Definitive Retail Playstation 4 Arcade Sticks List with Info/Facts/Photos/Advantages/Disadvantages

this was $60 at igotnext in monrovia, ca. feels better than the madcatz (and the owner could have easily sold me that one instead). it also has the square gate which i prefer

That doesnā€™t work for PS4, which means it doesnā€™t belong in this thread. Thanks anyways.

Side note:

I have a lot of information to edit on the main post soon. Weā€™ve confirmed the V3/VX (Kai versions) plexis from Tek Innovations wonā€™t fit with the HRAP v4 Kai. BUTā€¦ Art has a HRAP v4 Kai on the way, so heā€™ll have new plexis.

Also new information provided via @jonyfraze and several other stuff too. Will post rundown of update when done.

i bought it 2 years ago before ps4 was releasedā€¦ pretty sure they have one now since they build their own stuff. anyway, try giving them a call, the ownerā€™s a nice guy

I just bought one of these bad boys, works really smooth!

It uses a hori PS4 padhack for the PS4 it has a easy switch for PS3/PS4 on the back.

Makestick has several solutions, wired, wireless, macro, they will also fit any lever into the stick too and any buttons, and they sell it for around 160 dollars.
Iā€™m not sure that they ship outside of Korea.

Thatā€™s dope thereā€™s a PS4 stick with a Fanta. Not fond of the color scheme but thatā€™s cool that it exists. If you got one of these, are you stationed in Korea right now then?

You can always customize the artwork :wink: I live in Denmark Europe so no, but my GF is from there so we visit Korea a couple times a year. ill post some more pics of the stick.

Wow, they just put a hori fc4 pad hack in there.

I donā€™t blame them : p

Looks like theyā€™re using their own daughter board though.

-Updated main post with TekInnovations/ArtsHobbies status on plexis for the newest style Hori base sticks via @arthong
-Updated info provided via @jonyfraze
-Still need to provide more photos including of inside case and PCB via various sources and in the individual stick threads

I appreciate this input, but this is still a custom stick maker and wouldnā€™t be considered retail. The fact that it has a nice box and documentation gives it the retail feel, but Itā€™s not available on any global type scale, and is obviously still a custom stick with a Hori padhack. Thank you though.

@FrankCastleAZ it looks like thereā€™s gonna be a Exaprize looking style stick coming out on 4/23 for $160.

Aww it is so cute

Heinously fugly would be my descriptor of choice.

If I can get a job soon, Iā€™d buy that stick just so I can beat people with some Fisher Price stick. Also, I listen/watch Bururaji on Nicovideo so Iā€™d have Sugita, Kanako, and Asami sign it.

You might like this then

Dual-mods of the V-tech Smile joystick by @Gummo and @Phreakazoid

Imagine the look of peoples faces when you beta then with THIS

Thanks! Hey @Gummo and/or @Phreakazoid , do you guys still have your Fisher Price sticks. Iā€™d like buy one from either of you some time this year.

Thatā€™s weird in the first makestick they have a picture of it using a ds4 pcb and then in the second picture itā€™s a hfc4. Iā€™m curious how they wired up both.

That vsmile stick is at my old address somewheres. Forgot what pcb I was using but I know itā€™s only for ps3.


Thatā€™s a DQ waiting to happen.

@Gummo Thatā€™s good enough for me and my purposes. Just bop someone in UNIEL, GGXrd, or something and one and done 'em. Iā€™m still interested if you want to part ways with it.

Select Plinking right out the box :wink: