Desmond Pinkeny beat the shit out of Sanford Kelly at the Break.....What Happened?!

I guess that “you look like Yao Ming with down syndrome” flame a while back seriously fucked him up.

Wow, just wow.

This shit is fucking retarded. Close it and ban his ass.


Puts Blazinflo on Ignore list

Because I really don’t care. But of course you’ll prolly post some witty reply on how I have orgies with my family, small dick compliments, how much I don’t matter to you, other grade 3 insults or whatever self-hate comments you decide to project onto others but don’t bother. I can’t see you actually.



co-sign w/ OrangeCat. Blazin throwing a retort @ you over this shit would just be to easy, u ol’ Karate Kid 2, Chozen lookin’…

But besides that, was I the only one looking on the poll for the option “Desmond looks like Donatello from TMNT”.

you are stupid.

this thread was great though… we need this type of drama to keep things fresh.

yeap bad influence on dez we are…

Co-Sign as well. Jeez doing this type of shit is just :lame:

ohh shit!

danmm! i thought i won the break award 4 baggin shorty in the bathRM…but that fight beats any thing lol… :clap: :smokin: :smokin:

Black people are volatile and unpredicatable… is winning

i hear they sellin dvds of the fight? let me know ill get one?

what a :lame: coverup

wow you are a bunch of fucking crybabies. Crying no joy after you get all emotional over a subject where you aren’t even involved in. STFU. You little bitches. Ain’t my fault you people are all emotional and shit and start breaking down whenever anyone take your senses for a ride. Beat it cocksucker. And if you get your ass kicked I’ll post that shit too. If I get my ass kicked I’d expect someone to post that shit. And if Desmond and Sanford really did fight, you’ld bet you ass I’ll post it. That the price of fame in the Marvel Community so fuck off you cocksucking fanboys. You’re the ones reading like some gossipmonger housewife.


well i was entertained. now ban him and close thread kthx

heh, couldnt have said it better myself.

all of you blaziniflo haters need to STFU, because he is just too cool and 90% of you all have never even met the guy. and he is the only thing that is keeping this mvc2 thing interesting, so why are you all hating on him? i dont see any of you doing anything to get people interested in this forum. and all of you dickriders need to stfu about banning him, because its not going to happen.

There are better ways. Lurkers we’ll get to whatever page on this thread and see this lame excuse of “hype” or “joke” and be like :lame: and not register. I’m sure they are like me and don’t give a rat’s ass if 2 strangers play a game and come to fisticuffs over it.

Had this really happened and there was a duscussion then I’m sure people would register to chime in their .02 and maybe become regular part of this forum.

Well hes stupid online but cool in real life, which matters more then this online bullshit. That 500 u won is how u giving someone the free ticket to Ecc. It waz free like that justin? :rofl: