Destiny - Videogame Thread + SRK Clan SignUp

what’s your guys favourite gun types? Notice any gear related shit yet?

I’ve noticed my Warlock gets a lot of armor that seems geared towards using an auto rifle. I prefer pulse, though :frowning:

Auto and Scout.

Auto Rifle and Sniper Rifle are my favorite. Scout rifle is growing on me as a hunter. I throw everything else into trash.

add me on xbl, I’d love to play with at least ONE member of SRK at some point, lol. If you’ve added me already, send me an invite, woman.

Destiny feels like Bungie really wanted it to be cross console, and if it makes enough money, they could probably just dictate that shit to the two console makers.

If i had one complaint, i think the story is laughably absent. I literally have no fucking clue what is going on in the game. I just go do missions and shit.

Pulse Rifle for days.

Currently handcannons. Only cause I found with 8 round magazine. Before that I was using the pulse rifle in pvp with a shotgun secondary. Pulse rifle is really good with a damage bonus as one shot will kill another person. Fighting multiple people however it doesn’t work as well.

Currently using blade dancer skill tree. If you are doing pve it does not offer a lot of orbs of light. However, you make up for it to clear groups of enemies efficiently.

Sorry if this was posted earlier on in the post but could anyone speak to quality of the PS3 port? I don’t have a next gen console and it isn’t available on PC so I’m forced to get the PS3 version.

Got an Exotic fucking Shotgun from PVP lel

GG The Martian, i had something to do so i had to left

here are some codes for some extra stuff on destiny. you have to go to to redeem them and it links them to your account. most of them are meh but youll definately want the shaders once you get to lvl 20. i just tried the blue and gold one and it looks totally sick. im a bit sad you cant change the colour of each piece yourself but whatevs. im hoping i see a nice mint green one along the lines somewhere.

[details=Spoiler]Destiny all 25 codes:

2# 3DA-P4X-F6A
3# MVD-4N3-NKH
6# 473-MXR-3X9
7# JMR-LFN-4A3
8# HC3-H44-DKC
9# 69P-KRM-JJA
10# 69P-VCH-337
11# 69R-CKD-X7L
12# 69R-DDD-FCP
13# 69R-F99-AXG
14# 69R-VL7-J6A
15# 69X-DJN-74V
16# 6A7-7NP-3X7
17# 6A9-DTG-YGN

18# 7F9-767-F74
19# FJ9-LAM-67F
20# JD7-4CM-HJG
23# 7CP-94V-LFP

-SHADERS-(YOU’LL WANT THESE! These are your clothing colors)
25# RXC-9XJ-4MH[/details]

ill be on in an hour or so (xbox) if anyone wants to do some stuff

Those are all on like the first 3 pages. Funbags posted them. What level are you, and are you 360? I’m riding solo since Will didnt get on tonight. I’m 17 atm

ah ok i didnt look through the first few pages since i figured it would all be old stuff.

i just hit level 20 about an hour ago and turned it off right away. ill be on soonish and would be down to just do runs with you or pvp for a while (i really fucking suck at that though). yea im on 360. my GT is on the left. is that garbled mess of a username your XB GT? :smiley:

It used to be my name many moons ago. Now it’s MJR Poltergeist. I’m fucking around on Venus and have 3 levels to close the gap between me and you so you have a good while

Scout Rifle
Rocket Launcher

I heard theres a shotgun thats a primary thats an exotic… I want to run that shit lol

Also, on the first page, you have me as XBox when Im actually PS4

Today I went back and ran some older missions on hard, to bump up their difficulty, to get me over the hump I was in story wise. Now Im 14 and some change, gonna continue on with the story.

btw if you’re level 20, this is apparently a good place to farm : )

Just recently hit 12.
Anybody on PS3 trying to do Phogoth in the next couple hours?

Finally hit 20. Light Armor is scarce as FUCK.

I’ve done two Raids on Mars, several PVP matches and a few Patrol Missions and have only found ONE piece of Light Armor and NO Motes of Light. Lmfao.

Shit’s gettin’ real. I’m about to check out that farming spot Willy posted on Venus to see if it’s actually that useful.

SUPER close to level 21. Just need like one more light armor thing.

Almost level 22, just need a bit more light armor.

What are you guys doing to get light armor?

Also, what do you guys think is a good way to get Glimmer?