thats pretty shitty that chris is cancelling weeklies because of people from another state. damn mad selfish on the part of sanford and desmond. i would have loved to see it though.
awww someones mad ^.^ And no, I don’t love you, never have cared for your needless antics. Also I hate marvel, BAM. So all you do, does nothing to get me closer to the side of Marvel. And could you remind me of when you’ve ever had a good idea on here? Seriously I’m drawing blanks. Fucking my mom comeback, yea thats original. And what would I do without you? I’d probably go on my life as usual, with exception of having to read your pathetic posts.
haha he won’t, i doubt he’ll cancel ECCX either because that makes him so much money
he’s prolly just pissed and thinks (rightfully so) threatening the tournaments will stop all this crap
I didn’t say he was canceling anything, I said ECCX could be in jeapordy because of the fight, so what we need to do right now, is be easy and let this die down as a Isolated situation.
Its not really bothering me, I am use to the people on SRK. I just gave my input only because Blazinflo made the situation public and instaed of just standing there and watch it blow out of proportion, I decided it would be best if I gave an explination and try to keep the lid on this pot. In fact funny thing…I didn’t even know this thread was here, until Santhrax came to my house this afternoon and showed me. But you know, I’m always trying to promote myself, and act like I am all big and mighty and trying to be up in everything.
Do what makes you happy.
I ran out of power, I forgot to charge my glove in Blue J car. :sad:
It won’t get ugly, just amusing, like I said, I’m use to this.
Don’t worry, they are still scheduled for TX5, that won’t change.
The purpose of keeping this under wraps was because we don’t want to make this more than what it is. I am sure Chris is a reasonable no nonsense man, and I know that he can understand one isolated situation. I am just asking that everyone not make anything more of it. That is why myself and the other individual who watched it go down did not make it public. We wanted to just keep this under the table and keep it moving. So much for that.
Actually…they didn’t fight out on the sidewalk, they fought in the back. right by the break door. Actually on the break door. As for the issue, yeah your right it was blown way out of proportion and much like this tread, it is following the same path.
Well with the wars that we have had throughout mankinds existance…I would have to say that not a single man has grown up then. But hey look at it like this, at least all the insurgents that the U.S. army are killing in the East are all kids.
Its not like that, they just said something to each other and it quickly manifested into something that just made them jump on each other. It happens, we are all human. Like I said, random and isolated situation. They talked and its all good now.
Even when you make a mistake, you keep on plumbing. LOL Don’t take it so hard flo, we all make mistakes. You just wanted to know what happened. Hell I was tempted to make something of it, but we all thought that it would be best if we just kept it under wraps. So I know where your coming from.
DSP, I understand that you are upset, however I just want you to understand, people are Human, and with all the maturity in the world sometimes, that escapes the best of us. The guys are well aware of the fact that they made a mistake but they had their “EMOTIONAL” reasons. That is not a excuse, it is what it was and what has happen. The primary reason “WHY” I didn’t want this tread to even exist is for Chris and Phi not to see this. But it has already happened. X and Santhrax are truly sorry and they will express that apology to Chris himself. I just saying that everyone needs to just relax and let the people directly involve in this speak with Chris and it will be handled. I hope that Chris can see this situation as a Isolated one. (I’ve must have said that like a million times already)
He is a reasonable guy and he will know what best to do. I doubt he is going to cancel anything. Let us all stop adding to it giving ideas and stuff, and just let things cool down. Everything should be fine. Nothing against you DSP, and I am not even disagreeing with you either. I agree with you, I am just saying being that I was there, I understand the nature of the situation and understand that the pot boiled over so, its one of those touchy situations that just got dealt with as best as possible. However I don’t see this being something that will end everything. Everything should be okay.
If this were a matter that could not be solved through peaceful resolutions, do it somewhere else. Come on, the back of the Break? Since when did it turn into Fight Club back there? TFGM, Desmond, and Sanford are all responsible for what happened back there. I don’t know TFGM too well, just what he posts here on SRK, but why let them fight? It was a horrible call and should not have happened. I’m not saying you’re a bad person because I’m in no position to judge you, but common sense would’ve told you that having a fight at the back of the establishment holding tournaments would’ve turned out bad.
In before the lock…
Anyway, it sucks that shit like fighting over a game happens.
~Born to Play~
You know, your completely right, and when it was going bad during the tournament I told them not here, and not now. But they wasn’t trying to hear it. Trust me when I say this… I really really tried. But this is something that I have tried to hold back for what…2 years now. I can’t say that I did EVERYTHING in my power, because I could have done one thing, but I thought of it after, and I was a bit upset. I was just going to tell PHi and Chris about it so they could take care of it. But they said they were just going to talk, and no fight to spoil the tournament, but it just blew up in my face. I was so disappointed in myself. I should have done more. Funniest thing, I am biting the bullet for someone, and you know who you are. I told you, we should just wait until the get into NYC and let them handle it themselves. Oh boy, why didn’t I just listen to myself. :sad:
You said it yourself. They, or all who was involved, planned to “settle it” after the tournament. After all that time, nobody could’ve made a calm, rational decision beforehand?
Its not like that, when something went down in the middle of the break, I gave X the sign to chill. X and I spoke and X was very very upset, and I told him not here, we have to respect the break. He told me that he wasn’t going to fight during the tournament, or just bash Santhrax in the face. Then I went to Santhrax, and the same thing was said. I didn’t know whether to trust them or not, but they never fought before in 2 years, so I just thought, hey we are going to go out they are going to talk about it and then squash it. Like usual. But shit just blew up and they just started fighting. I was going to just break it up right there and then, but the other guy that was with me, said, just let them get it out of their system. I thought about it for a second, and just stood back for a minute. I understand that sometimes, you just have to physically get it out of your system. We are all human so I don’t want to hear from people all this holier than thou principle speech. It happens. Bad place, YES that I will admit, and I should have just jumped in and stop it but…I made the wrong call there and then. I am just glad there was no blood shed and you know they got an understanding. Hey it has been surpressed for 2 and half years. Just bad timing, and bad call, I should have gone with my gut feeling. Ah… :sad: its done though, so now all three of us will talk to phi and cotty and we will resolve things in a good way. So you know, don’t stress it too much. I am quite embarass to be honest with you. I am trying to deal with it as best as possible though.
Yo this fight had nothing to do with the SF community. It was personal. It just so happens it was at the break.
I’m sorry I never knew you went to iraq, to say something as fucking stupid as that
Ah. I feel you on the decision you and “other” made, as bad a decision it was. Nothing more to add.
This is my point entirely. But the fact is it doesn’t matter what the reason for the fight was, IT HAPPENED AT THE BREAK DURING A SF TOURNEY. And now the entire SF community has to pay for the actions of three men. You can say the community is not invovled, but you’re 100% fucking WRONG because it’s the entire community that is suffering because of it. No more Break weeklies, who knows whats going to happen?
TFGM, I’m glad you admitted you were in the wrong.
yea raz0r is right…serpent stop being retarded
It was suppose to be a sarcastic statment to show that violence has nothing to do with maturity, it is a part of life. How is that stupid?
I am not denying that I am not in the wrong, but I just wanted to point out that there wasn’t really even suppose to be a fight. It just blew up into one. Desmond said that he was going to fight santhrax if he found out what santhrax said about him on a personal level, and Desmond was just sick and tired of hearing santhrax talk bad about him. Santhrax just admitted that he said it. I was like whoa…he wasn’t suppose to admit that. Like as if Santhrax wanted to fight. I think he did, then bang, out of no where they just started swinging. Now that is when I should have stopped it but I went against my better judgement and listen to the other guy and just let it happen, so they could get it out of there system. That is where I am wrong, because I didn’t jump in, right at the beginning. But I did not promote the fight.
Much like in China town this always happens, with them two. We all step outside and they resovle it with words. But it is just this time, they both didn’t want to resolve it through words. I just had to be there, I should have stayed my ass home. But hey, wrong place, wrong time for me. I’ll take it though.
P.S. Bout time you jumped in and lend a hand Matrix. See why I said no FIGHTING!!! It’s different now this isn’t like back then. BIG meeting Friday, oh best believe it.
Who was this mysterious person who apparently you listen to over all of your better judgement? I think you should start making decisions for yourself because it’s obvious that would have been the better decision in this situation.
But the thing is, neither of us knows what was going on for 2 years…and neither of us was there in the heat of the moment. Whatever that issue was, how can you say for sure it wasn’t something that warranted violence right there, after trying to resolve the issue for a whole 2 years? For 2 years peaceful methods didn’t work, I think thats a good indication that it was serious enough for this. The other options are getting lots of people involved for a fight, getting cops involved, or unnessecary litigation…I think a one on one fight is the best course of action that was left to them. I’m sure neither of them wanted to fight right there, but it happenned. I don’t see the point of trying to condemn both these guys for something that most likely won’t even amount to anything.
Yeah, I agree the location wasn’t the best but…sometimes you just don’t have the time to stop and think, plus there were supposed to be lookouts or something so nobody was supposed to find out in the first place.
this thread is way out of control.