Destiny - Videogame Thread + SRK Clan SignUp

yo im 360 too.

just got to level 22.

just did one of the salvage matches in crucible with a couple of guys after doing co op for a few hours. we were getting our ass kicked for like 60% of the match (their score was maybe double ours) but then we managed to pull it back and won the match by 40 points in LITERALLY the last second when we scored a final kill. man it was fucking awesome.

is the 360 servers separate from the XB1 ones?

Yes. Every platform can only play with their respective consoles, as of right now.

And that suuucks balls.

Console families should be able to play together. And everyone should be able to play with the PC…

So, there’s a merchant that deals EXOTIC FUCKING GEAR in exchange for Strange Coins. He comes and goes, but he’s actually there today until the 14th and stands next to the Crucible Quartermaster in The Tower. I can’t even afford anything from him besides some Heavy Ammo synthesizers, but he hands down deals the best gear I’ve ever even seen.

These are the days he shows up:

Go check it out. Especially if you’re packing a lot of Strange Coins.

Looks like every weekend. Friday evening (he’s actually about to show up) to Sunday morning.

He’s there right now. I checked out some of his stuff.

My fault. I read PM instead of AM.

Weekend merchants for high end gear? Awesome! Borderlands and Mass Effect fans are knocking this game too soon. Give it a chance.

I am so tired of the moon stage. I feel like it came up 3-4 times in a row.

That’s not the Mars Stage.

Guess I have to be faction-less cause I’m mostly interested in PVE shiet. Fuck.

I love the sunsinger sub-class for the warlock. The radiance skill gives you faster movement speed, higher armor, instant grenade cool-down, and stronger melee very strong super. You can throw about 3 to 4 grenades before Radiance runs out. This super has saved my ass way too many times to count plus has helped me make plenty of comebacks.

I’m probably just going to make a whole separate Warlock and start her on the Sunsinger class. The abilities look awesome, but I’ve been focusing on Voidwalker mostly because I want to get Blink.


I thought the 2nd sub-class opened up after a certain level?

You have it unlocked for any new Warlocks after.

Kinda mad the Weekly Heroic Strike doesnt have a matchmaking system. I just want to do it to farm Strang Coins but I have no one to do it with

how long does the weekly strike have left? id do it with you but cant see ill be on much the next couple days.

Sorry man, I got it for PS4. Go ahead and add me to the first page, The Furious One.

PSN: DahcDerron

Just got it so I’m only at level 3.