab though? I would want it to hit meaty so I don’t get jabbed out of the mixup. Can you get gale vs quickrise after lp/mp flame, or do I need to keep going for meaty iat into fierce?

Got a few tech videos to share with you guys:



