Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition will determine if DMC5 is made, and with worthy Capcom devs

DmC is like DMC short-bus edition, now everyone can look like they know how to play!

JCing really isn’t that hard. I means it’s tougher then anything in DmC but with a little practice you should be able to do two or three in a row easy enough.

No with old man hands QwQ

depends on the weapon it’s being done with. i always found beowulf, cerberus, r/i and yamato to be fairly easy but always struggled with force edge and rebellion.

Yea true, some are harder then others.

Buy this or we won’t make the new game you want ;( !

Not digital, Capcom.

I thought DMC4 sucked. It was so silly.

Same thing with me. I found it very challenging to JC the first hit of aerial rave with sword master in 3 with rebellion.

Anyone has any news on DMC5 or even if they’re planning on making it?

This whole “Support it or we won’t make it!” nonsense is stupid IMO. DMC4 did pretty well, and then they shit on the entire series and fanbase with DmC, yet they expect you to lap up their rehash of an unfinished game to determine an IPs fate?

How about you make a good fucking product and reap the rewards of it. Make something amazing and people will play it.

I fucking hate how Capcom manage literally everything, but they have all of my favourite series so I kind of have to put up with them. They’re like annoying family member.

This is less a Capcom problem and more of a Japanese business problem. That’s just how they operate. Look at how Konami does things and all the properties they give up on, look at all the things Sega does, look at what Bamco does. They all operate with the same MO. If it doesn’t sell 2 million it doesn’t get a sequel, if it hasn’t had a game in over 3 years you either reboot it or do nothing, if you can’t turn the series into a yearly release don’t even bother, if it isn’t a safe design/doesn’t have enough fanservice/isn’t a popular genre it doesn’t get made. It’s a clash in what developers want to do and what the suits will allow, which is why even in Japan the Kickstarter party train has been building hype which is kinda unheard of. Japan was never big on the whole crowdfunding thing and the PC port that is generally entailed with it. Everything about kickstarter culture is very anti-Japan, so for a lot of Japanese developers to really take to it with open arms says a lot about the state of Japanese game development.

This isn’t just in Japan. The whole industry is suffering from AAA or bust syndrome.

Hollywood mentality took over video games.



I really hate how the timing feels in DMC4 for JCs. For some reason I have an easier time doing it in DMC3 and of course way easier in DmC. Feels also way too easy in DMC4 to JC before the attack hits to me at least :confused: Personally JC timing was the only thing I felt like was done really right in DmC, still required finesse but was certainly easier. Was a bit too easy to stay in the air due to devil/angel pull though when combined, plus the way combat worked you kind of were pulled towards your enemy whenever you were attacking like a weak magnetic effect. Probably a way to offset the lack of lock on. It however resulted in making it easier to stay close to your opponent and keep JCing

Anyways, I don’t think that this will determine if the franchise is shelved. I think that it will decide how SOON the follow up is, but they wont shelve one of their best selling franchises.

It’s their 5th highest selling franchise and sold incredibly well for how few entries and platforms it’s been on. Even megaman still is having shitty stuff released like Xover, just nothing for core gamers…

I think releasing the same game on a different platform counts as 2 titles so PS3+360 = 2 titles
Also they only list franchises that have broken 1mil (Darkstalkers not on there :frowning: )
Resident evil - 98 titles - 65million
Street Fighter - 80 titles - 36mil
Monster Hunter - 30 titles - 32mil * (I could swear there was like a billion monsterhunters, lol)
*Megaman - 131 titles - 30mil
Devil May Cry - 21 titles - 14mil
Dead Rising - 13 titles - 8.2mil
Onimusha - 12 titles - 8 mil
Marvel Vs Capcom - 10 titles - 7mil
Lost Planet - 17 titles - 5.7mil
Ace Attourney - 18 titles - 5.3mil
Dino Crisis - 13 titles - 4.4 mil
Ghosts 'n Goblins - 14 titles - 4.2 mil
Sengoku Basara - 26 titles - 3.6 mil
Final Fight - 10 titles - 3.2 mil
Breath of Fire - 15 titles - 3.1 mil
Dragon’s Dogma - 6 titles - 2.2mil
1942 - 3 titles - 1.4 mil
Commando - 2 titles - 1.2 mil

Judging by the 1942 “3 titles” I don’t think these numbers include compilations. Unless maybe it’s like all the same game like Megaman zero collection, I dunno.

Here’s the problem with that, DmC was the latest game in the series and it didn’t break 2 million sales, and the definitive edition sold like absolute dog shit. And no it doesn’t matter that DmC is a travesty, that’s how Capcom works. DmC’s poor sales indicate to Capcom’s higher ups that the series isn’t profitable anymore, they believe the series has been ran into the ground and they cannot continue to beat the dead horse. I firmly believe that if DMC4SE doesn’t sell well they very much will kill the series, because to them it’s already dead until proven otherwise.

JohnGrimm is right. Capcom already killed off a lot of properties because they didn’t deem them profitable. If DMC4SE doesn’t sell as much as they want, then you can really kiss DMC goodbye for a while.

The DmC:DE numbers AFAIK were only released in PAL territories correct? Also those are only physical release numbers not digital release. Currently the original DmC sits at 1.6mil and their 35th best selling title of all time, and that is not adding in whatever fairly small number of sales DE had (if I had to guess ~150-200k since release). Keep in mind, DE was SUPER budget. Added almost zero new content beyond gameplay tweaks and it was likely very easy to port to PS4/X1 given the fact it was built on Unreal 3.

I ain’t saying DE was selling like hotcakes, I’d have a hard time seeing it have sold more than 200k tops.

It’s VGChartz, take it with a grain of salt. Plus, again, not including digital since usually that isn’t released. 76k first week for such a budget title sold at $40 is actually pretty good. That’s 3million bucks, certainly must have made back the cost of development + printing + shipping in that week possibly a little bit more. Anything after that, including digital sales, is profit.

This certainly sounds more convincing than how they discussed Darkstalkers resurrection. Sounds like Capcom plans to do it anyways just gauging interest in how soon or how much to spend.

Its alright. Maybe kamiyas new version of dante as a dragon slayer on xbone will replace that for us.

Also, i’ll be buying this for pc. I think this is my first pc purchase ever. I need dem inevitable mods that will come.

The 1.6 million untis is shipped numbers, not sales.
DmC is around 600k units sold on both consoles.