Eh it’s not but so strange. I’ve gotten into arguments that almost turned into fights over games and all that was at risk in those matches was .25
so it’s not hard to see this happening. Hell…I’d have thought it would have happened earlier.
I think regardless if Justin posted this or not, somehow, this would have gotten on SRK. Unless this is just a false rumor started by Justin, but obviously, we’re gonna need confirmation from other people.
Wow, talk about disappointment…
I can’t believe in all the years that competitive SF has been going on that something like this went down.
Sorry Sanford, but you can’t expect something like this to not leak onto SRK. Contrary to popular belief, this is a rather small circle of people. Eventually, all the dirt floats to the surface, no matter how hard you try to drown it.
This has nothing to do with money, this is all about sportsmanship. While SF doesn’t have strict guidelines for player conduct, and there’s been plenty of rivalry throughout the years, there’s always been the underlying mutual respect between other players. Last weekend’s antics showed that some people don’t feel that such respect is necessary. It’s a shame, considering how much the scene has shrunk in the last few years and that the only real time we see any amount of people are at the majors and regionals.
Say what you want about me not being there or any other excuses, at least I never fought anyone like a child.
Werent you there when Nightmare James got into a fight and tried to give the guy an indian rub burn and got knocked out?
Besides that, this is the only other fight I can think of at the break, but i only been going like 5 years not 12 or 13
I bet it wasn’t really a fight…probably just some shoving and stuff. Were any punches thrown? Well…maybe they fought over fried chicken or…a girl…or…maybe Desmond picked the Black Sentinel and Sanford got angry…haha
Wow your a little fuckin shit head. I used to think that you were just an ass on srk just to humor yourself. But obviously by making threads like these you have nothing better to do than suck on all the other marvel players nuts because your skills arent worth shit. You claim marvel is dead yet you all you do is make marvel related threads. Please, the only next thread worth anyones time made by you is when someone kicks your ass and gets it on tape… please do us a favor and post that instead.
Damn yo at first i thought it waz a joke. Actually im sorry to hear that since im mad cool with both of them. Sanford dont pay attention to this thread.
at least it wasn’t over a pizza…
still fucked this shit happened tho’
Wrong choice of words also for the title and poll info. This shit sounds like paparazzi.
What is this, fucking high school shit?
Close this thread already.
can someone translate this???
im outi
I dont see the call the close the thread like this. This is a very newsworthy item in the realm of fighting game tournaments. Now the hyping of the fight that is going on is another matter altogether. I am more interested in who started it and why.
Shit, are you going to talk about it over lunch period, like right before you trade your fucking peanut butter and jelly sandwhich? Is it something to talk about during recess?
Give me a break. If you want actual violence, turn on your local station to the news, the last thing the fighting game community needs is this shit.
“can someone translate this?”
Its quite easy to understand…
“Why all eyes on me what yall some type of fags.”
- Why do all of you care what happened to me? what are you? homosexuals?
“NIGGAS are Iming asking me what happened all day leave me the fuck alone.”
- People keep Instant Messaging me all day without rest, asking me what happened. Please, leave me alone.
“YO justin why did you post something like this yo this has got to be the stupidest thing you have ever done on srk thats like me posting YOUR GIRL NAME/HOME/CELL NUMBER WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU POST THAT ME AND DESMOND HAD A FIGHT.”
- Justin, you’re a moron for doing something this stupid on SRK. It would be like me posting up your girlfriend’s Name, Home and Cell numbers. Why would you post something as serious and personal like me and Desmond having a fight, on SRK?.
“Why niggas are always saying shit like this is to be spoken about online.”
- Why do people think that occurances like this one are to be spoken about online? Some things are just personal.
- Moderators, please close this thread.
I thought it was easy to understand… i dunno why you couldnt understand it.
Two fairly well-know players get into a real fight because one beat the other at a tourney. Ya not newsworthy at all :rolleyes:
OLD, we been beating nigga down here in LA over stuff like this… :rolleyes:
Just goes to show how serious some people take MvC2. :tdown:
My guess is that X got tired of being behind Sanford all the time and simply snapped.
THIS WAS A JOKE!!! I REPEAT THIS WAS A JOKE!!! No fight actually took place, the owner of the break would never stand for something like that. This was just a promotional tactic for marvel and it was rather tasteless on my end. But you know what, if you actually believed it, you’re really dumb. Sanford and Desmond have been friends for years. My original idea was Desmond and Wigfalll got into a fight, but I think 1st place and 2nd place fighting would have been better. If anyone was hurt over any of this…fuck you if you can’t take a joke.
Ban this bitch!
Funniest fuckin thread ever
you should be a fucking comedian
Ban his ass.