Demon Village Redux: Firebrand Video Thread

For three meters and two TACs, you should be doing a crapload more damage. I mean, 920k is great for Firebrand, but there are better options for getting it. Just as an example, you could have done two repetitions of Lightning Loops and gotten the same amount of damage (or more) for less meter and only one TAC.
I will admit that TAC in the middle of Rekkoha is pretty stylish and sneaky, though I’m not convinced it’s worth it for anything but looking cool and maybe getting some extra meter.
Also, just as an observation, running Zero and Firebrand on the same team seems kind of redundant. They serve the same basic function in terms of what they contribute to a team. And neither of them have particularly great assists in general, much less for each other. You could do a similar setup with Firebrand/Strange or Zero/Vergil (or Dante) and have a better team in either case.

You will only get two meter max without the Rekkoha trick, and that tops around 750k. The extra meter comes from the down TAC during the beam. That is the basis of the trick, the opponent cannot block the down TAC if you do the exchange before the beam goes away. Timing is strict, but a little practice and youll get it. This is the most consistant optimal damage, you can add one more c.heavy before the last launch if the uppercut assist hits less, but for the specifics its a difference of 30k so mehh. It more or less extends the combo, you can lighting loop after the last TAC if you light qcf to Soggonomu(sp?) but really 930k takes care of the majority of the cast.

As for team choice, I’m one of those people who chooses teams based on character loyalty. Plus Zero is just a stand-in for the purpose of the tech, I also point Shuma (My mainnnnn dude right there) as well as Viper and Akuma depending on the matchup.

I appreicate the feedback tho, stay free!

I played my second set of matches using my new team of Firebrand/Dormammu/Shuma-Gorath. I won’t pretend that either me or my opponent played well, but I’m curious to receive feedback on my general strategies and ideas, particularly from experienced Firebrand and Shuma-Gorath players, and anyone who uses Dormammu/Shuma-Gorath.

Matches start at 2:04. The first match is especially bad, haha. The second match at 4:00 is probably a better place to start if you’re interested in seeing the team concept come together a bit. I constantly experiment throughout the matches, so lots of weird things happen.

Keep in mind that this is my first time having a neutral assist since I started playing Ultimate. :-X

Your play is solid, if nothing else. I can see that you were experimenting with when to cross-up, when to go for unblockables, and when to use/fake the DHC glitch. I know there are ways around each of those strategies (depending on character), but you kept it varied enough that I was never completely sure which one you were going to go with.

That said, it was pretty clear that Roxen had no idea how to approach you at all. If you ever got him to full screen, he basically lost the game right there. Granted, getting close to Dorm is no easy task in general, and with She-Hulk it’s laughable. But Trish should have been able to make headway, especially against Firebrand. Hopefully he got some good learning experience from this set.

One thing I did notice is that 9 times out of 10, Bon Voyage was beating Trish’s divekick, but at least once (around 41:00) it loses out. I’m now curious if this is about priority or just hitboxes. I also wonder how strict the timing is for using Taking Out the Trash to counter Firebrand’s approach; that may have gotten Roxen out of a few situations. Just some things to check out anyway.

Yeah, Roxen is still on the newer side of learning the game. He’s primarily a Tekken player, but he’s a good Tekken player.

Trish’s divekick wins at ~41:00 because Firebrand is too far below her for Bon Voyage to connect well at that height.

Here’s a match just this weekend of me getting bopped by FilipinoChamp at NCR. This guy is just a beast, if anything you can take from this video, it’s how NOT to play against Magz @_@

Even with me getting utterly blown up, i still think Firebrand has a good chance to put down Magneto. Firebrands air game puts a lot of the magnetic blast zoning on the backburner since he can swoop up Magz for free if he’s too careless. Unlike last time i played him, he didn’t let me get in on him and kept me pretty far away. He wised up to the trying to take me head on and figured out it was better to keep him away and fish for the hit.

Any ideas/tips you guys can include can really help as well (aside from not dropping combos/setups).


You always cancel your M dives into M dives to get closer. Instead, cancel your M dive into a normal(j.H or j.S are best for their active frames) and you keep your momentum as if it were an airdash. It’s faster and you can still cancel the normal into other dives if you want. Doing dive into dive is really slow. IMO this is necessary to have good Firebrand movement.

Less raw grounded Bon Voyages. I counted 3 or 4 and one of them would have gotten you killed if he didn’t drop it. You don’t really have the assist to cover it unless you switch to Plasma Beam.

Try to use SJ M fireballs to snipe Doom.

When you’re DHCing out, use Dark Fire instead. Being in Luminous Body isn’t very useful on incoming and DHCing out with it prevents you from being able to DHC into it, which is where it is most useful. Also, Dark Fire at SJ height will cover the entire screen with a fast, high durability projectile, eating all non-hyper projectiles on the screen and allowing for better DHCs for your other characters.

In this match-up, I would have switched to Plasma Beam. Countercall his Missiles and allows you to control the ground. IMO if I ran your team, I’d keep Plasma Beam as the primary assist and switch to Missiles for counterpicks.

I don’t like Firebrand vs Magneto. SJ into j.H confirms don’t let Firebrand play at SJ height and his projectiles are better. And he’ll actually build enough meter to DHC and kill off of pretty much every hit, which Firebrand can’t guarantee. His runaway is also way faster than Firebrand’s.

Thanks for the tips, i’ll try using Dark Fire to DHC out more. I swear, it’s like you have a gameplan ready and you’re all set to body the person you play on stream…and the moment you’re on there everything goes flying out the window. I was a little too anxious to get my antoine dodson on xD

Hope you guys get a laugh. Cross Assault Glitch.

Nice. Of course now I’m curious… does Assist-brand get infinite Chaos Tide? Because that would be bonkers.

MarlinPie was in Raleigh again and I played him (1:49:32) in winners at our weekly. I switched to my old team with Akuma on it to help fight Viper.

Also, at 3:23:45, I played against a GA player who came with RoachKing named HighTech. MODOK/Hulk/Doom. Turns out I used to play TF2 on the Xbox with this guy. Small world.

As many of you might know, Honzo has been labbing with Firebrand. He recently put up this set vs. Apologyman. While it’s a bit…one-sided, it’s still one of the only examples we have of what the FB mirror is supposed to look like. Behold:

Yeah, though it’s clear that Honzo has less experience with Firebrand (both playing as and against), he’s definitely putting in work and it was far from a total beatdown.

A really easy way to go from corner to corner with Firebrand. I’ve been looking for something really online friendly and this one does the trick. It may or may not be new, but I haven’t seen it yet so here it is anyway. Useful for Doom, Frank, or whoever else can do raw tag stuff with FB. (I put the video up recently so the quality might be bad as youtube is “still processing” it)

I was looking at that exact thing and I could not get it consistent. Obviously the Bon Voyage hitbox has to hit after you go under them, but its still tricky to do.

I tested on which characters you can do this on. These are the results.

Doesn’t Work On:

Rocket Raccoon, Sentinel, Dorm, Tron, Shuma, Wolverine, X23, Phoenix, Captain America, Modok, Iron Fist, Firebrand, Frank, Spencer, Felicia, Akuma, Nemesis

Works On:

Thor Zero Iron Man Storm Hawkeye Vergil Dante Strider Nova Magneto Skrull Doom Arthur Hulk Taskmaster She Hulk Deadpool Spiderman Ghost Rider C.Viper Wesker Ammy Haggar V.Joe Chun Ryu Trish Chris Morrigan

I might be wrong for some characters in the “Doesn’t work on” list. Going to double check later lol

Just trying to squeeze out as much meter as I can out of Firebrand’s combos.

There was a small tournament in Rocky Mount, NC on Saturday. The only other good player that showed up was my friend OJ (Konfucious, the same guy who got 5th at Civil War this year). Here is grand finals. He normally gives me a lot more trouble than this but I was on a roll today.

omg your confirms were godlike in this match, I guess they have to be when you use hidden missiles. Also don’t forget to use luminous when you are up in meter and doom is trying to come back on you. Overall super clean match you da bess Kresent :slight_smile:

Something that I see you (And other Firebrands) use that I really need to start doing is using Luminous Body and then doing j.L -> Bon Voyage. I just get stuck in this mentality of saving all my meter for Dormammu that I never end up using Luminous Body, even if I have excess meter/No Dormammu.

Thanks though. I love getting compliments from top players :]