Demon Village Redux: Firebrand Video Thread

Oh cool, they’ve posted pools already.

You’ve got this, Kresent.

According to his Twitter, Viscant is too sick to go.
Con: You don’t get to fight Viscant.
Pro: You don’t HAVE to fight Viscant.

Part of me wanted to play him but I’m free to Wesker/Haggar and I’m REALLY free to Phoenix. So this is in my favor.

I’m with you. I can handle Wesker OK, but “dat pipe” seems to hard-counter my Firebrand, which is extremely frustrating.

That’s why you need Skrull buddy ^__^!

My match vs Ranmasama in loser finals of pool 12 at FR16


You had some amazing matches. I learned a few tricks and I wish I could air throw like you lol.
Anyway, my main concern was that you were chasing Magneto with flight techniques instead of wavedashing (or plinking if you prefer) to catch him. FB’s wavedash is very fast and it would’ve helped IMO.

This is true but I don’t really have a horizontal assist on my team. My ground approach isn’t very strong because of this. Especially against Magneto who has a beam+Lariat. I need to work on it.

Ever consider swapping Doom for Sentinel?

That missed follow-up after unblockable in the first game made me tear up a little. Really good matches overall.
I know that Missiles are really helpful for Dorm, but have you considered Plasma Beam? Possibly Firebrand’s best assist, IMO (even though I refuse to use Doom myself), and it’s good for Dorm teleport crossups.
But as Mystic said, Drones is a solid choice, too. My current team is FB/Dorm/Sent.


I refuse to use Doom too! Why do you hate him? It’s good to see a kindred spirit.

Honestly, it’s mostly Foot Dive salt combined with the fact that I find him really boring to use. I don’t think he’s a bad character by any stretch of the imagination, but I’ve never had fun using him.

No to Sentinel. Trading out Doom for causes me to lose hard tag combos and the amazing TACs. Doom is also a significantly better character than Sentinel and the missiles are way more useful for Dormammu than drones.

I try Plasma Beam for some matches but I’m still figuring it out. I don’t like it that much for Dormammu though and Dormammu on this team does more work than Firebrand does.

I think Sentinel is underrated in this game. He has great normals and if you plink then he has good mobility/speed/and pressure.

Sentinel is definitely not as bad as people think. Solo/assist wise, however, his huge hurtbox is a huge deal when the game is shifting towards flooding the screen.

Great matches. Your Firebrand movement is very clean and I really like the elevators at the end of the blockstrings to stay safe.

Why do you play FB/Dorm/Doom instead of FB/Doom/Dorm? You are using your x factor to save Dorm instead of banking on anchor Doom and the damage you get from having Dorm second is all coming from TACs.

Also, why are you snapping in his Magneto?

Thank you.

I play FB/Dorm/Doom for the DHC into Dormammu. I’ve thought about running Doom second for the TACs but the momentum seems to work so much better with Dorm second. In this match, I didn’t get to do it too often but normally it is my primary method of killing. Also in this case, teh DHC doesn’t work on Dormammu. I’m not too keen on anchor Dormammu though so I’ll have to think about it.

I snap in Magneto because I was more worried about Dorm+Disruptor than I was Dorm+Haggar. There is absolutely no way I can kill Haggar off the first touch without an infinite. Plus all my friends/training partners/people who have played him told me that his XF3 Magneto is his scariest character.

Here’s a recent match of mine. Someone trips over the chord to the stream halfway in haha (the whole screen goes black as well).

On a less scrubby note, here’s FGTV’s stream of ApologyMan reppin’ that Brandy Swag

I was randomly browsing youtube and found these combo videos.

Here is one of my Firebrand (on point) BNBs


The idea here is to cancel Rekkoha into Luminous Body, then sneak an untechable (timing is key!) down TAC into the mix before the beam goes away giving you that second Rekkoha off the meter gain. Requires one meter and one TAC

It is my first combovid post so I hope it helps!