Desmond Pinkeny beat the shit out of Sanford Kelly at the Break.....What Happened?!

TFGM wanted the fight to happen, he could have easily stopped it with his mightly power glove! IF YOU WOULD HAVE JUST STUCK YOUR POWER GLOVE IN THE MIDDLE THEN NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!

This is going to get ugly, and amusing at the same time.

McNugget Hailstorm that bitch down!

And I’m sorry to add something to this, but, really, getting picky about someone knowing you fought someone? come on, people.

Whatever the fuck this was, it sure wasn’t funny.

Nah… just predictable… j/k good one!!!1!11!!

LOL, who am I? Who are you, TFGM? Because you sure as hell are not (SF) nor God’s gift to the gaming scene like you seem to think you are, I don’t care how many people you send to whatever.

I used to have a bit of respect for what you try to do, and even went to bat for you on the boards once. My mistake.

You are a clown, end of story.


To be honest I dont give a damn what happened between them. What happened between them is there business. But I was just wondering are both of them still going to attend Texas Showdown 5?


For the community’s sake, I hope that this does not harm ECCX or any other tourney in the least. Even having either Desmond or Sanford not attending TS5 or whatnot being a consequence of this would be very unfortunate. I know they are both great players and I always immensely enjoy watching them play. I don’t know what was between them, and am fine without knowing, as I respect their business as individuals involved with each other. It must have been pretty significant for them if they felt their fight couldn’t wait until they were off of the Break’s property, though. I do think that they should have taken care of it earlier…surely it can’t be healthy suppressing it for all these years.
If what was posted earlier about ECCX being in danger because of this is true…I don’t even want to think about that. I wouldn’t doubt that would have a negative effect on our community, maybe bigger than one would think.
Hopefully both of them have come to terms with their problem, and we can all forget about this.

This has nothing to do with ECCX or even Marvel…they fought outside on public property. The Break doesn’t own the sidewalk…gimme a break. Usually when two people fight like that, they settle their differences anyway…you don’t need to have a clear cut winner to end an issue. I have no clue what the issue was…but I think this was probably blown out of proportion. It was more of a fight than I thought…but whatever.

man im fuckin dying cassidy said this to freeway in their “battle” god

This wasnt a joke, this was fucking stupidity.

sine and cosine. maybe even tangent.

Men don’t resolve their differences with violence, children do. I’ve met both of these guys and they’re cool to talk to but damn why did it have to come down to blows? If you two can’t stand each other, don’t talk to each other. Solved.

sanford plays a scrubby ass storm…like i would know. i dont even play marvel…now im sad. :sad:

No, thats not true at all. Words only allow the issue to fester in some cases. Do you think we would have removed the Taliban if we had asked nicely? If you are too weak to take action, stand around and just wait for stronger men to take care of things, but do not condemn them for handling their business.

wtf?? Why is this even an issue? They were(are?) friends and had a fight. Big whoppin deal. Friends eventually have fights. It sucks they were both immature enough to plan a fight instead of talking it out, but that’s their thing.
They aren’t celebraties whatsoever. Why is it interesting enough to have all these pages if there’s no video???

First, learn to spell “paparazzi” you dumb fuck. Second, why are you reading? Everyone that comes in here preaching about what a horrible person I am can go fuck themselves. You know you love me. You know you love the closeness I bring everyone that reads my threads to the gritty side of the Marvel scene. Don’t get all high and mighty with me. Now maybe posting this shit wasn’t exactly the best idea i’ve had, but it’s not as bad as the time I fucked your mom without a condom. So keep reading bitches, and keep hating. You better pray they don’t ban me…what would you do with your spare time if you don’t have my propaganda to read?

I have a few things to say.

In the history of the competitive SF community, there have been very few fights. If there were, they were usually not involving two SF players at all, but instead had outside influence. This is probably the first incident since I’ve been around that there was an actual case of two people within the SF community doing something like this.

Now Chris Cotty has seen this and who knows what the fuck is going to happen. I’m sorry but if you have to fight to solve your differences, you are CHILDREN. There is no other excuse for this kind of behavior but blatant immaturity. Come on, this is the “King of Hate” talking here. Do you know how many people have wanted to beat my ass? How many people’s asses I’ve wanted to beat the shit out of? I had Jaha and four other guys in my fucking face at EVO 2k2…do you have any idea how much self control it took me to shut the fuck up and not start that fight? Despite what anyone says, I held back because I knew that fighting there would have been bad for the SF community…EVO would have gotten a bad name and who knows if any college would have picked it up after that? COME ON DESMOND you were fucking there. If I were scared, do you think I would talk so much shit online? I’m not afraid of anyone. I could have beaten the shit out of Blaziniflo both times he beat me for massive amounts of money and just fucking took it back…but I didn’t.

Real men don’t have to use fists to prove anything. Real men are the ones that have self control and realize that beating the shit out of someone is pointless, because it solves nothing. The strongest people are the ones that can hold their anger, angst and violence inside and know when to swallow it. The ONLY time that fighting like that is acceptable is if there is someone who is blatantly out of line…if someone is striking a woman for example and you beat the shit out of the fuck who hit her. Or if there is a war between two countries, or some other kind of grave disagreement or injustice.

THE BREAK IS NOT A FUCKING BATTLEFIELD. The actions of Sanford, Desmond and YES TFGM who is equally responsible, have tarnished the image of the entire SF community, and also have jeopardized the fate of ECCX. Chris Cotty has decided to cancel all Tuesday and Thursday weekly tournaments effective immediately until further notice, and now players who rely on the Break as a place of competition are going to suffer because of the immature actions of three grown adults.

Unacceptable. If you’re going to fight, do it 500 miles outside of a fucking arcade. Use your heads instead of your mouths and fists. If you absolutely have to be immature, don’t include the rest of the entire community with you, which is exactly what you did here. Now all players are going to suffer for your selfish actions.

I speak on behalf of the entire SF community when I say that I expect a public apology from all the parties involved. I’m sorry but I’ve been around way before players like Sanford and Desmond came into this scene, and I’m disgusted. Now people like Phi who goes out of his fucking way and SACRIFICES SO MUCH to organize shit like Breakdown, have to go to Chris Cotty on hands and knees to somehow promise that this kind of thing won’t happen at ECCX. Who knows if Chris will even allow Desmond, Sanford or TFGM at the Break again? He lifetime bans people for much less.

The immature actions of a few have now sacrificed the future of the entire SF community on the East Coast. Fix this shit NOW. And if I ever hear about this shit happening again, I’ll make sure you’re all gone from the community for good. And you DON’T want to fucking test that.

I’m done.

Wow…defending youself from everyone calling you a down syndromed Yao Ming has really taken away from your flaming game.

I neither know nor care what happened in this situation. I just wanted to say- if two retards punching each other could lead to the end of all SF competition on the east coast… isn’t about time to give it up anyway?

I don’t even have to worry about being older than you to have the right mind to call you a child. I’ve also wondered why do you make MvC2-related threads if it’s a dead game(your words, of course).

oh. And congratulations on proclaiming “it was just a joke!” after Sanford, himself, already admitted to it. :rofl: :rofl: