Desmond Pinkeny beat the shit out of Sanford Kelly at the Break.....What Happened?!

I only said the shit was fake cause I felt bad about airing personal laundry like that, but it goes against my morals as a Marvel journalist and being true to myself. Fuck that. The fight did happen. I report the truth. Sorry Sanford nothing personal. The fight happened, so what? You wanna hate me for saying the truth. Fuck you…keep reading cause you know you will.

~Born to Play~

Hopefully before this thread is closed and something unfortunately happens to blazinflo in terms of this site, allow me to tell the truth about this, since it just couldn’t be kept a secret, by the asswhole who told Blazinflo! Pardon the language. First thing is first. The fight between X and Santhrax has acutally nothing to do with MVC2. The fight all transpired over a personal situation between them as men, long before even X became Empire. This issue was suppressed by X and Santhrax because they were both in the Empire, and as X so eloquently put it “To keep the peace for the sake of the everybody.” This understanding has kept them from getting into a fight ever since. Unfortunately, Santhrax said something to somebody, which I will not bring the other names of the other people who promoted this, and you know who you are. (and I’m not talking about Blazinflo.) Word got back to X, and X was tired of being the dipolmatic one…SOOOOOo…he simply said he will not ruin the tournament, he will wait and after the tournament he will step out in the back with Santhrax like a man and simply ask him if he said what he heard. If Santhrax said yes, then X would let him know that he is going to fight him. X, myself and Santhrax all spoke about it while the tournament was going on, and they both agreed to wait until after the tournament.

After the tournament only 4 people were invovled in watching it go down. X, myself, Santhrax, and another person who I will not name because I don’t want to get him involved. If he wishes to get involved then he will implicate himself. The two went out in the back, they talked, X asked Santhrax if he said he was going to punch him (X) in the face, Santhrax looked down at X’s hands, as X made a fist ready. Santhrax then said yes, and put up his hands and the two fought. Now since most of you want to know the details of exactly what happened, because most of you (for those that fit drama whore: not saying I’m not) Here is what happened. Like most fights, X threw the first punch. Over hook; like most normal fights. Santhrax ducked, luckly or he would have gotten knocked clean out. They got into a tussle, then they both were in a hugged position trying to hold each others arms down so the other couldn’t swing. X then pushed Santhrax on the wall mad hard, then Santhrax retailiated and pushed X back on the hood of the truck. Then it got a bit violent after that, as if it wasn’t already. The slams by the two must of have hurt. Then they just let go of each others arms and just started to swing on each other. From what I saw, and I have 20/20 vision, they both were punching each other in the head and face. It only lasted about what…10 seconds. then they grabed each other and tried to go for holds. Then they were there talking shit to each other.

During that time…Dumb ass Erik, had to open the door, causing attention to the back. You my man Erik but that was a dumb move dogs. We wanted them to settle their issues like men in private and get it out of their system. Oh…MATRIX where were you! Anyway, because Erik tried to force the door on me and the other person tha was out there, it brought Phi and Chris Cotty’s attention to what was going on in the back. Once I saw them two coming when I was forcing the door back on Erik, I quickly told the other person that was outside with me to hold the door while I break up X and Santhrax. I jumped on them and told them to stop the owner was coming but they wouldn’t let go of each other. Then low and behold, Cotty came and ripped X right off of Santhrax and handed him to Phi. Then Santhrax started to beast, saying all types of shit. Cotty bear hugged him and told him that he would break him in half if he did not calm down, because he will not allow that type of situation from going down. After the two calmed down they were seperated. I then spoke to Phi and Chris cotty about the nature of the isolated situation. I wanted them to understand that this fight was not about MVC2, it was about personal principles that they were both have thought to be disrespecting each other.

Now…for those that want to know who won, or who got hit more, or who’s face was more bruised. Don’t be a bitch, and grow up, this is not high School. The ACTUALLY honest result is tie, deal with it. I am glad it was, this way neither reputation is hurt and at the same time X and Santhrax has come to a understanding.

The Aftermath:
What bothers me the most about this entire issue is how everyone kept calling me asking me what happened and so forth, and they couldn’t take a hint that it wasn’t meant for the public to know, and I am now going to tell you all WHY. Dumb ass people who spread this, after having a few breif words with Chris Cotty, their is a possible chance that there may not be a ECCX because of the issue. X, Santhrax, myself, and Phi will all be talking with Chris to resolve this issue. The two will apologize to Chris Cotty face to face for their disrespect to his establishment, and I will reiterate my apology to Chris, on behalf of the Empire for the intrution on his property. “WE” and when I mean we, I mean all the mature and responsible people that are involved want this issue quitely and respectfully resolved with ECCX not in jeapordy. There will be no round 2 in CTF, (SO DON"T THINK ABOUT IT) This issue regarding X and Santhrax has ended, and the two have talked, via myself as a moderator so that they can both get their point across, and they both have a new and respectful understanding about their (PERSONAL) issue.

Now that, that issue is resolved, I have a new issue. Blazinflo, I hope you now understand why I don’t say something or tell you things, because you will take it out of porpotion. I actually looked at you as a grown man with respect, “seriously” but this move that you did is unbecoming of you. “Seriously” you are not helping the situation when you do this. You know how kids will react to this. We must show Phi and Chris that we are mature people and we can handle a isolated situation like this, with out making it more than what it is. Because now, you have idiots who think that this is some gangster shit and would want to try shit like this the next time. Chris is a no nosense guy, and does not tolerate people disrespecting his property. Once again phi, and Chris I apologize on X and Santhrax behalf. It was an isolated situation and it will not happen again. This situation is defused, and no more will be of it. LET IT DIE NOW! Until then.

PS: Jim Jim, be lucky Chris doesn’t know who you are, and what you actually did, or you be done. In my opinion I think you should keep you business on the low. Know one needs to know about what you did, with you know what. Besides…that’s X and I…you know something nevermind. Just keep it on the low.

My comment exactly.


^ Nice post.(edit: guy above the guy above me)

Can this thread be closed now.


Let TFGM mans post be the last and close the thread, so peeps can just read that and not let anybody contribute and yes that even includes this post


~Born to Play~

I agree to a degree with you about him keeping the community alive and running. I also agree with you about B.Flo being cool, online he is what he is, but in person he is cool. I am not going to take that from him. I am just saying that this thread was a bad move. WE all make mistakes, he shouldn’t be banned, and I will vote for him not to be if something like that happens, but I am just stating to him, that it was a bad move.

P.S. Storming Flower please edit your post and stop instigating this. On the real, whoever gets first site at this please DELETE all post under my explination and then lock the thread.

If you didn’t want to disrespect whoever’s property, then you probably shouldn’t have tried to facilitate a fight on the down-low and get apologetic only after getting busted.

Doesn’t strike me as any more mature than whatever the “kids on SRK” would have to say…

Pot, meet kettle.

[EDIT: And why keep your long-winded “explination” and delete everybody else’s posts? That’s not your call nor your jurisdiction. You might run Empire, but that’s it. The toothpaste is out of the tube, deal with it.]

~Born to Play~

:sad: oh boy…here we go. I can’t even blame you for making that statment, but I can say this; This fight was going to take place in the break. I and two other people calmed them down as best as we could but they wanted to duke it out. “THEY” yes “THEY”. We did everything we could to tell them to wait until they get to NYC, short of jumping in and fighting them to stop them. However we can not get in there way unless we use physical force. All I know is the second worst outcome has happened, and I am kind of relieved that it is only this bad. The worst was that it could have happened, and then the NJ police be involved then, that would have been the number one worst situation. I just have this to say, please do not make assumptions that we try to “facilitate” a secret fight. We did what we could to stop it. In my personal opinion…sometimes men need to take care of issues like gentlemen and they did that they best and natural way they could. The bad part was it was on Chris’s property. That is where we are at fault. But please do not act as if we didn’t try to defuse the situation.

PS. To answer your question about the delete of all the post (AFTER) my explination is to leave it at that. So no one else can amp the situation, like what you are doing now. I am not trying to run anything, just giving my opinion on how to best resolve the issue. It can be easily disagreed upon. I hate when people try to use that, I may be this and run that…please lets not get into that.

Damn just ban sanford and desmond from ecc, who the fuck cares if they go?

See…this is why!

What were they fighting over, who gets to order Justin Wong’s meal at Mcdonalds?

I’m not amping anything, if you want to explain just explain and keep your verbal jabs about whoever may be reading it out of things. That’s the only reason I had anything to say, I could give 2 shits about who fought or why. It doesn’t have any more to do with me than it does with you (ultimately).

And it’s not your call to say “delete all posts past mine”, no matter what it is you’re trying to avoid or however well-intended. Sorry… people say things you don’t like. It happens. Think you’d be used to it by now… :bgrin:

:clap: :clap:

This was pure money.

~Born to Play~

#1. I didn’t throw any specific direct verbal jabs at anyone. When I said “KIDS” I mean, if the shoe fits wear it. So basically you are saying that you took offense to it. But if you do not consider yourself one of those kids, then why is it bothering you? Especially when I don’t mean you, I don’t even know you. Who are you?

#2. You say you could give two craps about who is fighting…yet there is a post here from you. Remember you first post, that little metaphor that you put for me, the thing with the pot and kettle, well here is mine. “Practice what you preach”

#3. Your right and wrong about something. Your right that this has nothing to do with you, your wrong about it has nothing to do with me. It has a lot to do with me, how do you think I know everything, and explained? :confused:

#4. Your right it isn’t my call. I simply made a request…Wait…didn’t I say that already. Are you reading? Or do you just want to start something with me? Becuase if that is the case, I’m just going to let you know, I’m not interested.

#5. Yes, people do say things that I don’t like, and to be honest with you, I have gotten over it.

If they are cool like u said they were dont worry about it they are both grown ass men and can handle the situation. Honestly Tri-Force there shouldn’t have even been an explaination. It just really is a shame, altho i know they had beef from awhile ago. I thought that shit waaz dead. People wanna hype up this shit just to get a laugh out of it, like i said before dont even pay attention to it…

From this day forward can we refer to these players as Desmond and Sanford. Jesus H.

6 pages…about 14 more to go!!!

Blah blah blah… half the time if you’d just chill instead of trying to explain everything and have the last word, you’d probably get the result you wanted.

I really don’t care who fought. This is entertainment, as it should be. This is just another thread to read & post in. I don’t know either of those guys and I don’t plan on talking about the fight like it’s schoolyard gossip or something so… yeah. I care a lot [/sarcasm].

You talk smack to the very board that you want to drop the issue; brilliant.

I’m just a regular guy like yourself. Well, maybe a little more regular than that… :rofl:

Tell you what, since you want to go back & forth I’ll just keep bumping this m*therfucker every so often until I get bored. Happy?

I take fiber so I’m always regular… ok bad joke.

Blaziniflo: People hate the media, so whether you’re telling the truth or not, people won’t like it. Especially if you go behind peoples backs as you do. Seriously, does SRK need its own poperatizi? I wouldn’t be surprised if either Sanford of Desmond kicked your ass for this stunt (that is what the poperatizi deserves and if you want the role then accept the outcomes).